Marketing Analytics: 5 Trends

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5 trends in the field of marketing analytics

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Copyright © 2007 Cartesian Consulting 1

Marketing Analytics

5 Trends

Copyright © 2007 Cartesian Consulting 2

Mass Consumption

• More people are consuming analytics and BI in the organization

• The demand will drive better data, metrics and reporting systems

• The sales team should be the first to benefit from the insights that data throws up

Copyright © 2007 Cartesian Consulting 3

Train of thought• Analysis needs to be

quick, visual• Carried out by end

consumers as far as possible

• Quick enough to allow train-of-thought analysis

• And flexible enough to build and sustain analytical momentum

Copyright © 2007 Cartesian Consulting 4

Creative Approaches

• Analysis and data visualization are a highly creative field

• Expertise in this field is to be identified and nurtured

• Those that possess the skills shall soon become the super-heroes in organizations

Copyright © 2007 Cartesian Consulting 5

Complexity Agnostic

• Complexity only where needed

• Mangers are avoiding complex statistical “black box” models in favor of simpler one that are usually as effective

• Don’t use a spaceship to get you across the street

Copyright © 2007 Cartesian Consulting 6

Business Focus• Analysis that has

bottomline impact survives

• Everybody needs to straddle business and analytical thinking

• Analysts need to adapt to business needs while marketers adapt to a more analytical way of working

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