SalesLoft Leadership Series with Andy Stanley


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Leadership Lunch & Learn!SalesLoft: 3/16/15!


Inspired by Andy Stanley Leadership Podcast

Trust vs. Suspicion

The Goal?

Create a culture characterized by trust

Where is trust derived?• Difference between what is expected and

what actually happens!• We call those gaps!• Leaders choose what to place in the gaps!• We can choose trust or suspicion

Example: Rob is 15 minutes late

• Gap between expectation and performance!• I have to put something in there!• I can choose trust!• I can choose suspicion

The real issue at hand

• It’s not about why Rob was late!• It’s about whether this is going to be a culture

where we expect the best or the worst.!

Fundamental Attribution Error

Other tips on gaps

• Decide to give the same benefit of the doubt that I give myself!

• If you create the same gap over and over eventually the trust wears out!

• Defend others with trust!• Own the gap. I don't want to discover the gap

When there is trust, confrontation becomes nothing more than the pursuit of truth in an attempt to find the best possible answer

The Importance & Power of Team

“High performance teams are comprised of people with extraordinary clarity around 3 things: what, why, and how along with a strong predisposition toward execution”!!

- Andy Stanley

Predisposition toward execution

1. Select performance oriented people !2. Recruit doers not thinkers!3. Position them for maximum impact!!

“It's much easier to educate a doer than to activate a thinker”!

“If you have the right people on the bus the problem of how to motivate and manage people,

largely goes away”!!

-Jim Collins

Position them for max impact

“Everybody is a genius but If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life

believing it's stupid.” !!

- Albert Einstein

“High performance teams are comprised of people with extraordinary clarity around 3 things: what, why, and how along with a strong predisposition toward execution”

Why is clarity important?

1. Lays groundwork for organizational change!2. People feel the sense of interdependence!3. Decentralizes leadership!4. Creates momentum

The ‘What’?

1. What have we come together to do?!2. Constantly connecting the dots

High performance teams are crystal clear around: what have we come together to do?!


Become an ATL unicorn

The ‘Why’?

1. What’s at stake? What goes undone if we don’t accomplish ‘the what’!

2. Founder / team member alignment


1. Change lives!2. Change ATL!3. Change history of sales

The ‘How’?

1. Highly orchestrated & evaluated !2. Brings in predictability!3. Feedback loop for critical event!4. Company, Team 1, your team

How (company)?

1. Culture first!2. Engineering Excellence!3. Machine for customer acquisition!4. Customer ❤!5. Building community

How (Team 1)?

1. Servant leadership!2. Meeting rhythm!3. Metrics focus OPSP!4. ROWE

How (Your Team)?
