The future of innovation - meeting increasing business expectations, rapid increases in the pace of...


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Copyright CXO Advisor & SaaS-it Consult 20131

The future of InnovationThe only constant is change –

increasingly so!

Copyright CXO Advisor & SaaS-it Consult 20132

Innovation inhibitors Legacy - “business as usual”

Infrastructure Tools - Is there any way to innovate without tech? Thinking

Digital foreigners (non-millenials) driving the status quo Complex or no

Integration Extensibility

Commodity IT Lack of flexibility, adaptability & responsiveness

Copyright CXO Advisor & SaaS-it Consult 20133

Innovation killers• People• communicating effectively or own agenda’s• “Its always been done like that”

• Politics• Thinking internally – domain or own good• Fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD)

• Noise• It can't be so simple - analysis paralysis

• Measuring and rewarding outdated behaviours or goals• KPA/I's, lack of innovation management and metrics

• Budgets• Lack of innovation funding, bloated legacy funding• Priorities driven by short term goals and outdated strategies• ROI, funding models for bankers rather than investors

Copyright CXO Advisor & SaaS-it Consult 20134

IT seldom delivers on its innovation potential• Rigid and legacy bound• Poor to average responsiveness to business• Weak appetite for more business impact • Focus on technology rather than the business outcome,

model and drivers• Lack of market speed – lag• Not thinking like the business, market or competitors

Copyright CXO Advisor & SaaS-it Consult 20135

Innovation enablers• Leverage digitisation, information potential and

connectedness • Is there any innovation without technology?• A recent Deloitte CIO survey found:• Technology-driven innovation is fast becoming a key lever for organisations to

realise competitive advantage, a message re-inforced by the fact that almost two-thirds of CIOs confirmed that innovation is a key part of their organisation’s business strategy.

• Simpler core business process integration & interface management• Seamless web services integration from anywhere (internet)• Orchestration of business services into new

• Enterprise processes and functions (horizontal integration)• Portals, intranet or extranets (vertical integration)• Mobile apps (Outside-in-tegration)

• The internet of things – ever increasing digitisation – eveything accessed from the internet

Copyright CXO Advisor & SaaS-it Consult 20136

Innovation accelerators• Right People - digital natives• End of the abominable “no-men” and the “Death of the IT Department” as we know it – Terry White

• A recent Deloitte CIO survey found :• Big data is fast becoming a key strategic asset in many organisations

adaptivity - driving a sensing of market change as it happens• The end of competitive advantage :• In a world without sustainable competitive advantage, the new path to

winning means capturing opportunities quickly and exploiting them decisively, then moving on once they are exhausted. It’s all about learning to thrive in a transient advantage economy - Rita Gunther McGrath

• Tenacious pursuit of market understanding (outside-in)• Really knowing the customer perspective, current expectation and


Copyright CXO Advisor & SaaS-it Consult 20137

Innovation balance• There is a place for Governance, Risk and Compliance• Deepen understanding of risk tolerance• Compliance appetite

• Horses for courses• Never black and white

• Governance effectiveness• Don’t kill Innovation connection possibilities

• IT need to• Democratise, guide and coach business • Get closer to your wider business and supplier network (think and work

outside-in)• Broker Agile Services and manage service contracts• Stop saying no – rather how to

Copyright CXO Advisor & SaaS-it Consult 20138

The future of innovation• Resources on demand

• Increasingly accessible, cheap, useful• Instant resouces (including people) to answer

• Is it feasible, viable?• How quickly and effectively can we prove the concept?

• Establish a "good enough now" minimal viable product• Digital infrastructure is not an inhibitor any longer

• Iaas, internet, mobile, cloud• Services can be extablished in minutes

• Saas, Bpaas, Web service intergation and orchestration• Information is available on demand

• Search, find, secure• Abstraction-automation - platform for growth

• High re-use – do complex tasks once• Low complexity – eliminate the mundane• Unlimited scalability, extensibility

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So what?• Embrace change to drive business innovation• Responsive to change• Emulate consumers ~ informed, empowered, connected

• "Business engineers" design & deploy solutions on demand

• Change is increasingly easy • Just ask your customers and competitors

• It can help shape your innovation strategy through their unique technology perspective but informed by real business imperatives
