How to use Facebook Ads - Social Media Marketing 101


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What is it that helps you make those

Million Fans on Facebook?

NOT the Viral Approach. Certainly NOT Always.

Its Facebook Ads!

P.S. When Smartly Optimized..

Lets Show You How It Works!

Atleast What We Know!

Facebook Ads

Elements of a Facebook Ad in order of appeal to a user:

• Picture• Title (25 characters)• Body (130 characters)

So What is it that you NEED to take care of?

Actually a Lot of Things!

WAT to Do?

• Be grammatically correct

• Use a relevant picture

• Use an action picture or something slightly provocative

• Target the correct people

• Have a call to action

• Use a landing page– Facebook ONLY checks one level deep. So make sure your

landing page is relevant and sales/money/asking-for-info free.

• Be as targeted as possible.

Who can you Target?

Actually a good 25 Million people with a Lot of Targeting Options..

Targeting Options

• Location• Keyword• Connection • Relationship• Age 

• Birthday• Education• Gender• Workplace (B2B)• Language 

If you don’t know what keywords to use, Click Next

Targeting - Keywords

Identify Keywords

1. Google Keyword Tool

This tool can take your product’s website and generate a list of keywords

2. Google Trends

Trends will show you which countries, cities and areas search your keyword(s) the most. It will also tell you which language.

What You can do with Facebook Ads?

Promote a Facebook Page, Event, App, other destination on Facebook, or your own website.

You can specify a custom message and call-to-action.

Relevant actions from the viewer's friends will automatically be shown to build word-of-mouth awareness.

Types of Ads

1. With the LIKE Button

2. Stamp Ads to External Links

3. Sponsored Stories

We’re JUST going to discuss: “Ads with LIKE Button”

Because That’s What We LIKE.. Infact LOVE

Integration of the Like Button

• To be used if the purpose of the ad is to get your page LIKED. This is always the case

• Ad Title is not customizable, thus it being the name of the page (Actually it doesn’t really matter if your brand is big enough)

You should know some Jargons to start with though..


• Reach – Number of People who saw the ad• Frequency – Avg. Number of times each person saw the ad• Social Reach = Reach + Friends’ names in the ad• Connections – Action taken (LIKE) from the ad within 24 hours of

seeing it• CTR – Clicks divided by Impressions• CPC – Cost per Click• CPM- Cost per 1000 impressions• Bid – Higher bid = more impressions• Price – What your ad costs

How Facebook Advertising Works?

Here is an Example..

Create an Ad Section

Ad Copy Example- Gillette

Targeting & Reach for Gillette India

Campaign, Pricing & Scheduling

Campaign Summary

So Now you Know How to Create an Ad.. But you should also know as to

What Works!

What Works in the Ad Copy

• Women- For Targeting Males

• Cricket & Football- Again for targeting Males

• Prizes & Merchandise- Primarily for <30 Years

• Bollywood- For Males & Females

• Discounts & Offers- Especially for Women

Thank You.. You can Now get in touch with Us..

As we have the Official Business Account with Facebook!

But before we give you our Contact, You should take a Note of some


Points to be Noted

• If your objective is LIKES- Use Like Button Integrated Ads

• If your objective is Awareness- Use CPM Model otherwise always use CPC Models

• Never Ever do Ads without Optimization

• Always make sure the Ad Copy has a “Call to Action”

• The Higher the Reach, The lesser the Bid. Period.

• CTR is a direct correlation of how your Ads are performing

Get in Touch with Us, If you Really Want to do Some Kickass Facebook Advertising:
