Lessons Learned from the 2013 Thrive Hive Retreat



This past weekend, 15 female entrepreneurs (many who only met online but never locked eyes) came together to focus on their business and set goals to take their businesses to the next level. Many already knew what they wanted to work on as a group, what their next steps were. Some of us only knew that we needed a little push to figure out WHAT that next step would be. Something about getting out of your normal routine that sparks imagination and revs your business engine. Here are my major takeaways

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Stress is a challenge,

not a threat.

Read more books.

Don’t mimic others, model them.

It’s ok to be scared - push yourself out of your

comfort zone.

Get your systems locked down and rinse and


You are relevant…even if

you aren’t on FACEBOOK (Twitter, etc).

Always be meeting

new people.
