The audit monkey[1]



Internal Audit @ Hyatt. Mascot Presentation movie.

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Werner productions presents

Audit Monkey

The Beginning

Once upon a time…

There was a Monkey

Monkey’s friends told him that he is talented and should become an auditor

GAAP the Gorilla

Flux the Furry Ape


Good Idea

So Monkey went shopping so he could dress the part.And…

After several very tough interviews at Hyatt IA…

Got any good monkey stories?


The hiring manager thought he had potential and offered him a position on the team… the same day!

You’re hired!Cool!

He was ecstatic!!!

He was looking forward to all the opportunities Hyatt has to offer…

There was so much to learn and…

So many places to visit…

So many friendly people to welcome him to the department

It was time to celebrate… so Rasitha decided to have a celebratory beverage with Audit Monkey and his best friend – “The Hyatt Touch”

Except Audit Monkey had a few too many drinks….…and ended up falling asleep in his glass!!

In his sweet dreams, he met the Talking Stick….

Whattup?Nuthin, but…. Umm… ok…I have something to tell you

You have special powers and must use them wisely. Your weakness is

the Fraud-Dohthat’s in this

container. Keep this in or the evil-doers will rule the



Audit Monkey woke up to Kiara scolding him for being so irresponsible yesterday… and told him to find those powers


But Audit Monkey continued to wonder whether he would ever find his special powers… so he went to find it…

On FACEBOOK… and he saw one of his best friends – “The Hyatt Touch” was in trouble..

Dodd &


“The Hyatt Touch” was being held hostage by..

I need to find

my super


Off to save the


Hand over the Fraud-Doh!?


Let “The Hyatt Touch” go!



Director of Disaster

Security Worm

Some more bad guys decide to show up....

So Audit Monkey gets some help.... now that’s teamwork

Let’s smoke ‘em




Your disaster days are over!


Good job team!

Audit Monkey saved “The Hyatt Touch” and kept Fraud-Dohsafe… and understood his powers should be used for good.

The End


2 Minutes to Win It - Mastermind

Bridget “Flash Mobster” McIntrye

Audit Monkey – Design

Dan “The Artist” Argynov

Audit Monkey – Creation and Screenplay

Kiara “Iron Chef” Harahap & Co


Amy “AMP-Girl” Powelson

Becky “Yoga Master” Abdale

Directed by

Anil “Dreamworks” Harjani

Stay tuned for the Sequel…

“Rise of Risk –The Snake!”

Thank You!
