The Ministry of Food Agriculture and Livestock - e-Agriculture Projects

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Presentation held by Mr. Ertugrul Akin, within the Regional Workshop on Georgia's anti-corruption and public service delivery reforms (22-24 September 2011).

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The Ministry of

Food Agriculture and Livestock

e-Agriculture Projects

Republic of Turkey





















e-Government Architect



ing E




Presentation by Mr. Guido Bertucci Director, DPADM/UNDESA Division for Public Administration and Development Management (DPADM) United Nations

Department for Economic and Social Affairs

To construct a building, the order of flats to be constructed is

important. When bulding an apartment you can’t build up 4th floor

without first 3 floors. Morover the buldings should have also water

system, sewerage system etc. Before all flats. Before them also there

should be some ground based works. Before all of them mentioned

here also there should be architecture project drawn by e-Gov

strategist. E-Gov projet is also like this. You can build up firstly the

e-Gov projects seen on the roof in the picture.



Social/Administrative Dimensions 80%

Change Management 35%

Restructiring the Business 40%

Legal Infrastructure (ex: e-signature)

Basic database records (e-population,

Real Estate Registrarion, Vehicles Registration, Online Business)

Chance 5% (Ex: Unexpected administrative barrieer)

•Technology 20%

e-Agriculture : e-Government Bases

Electronic-Government Projects Contents

Electronic %20-

Government %80

E-Agriculture: e-Government Bases E-Gov Projects should be planned by an e-Gov Arthitect.

If started with a wrong ordered project meanwhile if

entered wrong door, this mistake understood only if

3-5 years later when it is asked that the project to be

integrated with the other projects, however this will

not be possible. Because it is not planned to do so.

When the true choice door is understood the previous

wrong project becomes rubbish however the cost of

this wrong choice is; a few million Dollars, the lost

of 3-5 years, a lot of works, the more pains for the

citizens , the pains continues for more and more

years etc.

Before doing this mistake and before not being too

late e-gov adviser and strategist should be consulted.

Before an e-Gov project started, Integration

(illusrated on the left) should be considered.

Common platform (dataBase & system),

common Interface (One window web page)

should be projected and considered in the


E-Agriculture: e-Gov. Bases Interoperability by Project Components e-Agriculture as a e-Gov project, of

which the components should be fitted

with each others just like a clock gears

and the gears should return each

others (On the left)

Without the consultancy of e-

Gov. a project taken from an

institution, includes

unconnected, and unintegrable

structures. (Aşağıdaki şekil)

By the consultancy of E-Gov

advicer, an e-gov. project

component, from where it is

taken does not matter, just like

puzlle on the left, will be

designed as compitable and

integrable with the other

potential components. Then

the whole projects of e-gov

will grow in health. (On the


E-Gov projects are to be

integrated with the others

when it is completed

because they are

interoperable and

interdisciplinary projects.

e-Agriculture: Agriculture Info System System Components (Subprojects)

Animal Registration System (ARS)

Pasture-Meadow Info System (MIS)

Farmer Registration System (FRS)

Aquaculture Info System (AQIS)

Agricultural Geographic Info Systems

Food Security Info System (FSIS)

Organic Agriculture Info System (OAIS)

The Integrations

With other e-Gov Projects

Ministry of Interior National e-Id Project (e-Id)

The Integrations to do with other e-Gov projects

Land/Real Estate Registration System (LRS)

e-Customs System

The Integration with other Governments

Turkiye is open for this idea. This is already

applied. And for some more countries it is still been

working to do so.

E-Agriculture: Agriculture Info System

This system provides;

Cross verified data entrance (declarations by farmers and records which should be fitted as well, among them) .

Scientific R&D

Decision Support Systems is used to develop strategies and agricultural politics where supports & subsidies are used as a tool

to attaract the farmers into the record system (like cheap fuel, cheap seed or cut in taxes etc.)

to manipulate the agricultural market by determining amount of production and so prices.

Forecasting Agricultural Products

Projections on Agriculture

Risk Analyses on Agriculture.

E-Agriculture : Benefits/Opportunities on the System

If this system is to be constructed into the another country;

To use, to develop and administriate the AIS system, there should be aimed that the sufficient human resource sources to be provided in the country where the system to be constructed.

It is essential that the country should be self sufficient to use the AIS on the subject of administering and usage.

We are not aiming any trade & income but to get friendship and brothershood with the country collaborated.

However the other companies and states, promoting their system, could be;

Giving no open source codes and giving insufficient training , they are aiming to make the country dependant to them.

In this respect there should also be security risks because of binary codes, not being open source codes.

Also they may not provide all the system secrets again to make the country dependant to them.

If no enough local human resources educated then allways you should call the company. Some time later the company may vanish.

In the future time this dependancy not only increases the costs but also risks the sustainability of the project.

E-Agriculture : Agriculture Info System (AIS) Sustainability

How to have an independent, self sufficient and sustainable system,

By constructing local human sources is very important :

It is necessary to determine the qualified personnel of the country from their human resources.

Then an education & training should be given to them on e-goverment area by a planned program.

By working with e-gov strategists:

The system to be constructed, should be determined by e-gov strategists on the respect of the essentials of independancy and self sufficiency. (Such as platform independent, having open sourced so secure code, providing some international and national standards) .

E-Agriculture : Agriculture Info System (AIS)

Animal Identification System.

Pedigree system

Veterinary Info System

Feed Info Sytem

Herd Info System

Pasture & meadows Info Sytem

There exist detailed presentation (ppt file) on Animal Records System.

E-Agriculture : Animal Records System The Components

The records of Aquaculture Sector, it includes

• Fishing/Catching Activities

• Transportation of fishes

• Selling activities

The records of Businesses in Aquaculture;

• Companies' information

• Companies' flowchart for processing/producing.

• Companies' products

• The Microeconomics of Aquaculture

Ship Info System

E-Agriculture : e-Aquaculture (1) The Components

Ship Records includes

• Ships' Information

• Visas of ships

It is also possible to follow the geographical

coordinates/locations of the ships from satellites by

integrating with another e-gov projects.

E-Agriculture : e-Aquaculture (2)

Ship Info System

There exist detailed presentation (ppt file) onAquaculture System.

E-Agriculture :

GIS applications in

agriculture (1)


Agricultural Regions Info

System : Regions are defined

by its soil, climate,

geographical structures,

Agricultural Land Registration

System : The info about the

Lands recorded such as

ownership, product, geographic

coordinates etc.

There exist more presentations (ppt files) on

1.Agricultural Regions Info System,

2.Land Registration System

Topography, soil

analyses are

holded in dB.

What is on the

land: The


s, recorded. Or

animals, milk


facilities etc.

These recorded data provide us

opportunities and applications to

produce necessary strategic plans and

politics in agriculture


data is



E-Agriculture : GIS applications in agriculture (2)

E-Agriculture : Farmer Registration System (FRS)



Direct Supports Indirect Supports (carried out

by other Agricultural Organizations)

Supports for organic agriculture The buying crops by

National Crops Buying Office

Supports for Feed Plants Supports for Crops by institute TKK

Supports for Certified Seeds Supports for Financing Investments

by the intitution KK

Supports for Vehicle Oil and for Fertilizers Supports for Production Assurance

Supports by production (milk, meat,) Supports by the Agriculture project ÇATAK

Supports and subsidies are the tools to

manipuate agriculture , to direct

farmers what to produce, how much to

produce, how to produce by which

type of production method etc..

Query is poosible on e-agriculture FRS system by farmers, villages,cadastres, productions, agricultural lands, owners, rentals, water sources etc. Unique codes with EU standars are used for the production items of 204 types. Some analyses and reports are also available for the public citizens to provide the investors to compete in the word.

There exist another presentation (ppt file) on FRS.

System Provides

This system enforce the food/feed producers to apply Turkish and International standards.

Using this system it is possible that to determine the food risks by analyses on the system.

It is possible to find out the harmful remains, pollutions on the food/feed and to take preventive decisions.


E-Agriculture : Food Security Info System (1)

The components

Production index component,

Companies, businesses, and their productions component

Basic Information (Institution, Organization, owners, responsible people, personnel staff, adress of them, location of them-including foreign countries) component

Production coding component

Control Planning component

Controls and control results records component

Laboratuary analysis info component

Early warning and Alarm component


E-Agriculture : Food Security Info System (2)

A good implemented e-gov project returns

its investment in a year. Good

implementation is possible by e-Gov

strategists. After the first year the project

returns high profits so does effects GDPI to

incease even multiplier effect is not taken

into account.

The biggest income is citizens' happiness

provided by electronic services. This

income is the most important and not

measurable by money.

E-Agriculture : Economics

E-Agriculture : Secure and Reliable System

In the e-Agriculture systems, security is provided

By servers

By users

By telecommunications infrustructure

By programming language codes

By data entered : Verification & cross


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