QRCA - Philadelphia



Presentation given by Ben Smithee and Ricardo Lopez to Philadelphia QRCA Chapter

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Professional !

The “New”!

photo credit: flickr - theparadigmshifter!

The result of true engagement!

 ask questions!  share thoughts!  personalize examples!

Social Networking Social Media Web 2.0

Social media refers to activities, practices, and behaviors among communities of people who gather online to share information, knowledge, and opinions using conversational media. Conversational media are web based applications

that make it possible to create and easily transmit content in the form of words, pictures, videos, and audios.

The Social Media Bible - Lon Safko and David K. Brave

What does it mean


A New Way of Thinking!

it’s no longer about shouting

1,000! 100! 10!

it’s about building and maintaining relationships

10! 100! 1,000!

SM helps to flip the funnel









amazingly intimate

Phto Credit http://weenieenema.blogspot.com/2006/12/anthropomorphic-bears.html!

Personal Branding!

A Marketing Tool o  Expand your reach and build a reputation

o  Stay in front of clients o  Establish credibility and professionalism

o  Keeps your business up to date and relevant

"Everything you do is how you are seen" Jason Baer

#1 SM Benefit: People Will Talk about you!

#1 SM Fear: People Will talk about you!

Watch Out!

• Time management

• Privacy

• Etiquette

Social Media Etiquette •  Give more than you expect to receive. •  Do not say anything online that you would not say to someone in

a personal interaction.  Play nice! •  Contribute; add value; add content.  •  Be respectful.  •  Do not be pushy.  •  Generate trust by building �

quality relationships.  •  Stay engaged and present in �

the SM space you frequent.

•  Compared to other social networks

o Business focused o Relatively easy to use o More structured o Little advertising

How is it different?

•  Create a profile •  Grow your network •  Use your network

o People find you / you find other people

•  Optional - more advanced features o Answers, groups,

status updates, etc.

How it works

•  Clients are using LI; you want to be seen

•  Establishes credibility

•  Know the people you are about to meet o who is emailing or

calling you o prep for client meeting

•  Proactively search out potential clients


•  Fill it out completely •  Use a photo •  Include email in last

name or summary description section

•  Include links to your website, blogs, slide shows

•  Update your profile regularly so you show up in the LinkedIn updates

Prepare your profile

•  Let LI search email addresses

•  Invite anyone you meet related to business

•  Use school and employer match tools

•  Customize invitations - marketing!

Discuss: Should you accept all invitations?

Build your network

•  Find someone you want to meet o search by titles, location,

company, keywords

•  Can ask to be introduced via one of your connections o Closer connections are more


•  Or go directly with InMails


•  Recommendations o Write them for other

people; they will write them for you

o Or ask for them- tools

•  Status updates o  "What are you working on

now?" o More passively tap your



•  Thousands of groups o Join o Create

•  Adds logo to profile o reinforces specialties

•  Introduces you to whole new network

•  Quality varies


To pay or not to pay?

Answers section

•  Large social networking site where users add friends, share messages, photos, information, games, etc.

•  Can also join

What is it?

More fun and personal than LinkedIn or Twitter


Seeing personal side of business world opens up new level of connectivity

Business Benefits


•  Can assign different levels of access

•  May want to keep your home address, phone and primary email off

•  Can have different user profiles


•  Post on your wall •  Facebook email •  Chat •  Private messages •  Pokes •  Status Updates


•  Microblogging •  Send "tweets" - 140 character

messages - to those who are following you

•  Two segments o  Friends communicating real

time o  Business networking, sharing

information, news

What is it?

Like a large party!

•  Keep in touch with friends, family, coworkers, colleagues

•  Build a community o  Meet and get to know new people

•  Keep on top of the marketplace •  Create an image for yourself

o  expertise . . . and personality •  Drive traffic to your site or blog •  Freedom to follow/drop anyone •  Posts are short


Follow & Build a community of


where does social media fit in MR?

names you are tired of hearing

names you are tired of hearing

by understanding these

you can better understand these

today’s consumers: 1. blog 2. comment 3. vlog 4. tweet 5. talk to others 6. call customer service


benefits to understanding SM and its value to MR

realize the massive potential... but don’t under-estimate the

power of one!

US Airways flight – Janis Krum, ferry passenger, first to tweet before any traditional media

seek first to understand

how do my customers communicate online?!

what tools do they


real-time updates! unbiased buzz!

non-intrusive monitoring!





does utilizing SM make sense for your project?

social media monitoring

monitor and engage

my daily newspaper

bloggers have a voice

monitor traffic

video is migrating

video chat/journaling

respondent communities

i’m finally on facebook... now what?

harness its power effectively

but my clients are interested in their company

so are all of these people

isn’t YouTube just for ridiculous home videos?

not anymore

Youtube - search - Sprint “now”

instant feedback and reviews

video credit: Youtube.com - “Coleman Campsite”!

Merging Traditional and New Media

customized for your needs

user and crowd-sourced customization

firewalled micro-blogging

Analytics, Internal Utilization

an example from experience?


✦ guest videos ✦ youtube ✦ facebook ✦ myspace

a socially interactive approach at SXSW 2009

SM in recruiting, interviewing, follow-up, logistics, deliverables

looking forward

enhanced corporate acceptance

further movement toward interactive communication and online communities

augmented reality/ location-based applications and advertising

what is the bottom line?

SM is not for everyone and everything

we are past “twitter is cool” and “get a facebook page”�

targeted messages are becoming less “targeted” as communication

becomes more engaging

SM gives us another valuable tool to obtain consumer


as our clients begin to understand this evolution, they

will expect us to as well.

please keep in touch!











