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We Present You The Life of“Steve Jobs”

Presented By :• Manita Shrestha• Grimesh

Bhandari• Krishna Karki• Eelba Bista• Devraj Paudel• Deepesh Paudel

Early Years

• Born in San Francisco on February 24, 1955 to Joanne Carole Schieble and Abdulfattah John Jandali.

• Adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs of Mountain View, California

• They gave him the name “Steven Paul Jobs”

Educational Career.• Attended Cupertino Middle School and Homestead High School.

• lecture at the Hewlett-Packard Company, where he was later hired as a summer employee.

• After high school, he attended Reed College in Portland, Oregon for one semester, and then dropped out.

• Two years later, in 1974, he started going to meetings for the “Homebrew Computer Club.

• Jobs took a job at Atari, a popular video game company, as a technician, hoping to save enough money for a spiritual retreat to India.

• At Atari, he was given the job of designing economic circuit board for the game “Breakout”. He couldn’t and gave this responsibility to his friend Wozniakand who designed so economically.

Early Career

• On April 1, 1976, the Apple Computer Co. was formed.

• Their first PC, the Apple I, sold for $666.66, and was released in 1976

• The Apple II, which was released the next year, was a huge success

• In May of 1980, they released the Apple III. It wasn’t as popular, but that same year, Apple became a publicly traded corporation, greatly expanding Jobs’ company

Steve’s Accomplishments

• Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Apple Inc and Pixar.

• Guinness Book of World Records as the "Lowest Paid Chief Executive Officer”.

• Pixar Company bought Oscar Winning Awards Films such as “Toy Story”, “Finding Nemo”, and “The Incredible”.

• Largest single shareholder of the Walt Disney Company, with 7% of the stock.

Personal & Business Facts

• Annual income is $1million. Even though he holds 5.426 million Apple shares as well as 138 million shares in Disney Pixar.

• Forbes estimated his net wealth to be $5.1 billion in 2009 which made him 43rd wealthiest American.

• Is married to Laurence Powell on 1991. Have a son and two daughters

• Great Fan of The Beatles. He even compared his business model to Beatles.

Personal & Business Facts…..

• Not widely known for Philanthropic causes. After resuming control of Apple in 1997, eliminated all corporate philanthropy programs.

• Known for aggressive and demanding personality. Fortune has mentioned him as one of Silicon Valley’s leading egomaniacs.

• He has also made into the fortune’s list of America’s toughest bosses.

• One of his colleague once said Jobs would have made an excellent King of France. This was because of his compelling to work and his larger than life persona.

Personal & Business Facts…..

• He has always aspired to position Apple and its products at the forefront of the information technology industry by foreseeing and setting trends.

• He was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor in his pancreas in mid 2004. He also had a liver transplant in April 2009.

• Currently he has been granted a medical leave of absence from Jan 7, 2011.

• Despite the leave, he made appearances at the iPad 2 launch event, the WWDC keynote introducing iCloud, etc which shows that he is always dedicated to his work.

Jobs Gets Fired : The Global News

The Global media was all over Jobs exit from Apple.


The Downfall of Jobs

• In 1984, Steve Jobs hired John Sculley, the president of Pepsi Cola as the CEO of Apple.

• The working methods of Sculley did not match to the expectations of Jobs.

• Steve planned to send Sculley to China as a business tour just in order to play a decisive role in his absence.

• The clash between the Board members and Jobs actually heated during the project LISA in 1982.

The Downfall of Jobs…..

• In May 1985, Jobs was fired from Apple by the CEO and the board.

• The 12 years without Steve Jobs is considered as the worst period for Apple.

• Apple faced many financial crisis and lacked the vision and leadership of Jobs.

The Rise of Jobs• After getting fired in 1985, Jobs, along with his former

employees started a new computer company named “NEXT”.

• Initial investment of $ 7 million of his own money.

• However, It was too costly, had a black-and-white screen, and couldn't be linked to other computers or run common software.

• In 1986, Jobs paid filmmaker George Lucas $10 million for a small firm called Pixar that specialized in computer animation.

• Later, It set out to make the first-ever computer-animated feature film, “Toy Story”- a massive box office hit.

The Rise of Jobs…..

• In December of 1996, Apple announced that it was purchasing Next Software for over $400 million. Jobs returned to Apple as a part-time consultant to CEO Gilbert Amelio.

• The following year, in August, Apple entered into a partnership with archrival Microsoft, in which the two companies agreed to cooperate on several sales and technological fronts.

• In September of 1997, Jobs was named interim CEO of Apple while a replacement for the ousted Amelio was sought.

What can we learn from this life


• Connecting the dots.

• Stay Hungry , Stay Foolish.

• Love and Loss.

• Don’t be trapped by dogma.

Thank You !!!

Have a Good Evening Ahead !!!
