Project Management To Project Governance , Knowledge Management

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Project Management to Project Governance

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10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture1

Project Management to Project Governance , Knowledge Management &

Productivity as Integral part of IT Governance "  

Prof. K. SubramanianIT Adviser to CAG of India&Prof. & Director, Advanced center for Informatics & Innovative Learning, IGNOU

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture2

PM Governance: Enables to rapidly move up the e-Governance Evolution Staircase


3. TransactionCompetition


Fee for transaction



Skill set changes

Portfolio mgmt.


Inc. business staff


Relationship mgmt.

Online interfaces

Channel mgmt.

Legacy sys. links


Information access

24x7 infrastructure


Funding stream allocations

Agency identity

“Big Browser”

Job structures



Performance accountability

Multiple-programs skills

Privacy reduces

Integrated services

Change value chain

New processes/services

Change relationships(G2G, G2B, G2C, G2E)

New applications

New data structures


2. InteractionSearchable


Public response/ email

Content mgmt.

Increased support staff


Knowledge mgmt.

E-mail best prac.

Content mgmt.


Data synch.

Search engine


1. Presence




Web site



4. Transformation


Define policy and outsource execution

Retain monitoring and control

Outsource service delivery staff

Outsource process execution staff

Outsource customer facing processes

Outsource backend processes




5. Outsourcing


Evolve PPP model

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture3

TEN Myths of PM

#1: Seasoned project managers planned for it. That is, they pursued an educational path that resulted in the official title of Project Manager.

#2: The best project managers are those that are certified or have a degree in it. #3: We can tell that a project is destined for trouble once it is really cranking

along. #4: The principle role of the project manager is to ensure that the schedule is

met. #5: Project management is just the science of figuring out where to apply your

heroes, versus where to apply the rookies. #6: A seasoned project manager is a silver bullet. #7: The best project managers are those that are promoted from within the

technical ranks of the organization. #8: Project management is just a more acceptable term for micro-management. #9: Project management is just the next management fad. #10: Project management is rigidly based on processes and prescribed

documentation. As such, it'll take more time to get anything done.

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture4

Some More Powerful Myths of PM

1.Project workers are slaves 2: The plan predicts the future 3: Better safe than sorry 4: The methods work. 5: The manager motivates 6: Tidiness matters.

1.We don’t have time to back track

2. Working well together is fluff stuff

3.Document only what the boss wants to see

4.Don’t beat a dead horse 5.That’ll Never Fly Here

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture5

Governance Dimensions Effective Project Governance Requires:

well defined structures to enable and support the business delivery of projects

clear roles, accountabilities and responsibilities

project-related policies to provide the ‘ground-rules’ for projects

the knowledge of what to do and how to do it

the measures or metrics to know if the project has been successful

a consistent set of enabling and supporting processes

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture6

Project Governance –Issues & Challenges

Operational Integration Professional Integration (HR) Emotional/Cultural Integration ICT & Business Integration Quality-Price-Customization/Personalization


10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture7

Projects Governance Imperatives

Without active, directed and informed project governance projects are doomed to under deliver.

Projects are established to implement change. Organizations are set up not to change

Delivery of the business results is the pre-requisite to the delivery of the business benefits and value.

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture8

Project Governance Vs Project Team

The project team is in control of and can manage the project (under the governance team’s guidance) and deliver the project’s results. However, it is not in control of the business and, therefore, cannot deliver the business results without the assistance of the business through the governance team.

Project governance’s primary role is one of action (not control) — to ensure the project is successfully implemented and integrated into the business’ operations, sustained, and the associated benefits are realized and ‘banked’.

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture9

Research FindingsBusiness Success & Business Risk

Effective project governance – alone could increase the realized value of a project by 10%. – It also reduces, by at least half, the business risks of the project

not succeeding.

A project’s business success,– is directly proportional to the level of effective project

governance.– our research has found governance ‘effectiveness’ to be a

rare commodity.

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture10

Project GovernanceSkill Balancing & Education

Few executives in governance roles have the necessary skills, knowledge and experience

Few executives have had any formal training in their project governance roles

Business executives tend to approach project governance with good intentions, but with little governance-specific skills, knowledge and education. It is assumed by all parties that no such expertise is needed. This is a false assumption.

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture11

What governance actions/inactions cause projects to fail?

Wrong personal goals Failure to champion the project Most governance problems are committed out of

ignorance Remoteness from project teams

Governance teams of failed projects often protest, “We relied on the information we were provided!” This is no excuse.

A key part of the project governance role is ‘managing by walking around’ — visiting the project team, talking to the team members and picking up the ‘vibes’

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture12

What are the measures of project success?

Wrong perspective — need for a ‘business outcomes’ focus

The measure of success is the achievement of the measurable business outcomes — an improvement to the business.

A broader definition of governance ‘success’ needed

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture13

Governance Success Vs Project Success

It is usually assumed that the governance measures of success are the same as the project’s measures and, therefore, implementing the project equals a ‘successful project’. This is a misconception

This becomes clear to governance teams when they are taken through a process to identify:

– their measures of success – their measures of failure – and the organization’s measures of success of their project

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture14

Organization’s measures

of success A seamless transition

It to be easier to access information

Better quality of information

Centre to be responsive

Managerial importance to be recognized in service levels

The regions still own the results

They know and understand how the process works Notice how limited the project’s measures of success are!

Focusing on meeting all of these measures of success is an important project governance team role.

Governance teammeasures of success

Delivering lower costs and efficiency savings so that the business sees the outcomes as valuable

Improving the quality of reporting in terms of accessibility, integrity, consistency and ease of use

Being seen to have delivered a consistent or enhanced service

Being a silent contributor to process improvement — reducing costs and providing a more effective overlay function

Receiving strong management support across the business

Standardizing nationally, ETC

Project measures of success

Establishment of a working national centre for accounting services

Decommissioning regional accounting positions and roles

Meeting the set SLAs within three months of the takeover of each state

Standardizing the reporting formats and accounting treatments nationwide

Eliminating duplicate tasks and processesETC

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture15

Governance through Leadership

Leadership is any behavior that develops or uses power to influence other peoples’ behavior. It is used by management to achieve enthusiastic, willing, zealous participation of followers to accomplish the organization’s objectives

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture16

MEDIATING FACTORS:MEDIATING FACTORS: Environment Environment Culture Culture

Structure Structure Standard Procedures Standard Procedures Politics Politics Management Decisions Management Decisions Chance Chance



10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture17

CasesProject Governance Analytics

Indian Railways-PRS Bhoomi-Karnataka’s Land records Project LOKVANI-UP Grievances Addressal Project GyanDOOT- MPs Tribal Literacy Project DMRC Metro Rail Project

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture18

Changing role Project Management in IS/IT in Enterprises

IS/IT project management earlier considered as budgeting exercise in the planning phase,time keeping effort in the tracking stage and didn’t embrace critical path concepts

Today Enterprise handles fundamentally multi projects Both development and non development work should be treated Resource Utilization IS AS IMPORTANT AS TASK AND PROJECT

COMPLETION Many IS/IT projects are abandoned before Completion There are many repetitive projects including maintenance and support

Project work is budgeted, usually on an annual basis

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture19

Success & Failure Analysis Multi sector-Multi location-Multi stakeholders Projects Lessons


1. Four Dimensions – 1.Process Dimension– 2.People Dimension– 3. Technology Dimension– 4. Resource Dimension

2.Automation to Transformation & Output based to Outcome Based

3. Service is paramount & Process is subordinate Focus on Services, Service Levels4.BPR- Choose carefully between Incremental Approach

& Radical Approach keeping Customer-friendliness, Efficiency & Effectiveness

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture20

Success & Failure Analysis Multi sector-Multi location-Multi stakeholders Projects

Lessons LearnedFour Dimensions

1.Process Dimension Translate to Transform2.People Dimension

– Inform them, Involve them & Incentivize adoption– Design an appropriate Change Management Strategy– Capacity Building-

Policy Level Management Level Operational Level

Project Development Conceptualize, Architect, Design

– Leadership Leaders can ..

Create Vision .. Prioritize .. Take Hard Decisions & Tolerate Failure

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture21

Success & Failure Analysis Multi sector-Multi location-Multi stakeholders Projects

Lessons Learned

3. Technology Dimension– Prescribe & Follow

Open Standards and Open Technologies for Competitiveness & Sustainability and reduce TCO

– Design Systems forScalability


10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture22

Success & Failure Analysis Multi sector-Multi location-Multi stakeholders Projects

Lessons Learned4. Resource Dimension

– Sustainability is a Key Concern– Design an Implementation Model for Sustainability ...

- Financial - Organizational - Legal - Technological

– Combine PPP- Combine Efficiency & Customer Orientation

with Accountability

Service Level Agreements can be effective in measuring Quality of Service-- Create a framework for Service Level Management

User Charges can be a powerful resource-- Ensure Sustainability &Value for Money

Allocate Risks judiciously .. to the party that can take it best

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture23

Plan to Fail Analysis Projects

People failure

Decision making Failure

Design & Definition Failures

Project Discipline Failures

Standardization Failure

Costing Failure

Supplier Management Failures

HCI & System Usability Failure

Sustainability Failure (PPP)

Change Management/Impact failure

Technology Management & Management of Technology Failure

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture24

Fail to Plan Analysis Projects

Needs more Managerial focus Projects needs to be supplemented with organizational

change issues and organizational politics. The scale and complexity of organizational change

proposed by projects necessitates a managerial rather than technical approach

Addressing the Socio-Cultural Aspects

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture25

Reasons of Failure of Projects

Supplier Management Failures Project Discipline Failures Design & Definition Failures Decision Making Failures People Failure

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture26

Assurance Framework Model for PPP

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture27

Managing Project InterdependenciesCritical in (eServices) Infrastructure characteristics (Organizational,

operational, temporal, spatial) Environment (economic, legal /regulatory, technical,

social/political) Coupling and response behavior (adaptive, inflexible,

loose/tight, linear/complex) Type of failure (common cause, cascading, escalating) Types of interdependencies

(Physical, cyber, logical, geographic) State of operations (normal, stressed /disrupted, repair/restoration)

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture28

Knowledge Acquired, Lessons Learned & Future Directions-I

Implementation Through Committed Leadership (Integrating Polity and Bureaucracy) From Vision Mission Implementation-->Impact study->Improvisation

Create affordable robust ICT infrastructure and adapt System Usability concepts

Adapt standards for interoperability and Integratability Sustainable and affordable solutions: Cost Effectiveness –> e-

initiatives should pay for themselves Information bases are to be integrated, auditable and verifiable

and consistent and information integrity to be assured as Government as One, cutting the barriers of Business of allocation

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture29

Knowledge Acquired, Lessons Learned & Future Directions-II

Adapting a well planned “change management” drive Projectisation of IT & Good IT Projects management Employment Generation through Entrepreneurship

Implementation approaches (From Visioning to Completion)– Rapid prototyping– Citizen Centric initiatives roll out approach– Governance - Managed Approach– Rapid replication after pilot success--Take mature steps to rapidly move

up the e-Governance Evolution Staircase (attaining maturity)– Assure Quality and ensure front end web-enablement and backend


10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture30

With good planning and judicious choices of solutions to lower operating cost, these objectives can be achieved without significantly increasing expenditure.

Conduct centralized planning and coordination but decentralize implementation

Update Legislature where necessary to reflect new realities and capabilities

Reengineer to reduce inefficiencies Standardize to enable reuse of assets Tap into best practices codified in ERP packages Invest in Enterprise-class architectures Share infrastructure and services Partner the private sector (PPP)











10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture31

Four Mantras of Good Project Governance

From Vision Mission Implementation-->Impact study->Improvisation

Projects Formulate, Architect, Design & Construct, Comprehensive Multi-tier Review, Monitoring & Feedback control

Collaborate, Communicate, Cooperate, Cowork & co-exist

IN PM, Logical Process Integration (ERP) superimposed with BI makes the Enterprise a creative and Innovative A mature accountable, transparent and Open Enterprise

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture3206/29/06 32

Institutional framework Technological

framework Financial framework Legal Framework

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture33

Ten Commandments for Survival Manage Knowledge Make decisions Be customer centric Manage Talents Manage Collaboration Build the right structure Manage Communications Set and adapt Global Standards Develop Leadership (to create wealth legally and ethically)

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture34

Striving for Project Governance Global Excellence Using ICE

Excellence is the result of

Caring more than others think is WiseRisking more than others think is safeDreaming more than others think is

PracticalExpecting more than others think is

PossibleImagining the Unimagined

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture3506/29/06 35NPC Sikkim May 2006

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture36

Create a Brave New World Where it is

"Not the leaders who Govern people but it is the people who let the Leaders Govern them.”

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture37

Innovation, Knowledge Management & Productivity

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture38


is moving towards

Economy of Knowledge

from Economy of Goods

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture39

Transition Information Economy to Digital EconomyPeter Drucker Glider

Digital Economy

Task for a worker is how to do the job better


Network Economy

Not how to do the jobs

right, but what is the right job

to do


10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture40

Knowledge Is PowerPerformance of Organisations

What's the path to better learning, better collaboration, and a better way to measure how well or poorly an organization is performing?

For many organizations, the answer is Knowledge Management.

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture41

Reform Agenda:Reform Agenda:

QoL QoL Scorecards Scorecards

Productivity, Productivity, CompetitionCompetition

Gov Gov OutcomesOutcomes

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture42

Societal Driving Factors

Content Community Commerce Context Communication Collaboration

Products Price Packaging Penetration Protection Pace

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture43

Competition in Global Arena

Skills Talents Investments Markets Go beyond Efficiency and Productivity Create and attract new Enterprises Innovate rather than Imitate

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture44

Innovation & Productivity through ICE Technologies Quantity, Quality, Customization/Personalization & Price are

equal Better Packaging and Integration of Services Efficient Delivery and Distribution Management TCO minimized & ROI Increased Stronger Brand Imaging and better Innovative & effective

Marketing Better CRM and CEM Better SCM & ERM Better HRM (Innovative New Generation HR Policies for

Growth & Employee Retention) Creation, Evaluation and selection of appropriate, affordable &

sustainable Technologies

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture45

The FutureWin-Win Situation Needs

BrainTalentCulture CreativitySpeed

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture46

KNOWLEDGE WORK• Should have Autonomy & Associated

Responsibility• Continuous Innovation should be

built into the KW’s Job.• Continuous Learning & Continuous

Teaching should be part of the Job• Judgments rather than Measures

dominates KWs’ Productivity

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture47


• Own the means of Production

• Totally Portable and Carry Enormous Value (ASSET)

• Organization Need them than they need the Organization

• Jobs Needs them• Convert this knowledge into

Performance Productivity & increase the Capacity of the Organization

• Carry valuable Experience

• Knowledge grown with experience

• Useful only at their Place of Work

• They need a Job

Knowledge Workers Manual Workers

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture48

A combination of technology, innovation, leadership and inspired workforce-Ingredients for India Development

The economic strength is powered by competitiveness

- The competitiveness is powered by knowledge power.

- The knowledge power is powered by Technology and Innovation.

- The Technology and Innovation is powered by Resource Investment.

- The Resource investment is powered by Revenue and Return on Investment.

- The Revenue is powered by Volume and repeat sales through Customer Loyalty.

- The customer loyalty is powered by Quality and value of products.

- Quality and value of products is powered by Employee Productivity and innovation.

- The Employee Productivity is powered by Employee Loyalty, employee satisfaction and working environment.

- The Working Environment is powered by management stewardship.

- Management stewardship is powered by Invisible leadership

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture49

Evaluating KM Strategies

Cost Culture Time to Implement Productivity Knowledge Retention People Retention Return on Vision

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture50

Evaluating KM Strategies

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture51

Innovation- a New Definition

innovation is not just creativity, individual inspiration, and bright ideas. "It goes way beyond that. It even goes beyond the commercialization of novel ideas, technologies, or products."

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture52

Innovation & Business Growth

businesses understand that their competitive advantage comes not from cost-cutting

but from – competing on the basis of innovation– distinctive know-how– and collaborative business relationships

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture53

Innovation-What is & NOT?

innovation will energize business growth and, when implemented well, will be a powerful driving force for profit and sustained value. But there is a need for a clear view of what innovation is and what it is not.

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture54

Innovation is integral part of Enterprises’ Process Management

innovation must be seen as a core component of an organization's growth strategy and must be managed like any other process within the organization.

That means– targets must be set – funding and resources must be allocated – skills must be available to convert innovative ideas into

business – speed up the return on investment

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture55

Tools & Technologies for building Innovation

Building Innovation– needs to build imaginative business models, – creative ways of organizing, – a culture that sanctions experimentation,

learning, and managed risk.

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture56

Innovation To Meet Market Forces & Needs

innovation is driven by market pressures and customer demands.

innovation is about smarter and faster ways of solving problems for customers and meeting market needs more imaginatively.

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture57

Consumer’s Behavior

best innovations come from interactions with their customers and analyzing their customers' behavior.

‘Reality of Innovation Unzipped' -best innovations come from interactions with their customers and analyzing their customers' behavior--Bickerstaff

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture58

Innovation-Funding Beyond Technology companies do not & should not equate innovation

solely with technology, which is only a part of a much bigger picture.

Likewise, investment in innovation is not restricted to – research and development, – but extends to training and skills development,– market research, design, – use of advanced machinery and equipment,– engineering development, – and knowledge drawn from licenses and patents.

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture59

The Innovation Quest Innovation must be managed like any other business process

No Time for Complacency And there are indeed some obstacles that must be overcome if

innovation is to be applied successfully, including risk and the length of time required to achieve ROI in innovation. Standing out as one of the most prevalent obstacles --complacency on the internal front, often brought about paradoxically by the success of existing systems, which can mask the need to change.

"The issue of lack of confidence in the company systems, and the lack of skilled people to execute innovation productively and sustain it, were identified as significant hurdles to be overcome,"

"The obstacles of short-term focus and the constant pressure to deal with the immediate and urgent as opposed to the future were identified as frequent alibis that can easily stop progress."

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture60

Success & Failure of Innovation adoption of a scattergun approach to

innovation can produce too many ideas and a lack of focus on how to deal with them.

"The perception that 99 percent of ideas fail was enough for many businesses to place innovation in the too hard basket"

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture61

Rapid Conversion of Ideas to Business Value

innovation will not be stopped. It is pervasive, it is the active ingredient in transforming business, but it must be managed like any other business process.

The challenge is to ensure that there is in place a repeatable and rapid means of converting ideas into business value.

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture62

Forward Thinking Management Business ExperienceOutcome based approach

"Business today recognized the need for a disciplined process where what is learned can be replicated and embedded systematically in the organization."

"Coupling ideas and outcomes, and harnessing creative thinking in a disciplined way to solve a real problem, is new. The challenge is to ensure that the disciplined process does not destroy creativity and innovation, which depends on unfettered and divergent thinking." All of which requires forward-thinking management.

“It is confirmed that courage, vision, and leadership are required for companies to be innovative," Bickerstaff says.

there is a crucial role for government in helping to overcome the problems presented by compliance requirements, regulations, and some bureaucratic procedures.

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture63

InnovationBusinesses & Government Role

"Innovation only results in sustained productivity and prosperity for both companies and nations when it involves transforming the way business is done. This is a challenge that the leaders of both business and government share," says the foundation's Kennedy. "To take Australia's innovation journey forward, middle market firms believe business and government need to collaborate to create an environment that helps smart enterprises innovate - that is pursue new opportunities and manage the risks and uncertainties that are inherent in any innovation."

10th January 2009Prof. KS@2009 ISACA Delhi

Chapter lecture64





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