Ron Andrews Saddleback @ Work Business Connection 9-15-14



Ron A. Andrews, President of Genetic Sciences Division – Thermo Fisher Scientific presents his 'Aha' moments at Saddleback@Work's Business Connection. Discover Ron's ways to intersect talent, passion, faith, and business for the greater good of all society and be inspired!

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“Aha’s” From The Life Of An Unlikely Executive

Ronnie Andrews(aka Forest Gump of Molecular Diagnostics)





Genetic fingerprint

Down to their innate molecular core, cancer cells are hyperactive, survival-endowed, scrappy, inventive copies of ourselves

Siddhartha Mukherjee“Emperor of all Maladies”

Genetic messaging



Unveiling The Mystery Of Cancer

Cancer Pathways Are Complex


Improve the Lives of Those Affected with Cancer by Bringing Clarity to a Complex Disease

Culture 1

Clarient’s Vision

Company Highlights

● Restart of Cellular Imaging Company – Chromavision

● Built out Lab Strategy in Fall of 2004● Launched “Clarient” with first service offering – January 2005● 2011 - over 1500 community pathology practices in network● Delivered > 60% CAGR since inception

● Acquired by GE in December 2010 for $587M- 5.8 times revenue

Top Place To Work In Healthcare in 2010 (Modern Healthcare: Companies under $500M)

Culture 1

AHA # 2


A Job vs. A Calling

“God made me fast, and when I run, I feel his pleasure”

Eric Liddell

Chariots of Fire

Understanding Your Gifts

• God packed you “on purpose for a purpose”

• God never called you to be anyone other than YOU…at your best, who are you?

• When you understand your gifts and align them with God’s calling, you will never have to “work” another day in your life!!!

Alignment Creates Energy



A Job vs. A Calling

“God made me ______________, and when I ___________, I feel his pleasure”

your name

In His Service

A New Perspective

Be content with who you are, and don’t put on airs. God’s strong hand is on you; he’ll promote you at the right time.

1 Peter 5:6 (MSG)

Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at

work worth doing

Theodore Roosevelt

AHA # 3


The Immutable Laws Of Leadership

• True measure of leadership is influence…nothing more…nothing less

• Influencing others is a matter of disposition, not position

• Influence must be earned…

• A cohesive leadership team is essential

• Humility is the Cornerstone of Great Leadership!

Of All the Great Leaders Only One:

• Took only 12 men with minimal skills and gave them a Vision, Mentored them and Empowered them to change the world

• Has seen his enterprise enjoy double digit growth for over 2000 years

Leadership Virtues of Jesus• Forgiving

• Pure Motives

• Peaceable

• Gentle

• Entreatable

• Merciful

• Fruitful

• Steadfast

• Honest

• Committed to others

Takin’ it to the MarketplaceAnswering Key Questions on the Path to Becoming a

Servant Leader

Contemplating Jesus’ Model

As a modern day follower of Jesus’ leadership model, how would you describe the general pattern of leadership that you observe and experience in today’s society?

Is the Servant Leadership that Jesus expects from his followers any more or less radical today than in the first century? Why/why not?

How do you think Jesus would modify his instructions to modern leaders given the complexity and potential impact of their leadership decisions on a global economy?

Do you follow Christ’s Example?• Do people believe that you are willing to sacrifice your own self-interest for the good of

the group?• Do People believe that you want to hear their ideas and will value them?• Do people believe that you will care about what is happening in their lives and how it

affects them?• Do people come to you when the chips are down or when something traumatic has

happened to them?

• Do others believe you have a strong awareness and maturity for what is going on?

• Do others follow your requests because they “want to” as opposed to because they “have to”?

• Do people believe that you are committed to helping them develop and grow

• Do people have a strong sense of community in the organizations you are a part of?

Perform a 360 Feedback exercise and gain importantInput from those you interact with each day!

Take a Heart Check

Do you have the Heart to serve? What would your daily, weekly, quarterly or yearly calendar reveal

about your willingness to serve? In which of the following situations are you most prone to put your

own agenda ahead of others?– Work, Home, Marriage, Friends, People in Need

Is your sense of self worth tied to how well you perform and the opinion of other people?

How would your impact on others change if your pride and fears were replaced with humility and God – grounded confidence?

Servant Leadership Requires Commitment…

• To lead in a very different way

• Begins with Personal Leadership…

• …Moves on to leading in one on one relationships…

• Then to a team or group.

What are three ways in which you nurture trust in your one on one relationships at work? At Home?

How would people describe your leadership in a time of crisis? A time of failure? A time of Victory?

Servant Leaders put others first…always!

• The most persistent barrier to Servant Leadership is a heart motivated by self interest!

Can you think of situations when you put your own agenda ahead of others…at work? At home?

Why is forgiveness an important aspect of leadership?

Servant Leaders are steadfast…focused on their ultimate calling!

• One of the greatest services a leader can provide his or her followers is constancy of purpose.

Tough times will challenge your mission People are watching to see how you respond…

• Great leaders stay on course…true to their mission and values.

Servant Leaders know when to suppress their ego!

• True test of your ability to be a servant leader and have a lasting impact is when your EGO and the EGO of others engage one another…

Can you recognize and overcome the pride and fears that will limit your ability to touch the other person in a meaningful way?

Can you “let the best idea” win…no matter whose idea it is ?

How will you lead?

Think of two situations in which you currently act in a leadership role: one as an organizational leader and one in a life role leadership situation.

How are these roles different…how are they alike? What basic question do you have to answer if you are going

to be a Servant Leader in both situations? What challenges do you face in each leadership role that

make it difficult to follow through on seeking to serve rather be served?

Final Thoughts

Our Mission as Servant Leaders

The greatest good we can do for another is not just to share your riches…

But, to reveal in them their own

For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. 2 Timothy 1:6
