Ignite #ACS Pecha Kucha - 20 slides Jo Saunders


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Be Uniquely You … Not a Sheep

Jo Saunders


Do You Blend In?


Are You Playing Safe?


Know Your Destination


Find YOUR Voice?


Be Brave


Take One Step At a Time


Own Your Style


Find Laughter


Find Your Purpose


Be Fired Up


Find Your Own Balance


Be Thankful


Be Creative


Take a Break


Be Curious


Invest in Learning


Bare Yourself


Be You


Stand Out from the Flock


Time’s Up!

• About your speaker:– Name: Jo Saunders– Company: Wildfire Social Marketing– Contact: 0422 431 039 / jo@wildfiresm.com– Social Media: linkedin.com/n/josaunders

• Quick bio: Jo is Australia’s LinkedIn Demystifier, started a penpal club at age 18, which ran for 7 years, and was named one of the top 200 LinkedIn practitioners in the world. She loves Pretty in Pink, 80s metal, 90s rave, 00s rock and her goal is to be a good role model to her 3 children.