Practical & easy ways to engage your customers


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Practical (& easy) ways to engage your customers


Surveys are a great way to know who your customers really are. Incentivise customers to participate in the surveys. This will help you engage your customers while you build upon your offerings around your customers’ offerings.

Put Customer Data To Good Use

There is a wealth of customer data lying segregated at different customer touch points. Connect the dots to offer customers an outstanding personalized shopping experience in-store as it is done online.


Send notifications that have some value for the customer – offers, new arrivals, exclusive preview of sale products, discounts, promotions and more. Customers will take the notification seriously only is there is some value to be derived from the engagements.

Social MediaSocial Media is a great place to get in touch with your customers. The main benefit of social media is that if the customer is happy with the interaction, you get connected (directly or indirectly) promoted in her social contacts. A well-handled criticism on social media can be as effective.

In-storeWhile online customers can be technologically traced and their shopping experience can be personalized easily (thanks to technology), in-store customer becomes a concern. iBeacons, to a large extent help solve this problem. iBeacon can identify the customer who walks in, link to the central customer data, extract the customer’s data and forward it to an associate. This will be a major breakthrough in enhancing customer engagement.
