Market Integrations Introduction to Marketing in Construction



Introduction to Marketing Development & Management in the Construction Industry

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Where To Begin?

Innovation to Integrate Your Business into Your Market

Marketing for the Construction Industry

● Social Media / Blogging / Online Marketing Presence● Targeted Marketing Communications & Campaigns● Team Training & Public Speaking● Marketing Plan Design & Development● Partnerships for other Turnkey Solutions

Marketing for the Construction Industry

Social Media / Blogging / Online Marketing Presence

○ Building Relevant Social Media Pages○ Developing Social Media Profiles for Staff○ Blogging inspired thoughts○ Creating & Monitoring SEO & SMO

Backlinking to your web site is essential!

Marketing for the Construction Industry

Targeted Marketing Communications & Campaigns

○ Email Marketing○ Newsletter○ Promotions○ PPC Advertising

Monitoring the results is critical!

Marketing for the Construction Industry

Team Training & Public Speaking

○ Involve your entire team in marketing!○ PR / Publicity through speaking opportunities

Support your staff and your staff will support you!

Marketing for the Construction Industry

Marketing Plan Design & Development

○ Do you have one that incorporate's today's marketing options?

○ Is it cohesive to your Business Plan?○ Are you reviewing yearly?

Build a Social Media into your Marketing Plan!

Marketing for the Construction Industry

Partnerships for other Turnkey Marketing Solutions

○ Updating the web site content & adjusting for complete OS compatibility

○ Promotional products○ Participating in construction industry events

Being recognized as a Thought Leader will ensure success!

Integration of Innovation will Determine Market Share

Objects in Motion & Natural Selection

To Integrate or Not to Integrate & Questions?