Promotional Merchandise In 2012



A fully researched insight into the state of the promotional gifts industry in 2012. The research was carried out by the industry body the BPMA and certainly makes very interesting reading for all marketers throughout the UK. Presented by the UK's most trusted suppliers of promotional merchandise.

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Promotional Merchandise in 2012Brought to you by GoPromotional

New bpma Research 2012

The bpma (British Promotional Merchandise Association) posted an article to their website on 28th June 2012, presenting their research results for the financial year 2011-12, showing some interesting trends you might like to take note of.

So what have they found out?

The BPMA’s FindingsThe BPMA have, for the first time, interviewed senior marketers in the UK, asking questions about the buying of promotional merchandise, and their intended uses. Their research has covered various business sectors and respondents were aged between 25 and 44.

Their key findings were that

• 49 percent of senior marketers have increased spend on promotional merchandise since the last financial year

• 33 percent have stated they will increase it from this year to the next

• Senior marketers give fascinating insight into the role of promotional merchandise in the marketing mix

Promotional Merchandise: Spend 2011-12

So, what's changed?

• Spending on promotional items is up by just less than half

• Over a quarter of spending has stayed the same

• Only less than a quarter of spending has fallen

Good figures all round for promotional merchandise suppliers.

And these increases look to be staying in place for the next financial year…

According to this chart from the BPMA, their information indicates another good year for suppliers:

• Half of spending on promotional merchandise is set to remain the same

• A healthy third of spending should also be on the increase.

• Which leaves less than 20% of these marketers spend on the decrease.

As we said before, the figures are looking good all round.

Promotional Merchandise Predicted: Spend 2012-13

Promotional Merchandise Uses: Major Uses

The senior marketers that were interviewed stated that the major uses of promotional merchandise were in their campaigns to drive sales and awareness. 69% said they used the merchandise because it hit their target market efficiently, 52% said that the merchandise allows their business message to last longer, and 46% say that the use of merchandise helps them to create loyalty with their customers.

The BPMA research quotes directly from the comments made by the marketers, with one saying that “It’s an excellent way of getting the clients attention. We can demonstrate the brand attributes we want to get across.” Another stated that “For a cascade promotion, if we send items to X they pass them out to their customers who might also sign up. It builds relationships and goodwill.”

Promotional Merchandise Uses: Other Uses

The researchers also questioned the purposes for the purchase of promotional merchandise, finding that 73% of them would use it for events and conferences, with 63% going further to state that they used it for branding purposes, existing and new. Other stated uses included awareness and launches, saying that promotional merchandise is extremely notorious for grabbing attention and increasing interest and sales.

Other uses for the merchandise include its use alongside product giveaways and calls to action, with just less than a fifth of those always using slogans.

Promotional Merchandise Uses: Popular Products

The BPMA were also able to establish which products are popular amongst these senior marketers. When they were asked about which 3 items they highly rated for its uses, they found that:

• 35% said a pen

• 13% said pads, notebooks and Post-Its

• 10% said canvas shopping bags or eco bags.

Promotional Merchandise Uses: Popular Products

Stephen Barker, one of BPMA’s directors, made the following comments:

“What these results confirm is that practicality and relevance to the recipient are key factors in the decision-making process on promotional merchandise. Giving a product that serves a purpose ensures that it will be retained by the recipient, providing on going exposure for the brand that gave it.”

It was also found that 50% of customers preferred the use of long standing merchandise and a third preferred to use both a mixture of new and long standing merchandise. The statements made by the marketers show the concern shared by all in business in the current economic difficulties, saying “We know they work. We don’t have the budget to experiment” and “Items need to be reliable.”

Promotional Merchandise: Sourcing

Senior marketers also talked of the sourcing of information relating to their interest in purchasing merchandise.

• Nearly 70% stated that their current suppliers were their top choice for information on merchandise

• 53% used catalogues,

• Surprisingly in our digital age only 33% sought out information on the Internet

• And some minorities (under 30%) turned to their creative department or agency, co-workers and exhibitions for information.

Promotional Merchandise: Product Choice

When asked about influences selecting merchandise, 79% of marketers said price was their key influence and 59% said that the usefulness of the merchandise played a huge part.

Other factors, minor in comparison (under 30%), included relevance to the brand, attractiveness to the target market and the merchandise’ ability to meet their deadlines.

Promotional Merchandise: Product Choice

Stephen Barker commented:

“It is no surprise that cost is a key factor in decision making as the economy remains less than buoyant but it is encouraging to note that factors such as relevance and usefulness remain important.”

53% of the senior marketers also stated that they would make use of promotional clothing, with t-shirts and polo shirts being the most popular items, often purchased for staff to wear at events etc.

Looking toward Christmas, under 50% of the marketers said they sent promotional merchandise at Christmas time. The most popular products being typically food or drink items.

And among some of the marketers, more unusual products purchased throughout the year were rubber ducks, spinning tops and inflatable ice cubes!

Promotional Merchandise: Conclusions

Looking at the BPMA’s research, Stephen Barker concluded:

“The results of the survey demonstrate first-hand the value that senior marketers place on promotional merchandise and how it plays a key role in marketing activity. The frequency with which products are purchased shows this very clearly. In addition, the fact that useful products top the list of those items most purchased highlights that there is widespread recognition among marketers of the ways in which merchandise can bring longevity to promotional campaigns and is therefore an effective brand awareness tool.”

Promotional Merchandise in 2012Brought to you by
