In search of authenticity


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In Search of Authenticity –Humanising the nature of innovation

Tim Harrap

Head of Collaboration

Lye Cross Farm

Authenticityoriginal, genuine, real, true to self

Ideas as Innovation

Contexts of innovation

Culture ProcessIndividual behaviour

World Values Survey over 40 years+

Human empowerment / source of democracy

Survival -> Self-expression

Traditional societies -> Secular

Emancipative values / human empowerment

Culture - Company

“…no company has a culture;

every company is a culture.”

Peter Theil: Zero to One

(R)Evolution of business longevity

“Organizations say they want innovation and creativity when really they want is conformity and collusion.”

Euan Semple

Control – Create - Empower

• The advent of oligopolistic behaviours

– Field –> processing –> distribution -> retail

• Transformation of business boundaries

– relations between farmers / processors /customers and consumers

– Competition, cooperation, co-opetition?

– Producer organizations, co-operatives

– Coercion? – so last century Tyrell’s Crisps anyone?

Culture – human aspects

• Not something to be ignored /local/global SMLXL

• e.g. B2B relationsRecognition of business


• An approach to innovation - Ego driven .v. the “I” ?Ego + I

• Can the silo walls be broken/dissolved?Internally

• 25-40yrs? Bridging the past and futureGenerational changes

Jon Husband

From hierarchy to wirearchy

Wirearchy a cultural challenge

Transparency – the sharing of information

• What do we share?

• Open architecture? - big questions


• 2005 Communities Dominate Brand?

• Capacity to include difference


• “Not knowing” & Turning inside out ….


Systems Thinking

• The art of mindmapping

• The org chart is hyperlinked not hierarchical


• FB/TW others speak their truth – ability to listen

• Marketing without connection –dampen engagement


• An open gesture or a battle ground?

• Yammer –supermarket introduction after 5 years!

• External partners

• Reverse Perspective


• Command & Control?

• “Best practice is evil” Notter and Grant

Individual behaviour

• Manager, Leader or Entrepreneur? Melding?Ownership

• Breaking down of barriers between work & play

• Play versus a game with rules (process!)Authenticity

• On the shoulders of giants

• Self and other internal

• Self and other external – dairy networks

Relationship building

• Breaking down of barriers?

• Evidence from WVS – not just SM

Personal Development

Individual behaviour

• Taking ownership of self in the work environment

– Recognising the violence of fear

• Harnessing self-awareness

– The impact of social media – on everyone

• “Organizations Don’t Tweet People Do”

Authenticity and the medium

• The Utopia of Rules - Graeber– 19thC Military -> Post Office -> Bureaucracy

– 20thC Military -> Internet -> Curation

• Inter-generational• Post WW2 - 70 years of change

• www > Millennial’s

• Baby-boomer leadership

Key elements

• Questioning Culture – certainties unravelled• The ideas of Business / Process / Individual

• Dynamism of the whole process• Confluence of bureaucracy & anarchy

– Living that experience

• Consciousness of self – Ego+I

Reading• Authenticity – Gilmore & Pine

• Cluetrain Manifesto – Levine et al

• Communities Dominate Brands – Ahonen & Moore

• Freedom Rising - Welzel

• Humanize – Notter & Grant

• Modernization, Cultural Change, and Democracy -Inglehart & Welzel

• Not Knowing – D’Souza & Renner

• Organizations Don’t Tweet People Do – Semple

• The Utopia of Rules - Graeber

• The Zero Marginal Cost Society - Rifkin

Thank you


• tim_harrap

• BritishCheese
