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Are you a real estate owner, agent, or developer with property you need to rent, sell, or exchange?

Do you want to capture a sale as quickly as possible without a middleman or expensive commission costs?

Here at,

we’re helping people like you find clients for their properties…

and we’re helping them do it as quickly and as effortlessly as possible.

The Problem with Self-List Sites

Is your current marketing strategy time consuming, frustrating, costly and ineffective?

If you’ve tried other self list sites, you understand how appropriate these adjectives are.

Between the expensive listing fees, and the “fake” leads, it’s likely that you’re getting fed up with the hassles associated

with most listing sites. 

I have tried putting my beach condo on other self list sites, and never received any good leads. To be honest, they

seemed like fake leads from the real estate sites themselves. (Megan Francis, Limon, Costa Rica )

I have a condo listed with other self list sites and local agents, but have found that I get far more leads directly as

a result from it being listed on your site. (Barry Smith, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico)

The IREL Difference

Now that you’ve tried the rest,

it’s time to try the best. is the web’s only self list site created by and for real estate professionals, just

like you.

Our user-friendly service is fast, simple and most importantly--effective.

And if you don’t think it can get any better…the basic listing service is absolutely free.

In less than 2 weeks I have received over 175 visitors to my listing, been contacted 4 times, and I would say 2 of these contacts have

been serious leads. (Megan Francis, Limon, Costa Rica )

I am getting over 400% more people looking at my listing every week versus the other sites I am using. I can’t tell you how excited I

am to have listed my condo with

(Barry Smith, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico)

Ease of Use

If you know how to use a mouse,

Then you have what it takes to create a basic listing on

In as little as 30 seconds, you can create an account

and get started showcasing your properties to our world wide audience.

Creating an account was easy, uploading my condo details and pictures was fast and I could see the listing I created in minutes. I am not a computer whiz,

so I like how easy the listing process is...absolutely no fuss. (Megan Francis, Limon, Costa Rica )

I have one retired couple flying down to look at my condo next week from the States, and that’s all because they saw it listed online with My honest advice to anyone out there watching this, is to get started today. You’ll be amazed at how easy the process

is. Plus, its free! (Barry Smith, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico)

International Real Estate