Keeping it Green

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By Steven Walker


Methods•Recycling•Reusable water bottles•Reusable grocery bags•Carpooling•Using less water

What is Recycling??•Recycling•“The process of recovering and reusing waste products –from household use, manufacturing, agriculture, and business- and thereby reducing their burden on the environment”•<>

Recycling•You can recycle•Bottles•Plastic and glass•Cans•Paper•Plastic•Styrofoam•And much more!!

Where to Recycle•Various recycling bins placed everywhere•Recycling centers•You can even have recyclables picked up from your house like trash!

Not-so-fun fact!

It takes water bottles 400-1000

years to decompose!

Use a reusable bottle!•To reduce the use of plastic water bottles you can reuse the same bottle numerous•They could be:•Metal•Hard plastic•The same flimsy plastic bottle you bought!

Plastic Bags•Plastic grocery bags are just as bad for the environment … if not worse!•It can take over 1000 years for a plastic bag to decompose!

There is a solution!•At most grocery stores you can buy reusable bags!•Use these every time you go shopping and the number of saved plastic bags could be endless!

Carpooling•Instead of three people taking three separate cars, all three people could take the same one!•Carpooling is an easy way to reduce the use of fossil fuels… and save money on gas!

Using less water•Less than 1% of the earth’s water is usable by humans•If we keep wasting water as the population keeps growing, we may find ourselves running out in the not-so-distant future

Shorter showers•Taking shorter showers is an easy way to reduce the use of water•Showers actually can use less water than a bath, so always go for a shower!

Brushing your teeth•While brushing your teeth, TURN OFF THE WATER!•There is no legitimate reason to have it on the whole two-minute period•Use it at the beginning, and the end of your tooth-brushing session!

Rewards!!•There are rewards for being green!•Can/bottle returns in certain states•Saving money on gas•Smaller water bills=

“We don’t inherit the earth from our

ancestors, we borrow it from our

children.”- David Brower
