Mark Faust - Principles of Innovation




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Principles of InnovationMark Faust

No need to take notes:

I’ll give the Innovation Section of my book Growth or Bust! to anyone with a card, it has

even more detail than we cover here today

For your copy, contact me at or 513-621-8000

“Anyone who needs PowerPoints to speak doesn’t know what they are talking about!”

- Steve Jobs

Innovation - Turnaround

…the Definition of Marketing

…the Definition Of Innovation

The Steps to Building An Innovation Culture

Top Down

Clarify Your Innovation Values

Get All Hands on Deck......set i-objectives

Initially Focus on Quantity vs. Quality

Consistently Communicate Implementation & Successes

Give Specific and Universal Rewards

Make Innovation a Mobius Loop

Innovation Must Be Holistic

Innovation Includes and Focuses on the Customer

Innovation Involves BOTH

1. The Organizational &

2. The Individual’s Opportunities for Contribution toward


& “Individuals” can include Vendors

Direction vs. Size of Dollars

Innovation Skills

Connecting the Unconnected

Respectfully Challenging the Status Quo


Embrace Constraints

Study Customers Like a Scientist = “genchi genbutsu”


The 7 Step Echelon Innovation Process™ EIP™ to Echelon Your

Team Toward Growth

1. Listing Opportunities 2. Prioritizing Opportunities 3. Inviting Participation 4. Gathering Ideas5. Decision on Implementation6. Communicate Implementations7. Reward & Celebrate!

Humility is the Foundation of Innovation