How to Create Content People Actually Care About


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Content 101: How to Create Content People Actually Care About

Jay Acunzo@Jay_zo#ILYmktg

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo2

Context On Me


Senior Content Manager

Co-Founder |

Digital Media Strategist

Director of Content

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo3

Editor’s Note


This was NOT optimized for SlideShare, so some context is missing. I apologize. I am uploading this for the class I taught that has the full context.

Want to learn more, have me speak, or have me shut up and just send more context via email? Happy to! Shoot me a tweet @Jay_zo

Thanks! Jay

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo4

HubSpot Sells Software, But...

• 5-8 blog posts/day

• 7-10 premium offers/month

• 2M views, 230K subscribers

• 50K monthly leads

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo5

Holy Scale, Batman!

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo6


How we staff, prepare, and execute

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo7


• Why Content?

• Content @ HubSpot

• How We Operate

• Example Campaign

• My Promise

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo8


• Why Content?

• Content @ HubSpot

• How We Operate

• Example Campaign

• My Promise

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo

The #1 challenge facing HubSpot’s 10,000

customers...(And really, most marketers.)

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo


Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo

It doesn’t need to be so damn


Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo

Too many assume creating great content requires divine intervention .

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo

Others sit & pray forcreative sparks to

strike as needed.

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo

And some shoot for brilliance: “We need thought leadership !”

It’s actually lousy content for building audiences,

especially at first.(More on that later.)

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo

They are


Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo16

Great Feats of Content


Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo17

Great Feats of Content


Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo

You can practice content marketing sustainably and

scalably without waiting for the muse to visit.

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo19


• Why Content?

• How to Execute

• My Promise

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo

To be a great modern marketer is to accept

1 simple truth:

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo

Consumers have all the power.


1 simple truth:

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo

There are 3 BIG reasons why:

3the proliferation of media,a history of brand deception, and the historic pace of change in modern tech.

(Via @Shannopop)

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo

In 2011, there were over one TRILLION pages on the internet.

Source: CNN

(that’s 417 web pages per person!)

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo

Every two days, we create as much information as we did

from the dawn of civilization up until 2003.

Eric SchmidtFormer CEO of Google

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo

The Appearance of Advertising in Human Communication.

(Graphic via @TBLittwin @Shannopop)

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo{Advertising

first pervaded all things print.

400 years

(Graphic via @TBLittwin @Shannopop)

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo

Then found its way into radio, TV, mailers, and the telephone. {

48 ye


Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo

{In the last 20 years, it’s penetrated almost every digital channel.

22 years

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo

Info Explosion >> Options >> Choice

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo

Consumers have all the power.

So if...

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo

Make Stuff People Want

(21st Century Marketing)

Make People Want Stuff(20th Century Marketing)

Then, to capture attention...


Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo

|But How?

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo33


• Why Content?

• How to Execute

• My Promise

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo34

Create a Content Mission Example via HubSpot:Empower and inspire businesses 1 to 1,000 strong to transform into modern, human companies people love:

inbound companies.

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo35

Lean on 3 Things


Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo36

#1 – PeopleNot HubSpotter. PhotoBomber.

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo37

Gut-check: Am I okay with this resource commitment?

“Robots haven’t replaced the writers.”

Must equip your people with Personas and Process to boost efficiency & success

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo38

#2 – Personas


Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo

What Are Buyer Personas?Fictional representations of your ideal customers based on real data about demographics and behavior, along with educated speculation about personal histories, motivations, and concerns.

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo40

Attract the Right Audience

“Totally agree!”

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo41

Avoid the Wrong Audience

“Totally agree!”“Poppycock!”

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo42

“I target marketers”

Mary Marketer

Good:• Exhaustive basics• Step by step help• Lighthearted, peppy tone

Bad: • Cutting-edge trends• Access to betas, free stuff• Smart, funny, techie feel

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo43

“I target marketers”

Mikey Marketer

Good:• Cutting-edge trends• Access to betas, free stuff• Smart, funny, techie feel

Bad: • Exhaustive basics• Step by step help• Lighthearted, peppy tone

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo44

“Create content for marketers.”

“Create content for Mary.”


Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo

Exercise! Buyer Persona

1. Think of a REAL customer you love. 2. Create a persona rough draft below.

What Are Buyer Personas?Fictional representations of your ideal customers based on real data about demographics and behavior, along with educated speculation about personal histories, motivations, and concerns.Grab Your Free Template:

My Real Customer: ______________ Job Title: ______________

Gender: ____ Approx. Age: ____ Approx. HHI: ____ Marital Status: ____

List 3 of their day-to-day challenges:1.



List 3 identifiers/personality traits1. 2.3.

List 3 places they consume content1. 2.3.

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo46

#3 – Process

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo47

Monthly Process

1. Plan2. Produce3. Distribute4. Analyze

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo48

Planning = Infrastructure




3 Idea Pipeline

4 Ed. Cal.

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo

ProTip to Scale


& Drive ROI

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo

Create Content Offers 1st.

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo

Why Offers? Drive a business

action Makes content


Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo

Generate More Offers

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo

Generate Blog Posts

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo54

Views spike upon launch

Crashes, but not to zero

Typical “How To” Post

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo55

Also spikes, but crashes to zero

Lack of demand = uncertain traffic

Vs. Thought Leadership

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo56

Weeks later, still some views

Brick by Brick: Be Helpful

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo57

Boosted by Old Posts

Other Posts Lifted

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo58



• 70% of traffic, leads from posts >1 month old• 5-7 of Top 10 monthly posts are >1 month old

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo59


1. Infrastructure enables speed2. Personas help you resonate3. Start with offers. Be helpful!4. 90:10 helpful:risky

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo60

Exercise! Think about your persona rough draft Craft a basic production pipeline

Answer These:1. What 1 content offer could you create to

drive action? (e.g. XYZ ebook, buyer guide, etc.)2. What 3 posts can directly solve their

day-to-day challenges?

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo61

Distribute Your Content

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo62


1.User indicators (views, shares)

2.Business objectives (new leads, coupon downloads, etc.)

3.Content offers metric: Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo63


• Why Content?

• How to Execute

• My Promise

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo

How do we...Make Stuff

People Want(21st Century Marketing) scale?

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo65

Sometimes, We’ll Get It Right



(HubSpot Content Downloads)

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo66

But Other Times... (Our bad!)

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo67

Holy Scale, Batman!

So If You’re Saying:

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo68

I Want to Be Able to Say:Never Fear!

Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo69


Jay Acunzo - @jay_zo

Free Resources• List/find jobs, attend events, network

• • Buyer persona template

•• Editorial calendar template

•• Tons of free content creation templates

• (gated)• HTML Hacks for Marketers interactive site

•• 160 business stock photos

• (gated)• Monthly marketing report template

