How to Share Content People Love


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How to Share Content People Love

Social media has been around long enough and has a good enough track record as a great way to engage customers that no one really doubts its potential as a marketing medium.

As social engagement matures, one of the key questions now is how to offer content that people love and want to share with others.

You’re already sharing great content so here are some top tips to keep that momentum going and working for you.

Keep track of analytics

To get ahead on social media, it’s no longer sufficient to simply have a lot of followers and fans. You need to also know what they like, what they don’t, and what kind of content they respond best to.

Fortunately, there's a plethora of marketing analytics tools on the market to help you track what types of content engage your customers most. Some tools are even built right into the social platforms, so be sure to use them.

What you learn from marketing analytics data may surprise you. “You can compare the results of one piece of content against another to get better insight into what type of information your target audience is interested in,” explains SalesHub’s Tyler Abbott. “Compare the conversion rates of your landing pages, blog posts, ebooks, and whitepapers against each other and you can learn more about your customers’ interests, so you can better target them in the future. Perhaps certain formats, topics, or writing styles seem to work better than others, so you should use them more often.”

Be an early adopter When new social platforms hit the market, snap up an account and give it a try.

When social video sharing service Periscope launched, no one was really sure what to make of it at first. Would customers be interested in watching live-streaming video from their favorite brands? Was it worth including in a marketing plan? The answer is a resounding yes.

Automaker Nissan was an early adopter of Periscope, using it to unveil its 2016 Maxima at the New York Auto Show earlier this year. It was such a success the company now uses it as a regular part of its marketing campaigns, including live-streaming from racing events it sponsors.

The benefit to being an early adopter is that you have an opportunity to iron out any kinks before the platform gets crowded. Once customers start signing up for the new service you’ve already established a presence and will be a step ahead of the competition.

Connect with influencers

“Involve influencers in the creation of a piece of content, and they have a vested interest to help promote it. Do an interview with a targeted expert, request a guest post for your blog or get a quote for an article you’re already writing,” suggests Marcus Taylor on Social Media Examiner.

One sure-fire way to get your content seen is to create relationships with influencers in your industry.

“Another tactic is to ask several influencers for a quote, recommendation or their opinion on a subject that relates to your industry.”
