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04/15/2023 07:46:48 AM 1

비지니스 유전자

영감과 철학

By Dr. Ralph L. R. Bietz PhD, MS, MBA, BS ChEng

BioRev TM

04/15/2023 07:46:49 AM 2Copyright 2012 by Ralph L. R.

Bietz, All Rights Reserved

“ ”비지니스유전자by Dr. Ralph L. R. Bietz, PhD / MBA

부록 :

• 감사의말 • 헌정• 머리말

1장 “ ”비전과목표 시작2장 “ ”열정과중심 마음속깊은열정3장 “ ”사람과문화 최고의재산4장 “ ”믿음 모든것을보다쉽게5장 “리더쉽과스튜워드쉽 서비스 , 제품 , ”그리고금융6장 전략 , 계획 , “ ”그리고시행 비전을보여주다7장 “ ” 끈기와인성 긴여행도첫발딛임으로시작된다  

• 요약• 끝말• 부록• 워크북• 참고

04/15/2023 07:46:50 AM Copyright 2012 by Ralph L. R. Bietz, All Rights Reserved


Thank you & Acknowledgements 

To my Parents, Grandparents, and Parents that adopted and me: Emery & Laura Bietz, Ralph Emerson & Melba Cora

Bietz, LeRoy & Inez Borgert. And Robert & Dorthea Robbins

To my children: Aaron, Adam, Daniel, Gabriel, Joshua-Paul, and Tyler-Michael who are pursuing their dreams.

To the Mentors that have kindly & generously spent a part of their life instructing me, and at times, firmly challenged me along my journey: Mr. Paul James, Mr. Jack Ptyleski, Dr. Porter, Dr. Daniel Fuller, Dr. Northrup, Mr. Per Andersen,

Mr. Gert Svanholm, Dr. Colin West, Dr. Dieter Sukatsch, Dr. Richard Armentrout, Dr. Roderick Gilkey, Dr. Jeffery

Rosensweig, Dr. Joseph McCann, Mr. Robert Shapiro, Mr. Timothy Haas, Dr. Daniel Dennison, Mr. George Gourley,

Dr. Anton Amon, Mr. William Bloxom, Dr. Bob Burgess, and Mr. HY Sung. And to the many other colleagues that I have

had the pleasure of working with along the journey.

Thank you and God Bless!

04/15/2023 07:46:51 AM 4


Business operation and management is more complex today than ever. There is a constant and significant pressure, in addition to a high demand for our time. Then, there is the sheer number of things in competition for that time; between family, friends, events, business, health maintenance, community service, and hopefully some personal time. In a digital era, it makes our lives nothing short of chaotic.

We are faced with reacting, often when we should be actively managing both our lives, personal and professional. Sometimes this is due to changes in the business environment, sometimes to poor management planning and execution, and sometimes to both.

The “speed” of information and media in this digital era realistically means anything can become “globally” known, or even a global event, in seconds through internet and satellite communication.

The complexity of today’s business with the added dimensions of information overload, domestic and international multicultural challenges, competition at home and away, increased regulatory complexity, the chaos of war, multiple govern mental institutions to handle abroad, currency fluctuations, and e-commerce stand to make us stray from the tradi tional business fundamentals that act as the foun dation to any type of business we are in. Foundations that we often lose sight of due to the frenzied and chaotic world we live in.

Thus, the application of management fundamentals is more important than ever in our professional lives. I’ve found these fundamentals to hold true regardless of the industry orientation, be it a service industry or a business with durable goods and specific products.

These principles have in 40 years helped me with the management of businesses, factories, start-ups, corporation rebuilds, and even musical groups…. I hope these principles provoke thought and help you. This is a book about taking a look at your business, and yourself in a parallel process, and asking if your foundations are set right for the future.

Are you going in the direction that you want to? Is your firm? Or are you just reacting, wondering where your day went?

The approach I’ve taken for this book is an emphasis on fundamentals.

I hope this book provides discovery, but at least some food for thought.

I also sincerely hope it benefits both you and your business.

If this book helps you in any way by provoking some thoughts that translate into value for your firm, business environment, or your life, then this book has accomplished its mission.

Thank you and God Bless! Dr. Ralph L. R. Bietz, Ph.D.Ph.D., M.S., MBA, BS Chem. Eng. Copyright 2012 by Ralph L. R.

Bietz, All Rights Reserved

04/15/2023 07:46:51 AM Copyright 2012 by Ralph L. R. Bietz, All Rights Reserved


“ 우리가 할 수 있는 모든 일을 해낸다면 , 우리 자신에게 가장

놀라게 될 것이다”

Thomas Edison

04/15/2023 07:46:51 AM Copyright 2012 by Ralph L. R. Bietz, All Rights Reserved


“ 우정의 영광은 뻗은 손도 친절한 미소도

교제의 기쁨도 아닌 그 누군가가 나를 믿고

신뢰할때 생기는 영적 영감이다 .”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

04/15/2023 07:46:52 AM Copyright 2012 by Ralph L. R. Bietz, All Rights Reserved


Sunrise painting picture from RLRB

“ 미래의 아름다움을

믿는 자에게만 꿈은


Eleanor Roosevelt

04/15/2023 07:46:52 AM Copyright 2012 by Ralph L. R. Bietz, All Rights Reserved


열정이야말로 진정한

불사조이다 , 엣것이 다

타버리고 말면 - 그 속에서

다시금 새것이 소생한다

Johann Wolfgang Von


04/15/2023 07:46:52 AM Copyright 2012 by Ralph L. R. Bietz, All Rights Reserved


“A nation’s culture

resides in the hearts and souls

of its people.”

Mahatma Gandhi

04/15/2023 07:46:52 AM Copyright 2012 by Ralph L. R. Bietz, All Rights Reserved


“ 당신의 사람들은 당신의 가장 큰 자산입니다 . 당신이 그들을 성장시키고 보호하고 안내하면 그들은 당신을 엄청난 보상으로 존경할것입니다”

Ralph L. R. Bietz

“Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened.

Happiness never decreases from being shared.” Buddha

04/15/2023 07:46:53 AM Copyright 2012 by Ralph L. R. Bietz, All Rights Reserved


“The greater danger

for most of us lies

not in setting our aim too high

and falling

short; but in setting our aim too low,

and achieving

our mark.”


04/15/2023 07:46:53 AM Copyright 2012 by Ralph L. R. Bietz, All Rights Reserved


“ 타인에게 봉사하는 삶만이

가치있는 삶이다”

Albert Einstein

04/15/2023 07:46:54 AM Copyright 2012 by Ralph L. R. Bietz, All Rights Reserved


“ 서두른 계획이 빈곤을

이루게하는만큼 근면한

계획은 이익을

이룬다 .”

Proverbs 21:5
