SSD optimization tips for windows


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SSD Optimization Tips For  Windows

Activate AHCI Mode

Way To Enable AHCI Mode

•Use Win+R to open the Run dialog box

•Input "regedit" and press Enter key to open Registry


•Navigate to the location "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\


•Set the Start value to "0"

Enable trimMethods To verify TRIM Status

•Open Command Prompt.

•Input "fsutil behavior query DisableDeleteNotify".

•If the result is 0, TRIM is enabled

•If the result is 1, then TRIM is disabled.

Disable Paging FilesHow to disable Paging Files 

•Select Properties from your computer

•Click advanced settings

•In performance option click “change”

•Choose “no paging files” and click on set button

Turn Off Defragmentation

How to turn off scheduled defragmentation

Right Click On SSD Partition

Choose Properties

Click On Defragment Now

Click On Configure Schedule Button

Uncheck Scheduled Defragmentation

Disable Hibernation/Sleep Mode

How to disable hibernation/sleep mode

•Go To Start Menu

•Type Cmd

•Enter  "Powercfg – H Off" And Validate

Disable GUI Boot

How to disable GUI boot

•Start -> Run -> type msconfig, press Enter button

•Click on Boot tab

• In boot options, check "No GUI boot"

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