Michael Buck TED style - Best practice Dell



In our TED-style best practices, leading digital strategists from companies such asDELL, Vodafone, the UK Army and HRS will provide you with insightful first-handinformation about where companies stand today and their current social mediastrategies.

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WhataboutSocial ©

10 Mins

SMiCS Amsterdam July 2012


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We are all still Pioneers -

Business Models are changing!


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What is Social all about?

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There are two levers

to set man in motion,

fear and self-interest. (Napoleon Bonaparte 1799)

WhataboutSocial ©

There are two levers

to set man in motion,

fear and self-interest. (Napoleon Bonaparte 1799)

Not an option!

Walking the Talk

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Impressive Brand?

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Consumers will be watching you?

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Pandoras Box? Yes!

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Who is talking about you?

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WhataboutSocial ©

You are already PART of it … If you like it or not!

Social Media Listening und Command Center

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Do you really know what`s working?

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Building the Ecosystem

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Fish where the fish are…

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Content and dialogs are

Queen, Listening is


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Involve and train your

employees – Building effective


Wie gehe ich es an?

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Thank You



Expert for Global Businesses, eCommerce,

Online Marketing and Social Media

Previous Head of Global Online Marketing @ DELL Inc.

Responsible for Dell`s Global eBusiness Marketing &

Social Media-Strategy since 2008

Stands for state of the art Best-Practises and the

successful migration of multinational

Businesses within the Social Media era

Offers- Strategic Business Consulting and Online

Business councelling for improved eBusiness growth

Values: Quality relationsships, Competency and Honesty

Favorite Quotes: - „Price is what you pay. Value is what you get“ (Warren Buffet)

- „Markets come and go. Good Businesses don`t.“ (Fred Wilson)

Michael Buck