Module 3 – Society, Politics And The Economy Help



A short guide for my students

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Module 3 – Society, politics and the Economy

The make up of the module…

Whereas the first module was a mix of multi-choice and essay-based questions and the second was purely multi-choice, this final module is completely focusing on essay-based responses. You will find it difficult to access example papers on-line because they do not have the source materials attached in all cases, due to third-party copyright constraints. However, if you come to see me I have plenty of examples for you to take away and look at…

In terms of what the paper could cover, it is typically very broad in its scope. However, some pointers…

Just as important as the topic is the nature of the questions asked. Take a look at the questions listed on the next slide. You may not understand the context in which they are being asked, but you will note a trend in the style of questions…

Past questions… Each question requires the student to examine a source at a time.

Do also note that the crucial aspects of most of the questions are you need to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the source. Direct quoting from the source (along with explanations) would be useful!

Notice a pattern?!

Do note that these questions could be described as being multi-dimensional in that they require lots of different things to be done. In particular, look at Question 5 – just how many things do you need to do to ensure that you are actually answering the question fully?

A third example…

For this final example, I have managed to scan in an example to put on our blog in Word format. See below for the example and feel free to attempt it an email it to me for feedback. Thanks – Mr Cowan
