Summer Safety Tips for seniors by A Leading Senior Living Community


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Summer Safety Tips for seniors

Summer is on the way, but are you prepared for that? Do you have any safety plan for your elderly loved one? Summer can be fun and relaxing for you but for your elderly loved one, the sun and the heat can be dangerous if they lack care. Here are the tips that can help seniors have some fun in the summer.

Keep Your Elders HydratedSeniors lose their ability to conserve water and also become less aware of their thirst. So, make sure that they drink enough water a day and don’t forget to take water with you if you are planning long summer drives with them.

Wear the Right StuffYour seniors should dress according to the weather. If it’s too warm out, help your elders find some natural fabrics to be cool inside. Stock their wardrobe with loose-fitting and light colored clothes to make them feel comfortable under the hot sun.

Get Knowledge on the Risks of HyperthermiaHeat stroke is an advanced form of hyperthermia which can be life-threatening. So be aware of the warning signs and get immediate attention if your elderly loved ones are experiencing the below symptoms: Dry and flushed skin Fainting Headache Nausea and vomiting Body temperature higher than

104 degrees Heavy breathing Rapid pulse No sweat

ExerciseYour elderly loved one follows an exercise program regularly? Great! If not, you must encourage them to start a program today. It will keep them active and help them to do their works without any support. If they want to do exercise on a regular basis, consider doing it in the early morning or later in the evening.

If you are looking for a reputable independent living community, then visit Aldersgate Village. They provide a comprehensive continuum of quality care for older adults. To know more,

visit or

call at (785) 478-9440
