Production workshop evaluation


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EvaluationWe Will Rock You

Organised well, was set up and dismantled in time and effectively for each of the shows' run.

Didn’t need staff assistance, tutor said it was the first year she didn’t have to help serve drinks.

Well managed, everyone knew what they were doing and when it had to be done.

Good morale throughout the shows and offered exceptional customer service.

Front of House - Strengths

Certain aspects that should have been Front of House, weren't left to Front of House. E.g. Ticket sales and numbers, which were reserved and which weren't. All this was known by Performing Arts staff and only fed back to Front of House minutes before audience arrived.

A lot of jobs that could have been done before weren’t. E.g Posters/programme templates

Front of House- Weaknesses

Issue roles for the crew earlier so that arrangements can be made earlier. This way both students and staff are aware of who has what responsibilities and they can be taken into action.

In future, keep on file and attach to Moodle all templates for posters and programmes so that the newly appointed FOH manager can just print these off.

Front of House- Weakness solution

Well organised back stage, everyone knew their roles and responsibilities and took them into action on each of the three nights.

Check sheets were completed y crew members, giving them more responsibility and ensuring the space was ready to be performed in.

Were no issues with moving set on and off, once roles had been asigned.

Crew- Strengths

Members of the cast had no idea which students were which members. E.g Front of House team were asked to fix costume.

Performers were late to the stage in some sections of the show

Props broke on one of the nights


Once, roles are established, introduce ourselves to the cast so they are aware of who to go to with issues.

One crew member be elected as runner, or introduce a live feed of the show into the dressing rooms so performers know which part the sow is up to.

Make sure props are used appropriately, having someone supervise this. Communication on this factor with the cast needs to be improved.

Crew – Weaknesses solution

1 Operator per act was a good back up Good communication with DSM, strong cues

all on time. Head sets definitely improved the

communication between DSM, Lighting operators and the stage crew.

Lighting- Strengths

Design issues, trusses in the way Design and programming of the moving

heads is very difficult, not enough time.

Lighting- Weaknesses

By having longer time in the space, in plotting sessions and programming sessions, any issues in this area can be identified and overcome before an form of tech and dress rehearsals take place.

Lighting – Weaknesses Solution