The internet of things

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A white paper taking an overview of the concept that is 'The Internet of Things' offering some real world examples of how it is being used and how you can use it.

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Directors Briefing March 2012

What is the Internet of Things?


What is the Internet of Things

You may have heard of ‘The Internet of Things’ - a hot new trend that could impact our digital l landscape. In this briefing we take a layman’s view to explain what it is, why it is relevant and how it could impact us.

What is the Internet of Things? It is a connected network of objects that have the ability to share data from the device to another object. This can be as simple as the heat of a room measured by a thermometer, the flow of a pipe or the status of traffic lights. The connection between these elements using the Internet to communicate and collaborate.

When we state ‘the Internet’ we mean the original TCP/IP connections to transmit data, not necessarily communicating through web or email based systems.

So, if the Internet, and primarily the web, is populated by human beings sharing and creating actions, so the Internet of Things is a network of objects sharing data between themselves.

The Internet of Things becomes important when we consider that the number of connected devices will soon outnumber the number of connected humans. An estimate published in March 2011 estimated there was 50 million connected devices and growing.

Increasingly the Internet of Things will be powered through mobile communications, not ‘landline’ based data which opens up many more opportunities for connecting both ‘mobile devices (cars, buses, trains etc.) but also opens up more rural connections and offers growth potential in developing countries.

The Internet of Things in action

If you stand at the bus stop and text a number for a timetable update. Your bus will be sending out location messages which are then copied to your phone.

The bus network for Cambridge, UK is one example of using this technology to communicate with passengers via live status boards at bus stops and on demand through SMS.


What is the Internet of Things

How brands are using The Internet of Things

The concept of Internet of Things, whilst not new has yet to be really harnessed by brands. New companies like Fitbit lead the way for new opportunities with apps like Foursquare working to connect with Fitbit data.

In time we will see additional brand usage as they work to translate object data into human data and content.


In essence the Nike+ app is powered by The Internet of Things. The special sensor tracks speed, distance, pace and calories burnt. A wireless transmitter sends this data to an iPod and the associated app translates that from data to insight and Wisdom. The more times this used, the more data can be created from which insight and further wisdom can be created.

The Nike Fuel Band will also be a good example, further connecting an object to a social network (Path.) The data created from the fuel band is translated by software and shared directly on the social network, creating content from data.


FitBit is a relatively new digital pedometer. Set it up, attach it to your clothes and it will sit there monitoring activity (or lack of), steps, stairs climbed and distance walked. This data is then transmitted via computer connected base station to Fiitbit servers that collate this information and translate it into insight.


What is the Internet of Things


The insight gained from data will play an important part in future online services. Mapping, for example is a hotly contested arena with Google Maps, Bing Maps and Open Maps all trying to improve the insight available from using their maps.

In order to provide more effective route guidance, Microsoft tagged 33,000 taxi cabs in Beijing, China. Their aim was to monitor the routes to identify the most effective routes at different times of day, day or week. This data could then be collated with other object data like weather and city traffic information to build up a more insightful picture. In time this will be shared with map users to provide a more compelling map experience.

The Future of The Internet of Things

The Internet of Things has been growing since the Internet was launched. The concept, and how it relates to consumers has been around for at least 2 years with IBM’s Smarter Planet spearheading the drive to relevance and commercialism.

Yet for all this history, it has yet to really impact on our daily lives or to be harnessed by brands. As more ‘phones become data collectors and more apps connect with this data, we will see more opportunities arise to harness this technology.

Like ‘Web 2.0’ The Internet of Things may lose the moniker as it becomes part of our daily, connected lives.
