Spotlight on B2C: Attracting revenue through your social media activities




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Attracting revenue through your social

media activities – mini case study

Giveaway + survey campaign• Aim: to build on existing engagement and increase number of Likes from 1K; plus raise brand profile

• Means #1: Launched an iPhone 4 giveaway, coupled with social shopping survey

• Means #2: As well as promoting through email marketing, forums and partners like PayPal we had mini-campaigns

• Results #1: Numbers increased in 4 weeks from 1K - 6.9K

• Results #2: Plus 1.3K social shopping respondents with offline and online coverage

• ROI: £500 for iPhone 4 plus £100 for listing promo

Before the giveaway..

Trial: 600 visitors to the UK £200 Sweepstake and 88 entries (Mar 2010: Wildfire app).

Giveaway launch

• We first surveyed members on what they wanted as a top giveaway

Email marketing results• Increased size of sign ups from 4318 – from Aug 2010 newsletter with

12.5% open rate - to 19,934 for July 2011 newsletter with 57.9% open rate based on personalised subject line.

• Design went static to visually dynamic!

Competition during the giveaway..

Used photo tag facility to engage members – uploading the same photo to allow the flood of entries in return for a small prize..

And after..

‘Everyone’s a winner’…gave away 10 iPod Nano’s in collaboration with

Shopping survey: results

Follow-up coverage of our survey in the online trade press:

• Internet Retailing – ‘80% say shopping is cheaper online’

• The Retail Bulletin – ‘New survey reveals that 80% believe best bargains are found online’

Shopping survey in the Metro

Facebook vs community?

Community = SEO as ugc

Method: 40 comparison product guides

Bloggers = SEO!

SEO and bloggers

• Tactic to improve backlinks from top blogs?

• Use a social monitoring tool based on keywords you are focusing on, and spotting when top bloggers are writing on a relevant subject.

• Reaching out to them to see if they’d review your product, or leave a comment on that blog piece
