IS Undergrads Class 4




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The BIG LIE of IT (cont’d)

summary from last class... and our goal for the beginning of today’s.

Technology rules

! Information technologies have stable properties

! These properties have unavoidable effects across society and organizations

! Information technology affects all organizations equally

The powerful rule

! Information technologies have stable properties

! These properties have activated effects across society and organizations

! Those in power (incl. managers) decide:" which properties to activate " by choosing the technology mix


A communication network in practice

< >?

Looking for love... In all the wrong places

Technology - Infrastructure

– Messaging system (email)

– Webpage, password protected, paid access

– Basic and advanced search engine

– Profile with picture, description and profiling data

Technology - ProvisionWrite before you look

Multi-atribute search

Picture + headline results

Profiling-based matchmaking

Tech imperativeInternet allows for stigmatized people to establish relationships

Judgement based on peronality

Eliminates fear of approach

Internet optimizes dating

Enlarge search pool

Maximize / Minimize variety

Sort people according to preferences

*.Many services have “flirting functionality” that allows users to make advances with minimum conversation thus avoiding unnecessary awkwardness

*. geographical barriers fade away and can open a!surprising!world of travel, adventure..

*.With only a few necessary resources, a computer, accessories, membership fees, you are ready, day or night, to enter the discreet and relaxed universe of cyber-dating.

*.!Sorting functions, profiles, search engines, deliver quantity, quality, and especially organization to your quest for the potentially perfect date or mate

*.!On the cyberspace playing field, social class and gender barriers are often overcome by the fact that every player is in the same place, to play the same game. It’s a crowded field but the possibilities are limitless!

*.Bad-hair days”, “nothing-to-wear”, “the pain of psoriasis”, or other embarrassing zit-like calamities that might befall you, will never again put you in “time-out”

*.You can avoid the fruitless, time-consuming, effort of having to find appropriatevenues!to meet other singles: smoky bars, single’s clubs, church socials, boring parties, etc.

*.In the introductory stages, Instant Messaging (IM) and emails produce far fewer misread signals or anxiety than, for example, that first dinner date.

*.!“Parallel” dating, by email, instant messaging, or real-time audio or visual, with as few or as many people as you like, is!par for the course.

User imperative

Uses of online dating

Search for picture / physical attributes

Plagiarize profiles

‘Photoshop’ picture

Romance scams

Bait profiles

Financial scams

How to Avoid Online Dating Email MistakesBy OnlineCasanova Rate: (4 stars)

“3. Your photo sucks. It doesn’t matter how great your email is, if your picture makes you look like a sack of crap, you aren’t getting a response.”

In a recent survey of more than 400 online daters commissioned by, 9 percent of respondents said they copied from another person's profile; 15 percent suspect their own words were stolen.

The book "Online Dating for Dummies" tells readers not to fret about copying., meanwhile, offers 12 "proven" profiles

for $4. Sample: "There is a shallowness, a fakeness to much of the 'singles scene."'

The quest for originality has spawned the services of online-dating coaches and profile writers. Some of them are victims, too. Dave

Mizrachi, 34, of Miami sells an "Insider Internet Dating" course for $97. Mr. Mizrachi includes his own dating profile, advising men to use it as a guide. But at least 25 people on have stolen his lines, including: "I get a lot of women emailing me, (which is great for an ego

boost)." One man uses Mr. Mizrachi's photo

Looks still trump personality

Romance scams

Cash fake money orders

Lend money against fake money orders (eg. For a passport)

Money for reunion with the victim


Held by corrupt immigration authorities

Require money for hospital bills

Social networking sites

Second life

IRC / ICQ / Instant messaging

Broadening technology


The two imperatives...

The promise

"People change their behavior online

Picture is irrelevant

Personality > looks

Instantaneous meaningful realtionships

The reality

"People replicate off-line behavior online

No picture = no responses

Looks > personalirty

Sexual and other predatory behaviors

Interactive approach

Each information technology has dynamic properties determined by how people use it

It is people’s use of IT, and not IT itself which shapes society and organizations

Those in power can shape interpretive schemes, but not technology use directly

IT is a resource for improvisation

The perfect dashboard

# ? ??

Top 5 Most-Used Commands in Microsoft Word 2003

1. Paste 2. Save 3. Copy 4. Undo 5. Bold

Together, these five commands account for around 32% of the total command use in Word 2003. Paste itself accounts for more than 11% of all commands used, and has more than twice as much usage as the #2 entry on the list, Save.

Paste is also far-and-away the number one command in Excel and PowerPoint, accounting for 15% and 12% of total command use, respectively.

Beyond the top 10 commands or so, however, the curve flattens out c o n s i d e r a b l y . T h e p e r c e n t a g e difference in usage between the #100 command ("Accept Change") and the #400 command ("Reset Picture") is about the same in difference between #1 and #11 ("Change Font Size")

*Bloated PC

Structuring technology

IT designers build capabilities into their hardware and software

These capabilities are turned into features as users draw on them in their everyday work

These features are crystallized as others used the outputs of technology for their own practices

Structuring organizations through IT

IT is a resource that people use as they address the everyday challenges of organizational life

‘Consequences of IT’ is a misnomer : Instead, the focus is on the uses of IT

The same technology can be used

by the same people

in different ways