The Process Of Reframing | Success Resources Richard Tan



When you start seeing things differently, you’ll start to see life as filled with gems to unearth and respond differently.

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Think about a major mistake you made in the last year. You might feel an instant rush of dread and regret.

But chances are, the mistake was part of an experience with more

successes than failures. And if you

thought about it, might have been one of the

greatest learning experiences in the year.

Deliberately looking for the benefits in any situation is an important strategy in reframing.

Remember, you are in control. You’re in control of how you view an experience, the meaning you assign to it, the emotion it creates, and your reaction to it.

Reframing is one of the most powerful ways to take charge of your life. 

Here are negative situations and some possible reframes:

1. “My boss yells at me all the time.”


“It’s great to have a boss that cares enough to tell me how he/she really feels. I should have been fired.”

Here are negative situations and some possible reframes:


“That’s outstanding! I made more money this year than last year.”

2. “I had to pay $4,000 more in income tax this year.”

Here are negative situations and some possible reframes:


“It’s wonderful that now I’m aware of my pattern of behavior in the past, I can figure out how to change it forever!”

3. “Every time I start to get ahead, I sabotage my success.”

Almost every seemingly negative experience can be reframed into a positive. How often have you said to yourself, “Someday I’ll look back on this and laugh.” Why wait for “someday?” Why not look back and laugh at it now? It’s all a matter of perspective.

Have you ever gone somewhere expecting to have a bad time and instead met someone special or made an incredible business connection? 

Making unexpected discoveries is one of

life’s greatest treasures.

When you start seeing things differently, you’ll start to see life as filled with gems to unearth and respond differently. Then you’ll

find that it’s not your situation that improves… it’s yourself!

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