Social Media is Not

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Its time to break through the ice

Social media still isn't mainstream yet...

I said YET...

How much of what you hear about social media, have you already heard before?

This much we do know...

Social media is not a life raft...
-Chris Brogan

Social media is a lot of things

Social media is not
and it's not fast

If you think that it is easy and fast...

Well...Do i have a deal for you!

Social Media is not an experiment

Social Media isnt a one-shot deal.
It's not a technique. It's not a short-term project. Its not even an event, its not a quick fix, and its not something you throw money at.
-B.L. Ochman

But you knew that right?

It's not the final frontier either
-Brian Solis

Social Media isn't advertising

and it's not marketing either...

Getting frustrated yet?

I would be


Social media is not a commodity
-Ike Piggot

And for those that are really in the dark...
Social media isn't newspapers, magazines, television, radio, books, CD's, DVD's, a box of photos, physical mail and catalogs and the yellow pages..
-Robert Scoble

We're almost there...

Social Media is not a numbers game

Social media is...

Up to you!

And Your voice!

And you ears...

Social media is a dialogue

not a monologue

Social media is not predicated on

many to many...

Social media is not closed to anyone

It's not calm, it's not sedate, nor is it unresponsive...

Definitely not passive...

Nor static..

It's all about connections

The tools and the technology are secondary, it's what you do with them that matters.

Understand how they can be used and the applications are limitless

Break through the surface...

Go deeper!

Get beyond the echo...

Right now, you might only be scratching the surface of social media!

What do you think?