Instances To Hire A Home Inspector


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Reasons to Hire a Home Inspector


• Home inspections are most commonly done before closing on the purchase of a new or pre-owned home, but can also be taken advantage of in a variety of different instances and situations.

• Hiring a home inspector allows you to get a good idea of the current condition of the property, along with all of the repairs that may be needed and maintenance that is highly recommended.


• While the majority of home inspectors are hired to take a look over 75% of homes that are sold on a daily basis, they do not stop there. Here are some top reasons that you may opt to hire a seasoned home inspector for your needs.

Pre-Sale Home Inspections

• Pre-sale home inspections are by far one of the most popular instances that you may choose to hire an inspector.

• Simply looking at the home does not guarantee that you know the current condition of different aspects of the household such as plumbing, electricity, if the appliances are working, if the roof needs repair and more.

Pre-Sale Home Inspections

• Before you purchase the home, know exactly what you're getting into and if any repairs are going to be needed in the near future.

• Knowing the present market conditions of the home may even be able to score you a better deal on the purchase price or will give you the satisfaction of knowing that you are purchasing a home in excellent marketable condition.

Maintenance Inspections

• Both homes and businesses can benefit from maintenance inspections on a regular basis. Because there could be faults and problems hiding within your home or place of business that you are unaware of, these trained inspectors are able to assess the situation and inform you of any maintenance needs.

• Preventative maintenance is a necessary part of being a homeowner.

Maintenance Inspections

• Not only will inspectors tell you what is currently wrong with the maintenance of your home, but they will also help you in setting up a plan and schedule of preventative maintenance techniques such as caulking your wood siding and cleaning out your air conditioning units.

Identifying Your Concerns

• It is common to hear strange noises coming from different areas of your house, to notice an odd odor coming from the basement or to be concerned about a crack that may appear within your foundation or siding.

• At an hourly rate, most home inspectors will come out to your property to assess your concerns and to educate you about what these different noises, smells and more could be coming from.

Identifying Your Concerns

• While doing home inspections, these inspectors see all types of problems on a daily basis and will be able to narrow down your issues and possible repairs needed efficiently.

Witness Services

• Another reason that you may need to hire a home inspector could be for witness services. This could be needed if you are filing a complaint against a tenant for the issue to be legally resolved between the two parties.

• The inspection will inspect your concerns and provide written documentation about the current condition of the home to be provided in court.
