The purge trailer analysis



The Purge Trailer Analysis

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The opening to the trailer is of a sunrise. The connotations of a sunrise are usually positive; new beginnings, rebirth, sunshine equalling to happiness etc. Therefore by the trailer using this is subverts ideologies of horror movie trailers, as this opening it reinforcing ideas happiness and a happy positive movie rather than a horror. However this use of challenging ideologies of horror movies will interest the audience more as they are not getting what they expect therefore, giving them more suspense as to what this movie is about. This happens for quite awhile after this particular scene.

The next scene within the trailer is of a family holding hands walking into the sunset, the words ‘A Nation Reborn’ fade onto this image, to the audience this will again reinforce many ideologies of a happy family therefore representing a happy society and a possible happy movie. Therefore, subverting the horror movie expectations.

The 3rd shot is introduced through yet a again a simple fade in transition, which helps remain the calm and happy positive feel the audience will be getting from watching it. More words come onto the screen, statements almost. ‘Unemployment is at 1%’ this statement will really emphasise to the audience members as it is something that is almost seen as impossible to a society of today, therefore it makes the audience wonder how this is possible. It also contrasts with the two before shots. It makes the audience questions what is the cause for the society to be in such a great state, which then makes then believe whatever it must be must be really good to have. This sets gives the audience more suspense as to what it is as so far they are getting such happy positive vibes. Non-Digetic syncrenous music is also used all the way through to emphasise the happy feeling the trailer is giving us.

The next scene again reinforces the idea of a happy film as it displays a happy family at a dinner table, slowly zooming into the mums face to display her genuine happiness.

A fade in again is used to show another sign of happiness which is young love. Two teenagers kissing, writing then appears once again this time saying ‘Crime Is At An All Time Low’. Contrasting the text with two teenagers could be a hidden message, as teenagers are usually associated with crime. Henceforward, this statement again will grow the audiences suspense as they simply want to find out why their society is so good compared to the society the audience are living in. The same synchronous music is still being played in the background to emphasise on the positive vibe being portrayed.

The next shot is also showing friendship, which emphasises on the idea of friendship. However this shot is almost a hidden message as in the movie the blonde haired woman actually goes to kill the other woman, however the audience watching the trailer would not know this in any way at the point of watching.

The next shot used words once again ‘Because One Night A Year’ . This indicates that the audience are finally going to find out the reason for the society to be in such a good place. We the audience also then expect there to be a very big change in the dynamic and feel within the next shots and onwards. The writing on the screen also then starts to cut out (making the noise along with it) this is played over the top of the before happy serene synchronous music to show the audience that the happiness is being taken over.

The cut out noises begin to speed up and the before page cuts out quickly to emphasise the sound effects. This emphasises on the idea that for this one night all the happiness from the before scenes is gone. It is then replaced by the shot, of someone shooting a gun, however techniques are used to show this making it look like the audience are watching camera recordings of what is going on this particular day. It gives verisimilitude to the audience as they are watching a recording from a CCTV rather than just watching a man shooting a gun.

The next shot is once again a statement ‘All Crime Is Legal’ this finally tells the audience exactly what they wanted to know ‘why is the society the way it is’ however it gives them even more questions as they wonder how this could make a society better. The before happy music is still in the background very lightly, it has gone from being synchronous music to asynchronous music; however the music is now faded in the background and taken over by the fuzzy camera cutting out sounds emphasising how the happiness is gone.

A quick cut is then used to show more CCTV footage of what goes on the one day all crime is legal. We can contrast the use of transition of how it went from happily fading in and out to the quick cuts used to emphasise the emotion and different situations within the two different scenarios of emotion. This will obviously affect the audience as they will now get a different feel to the movie, finally seeing how it is a horror movie.

Special effects is used to do a quick cut by using the same camera fuzzing sound a editing technique, this helps emphasise on the fact that the next shot is of the institutional logo. This will allow the audience to grow their own opinions on whether they will like the film as they will have an idea of what Universal studios has made in the past.

The next shot is a establishing shot, to show the audience that this house and who is inside it has great value to the movie. A voice over is used to show the audience who it is that lives within the house without having to show them.

We then meet who is speaking and who’s house it is. This uses star appeal as he is the most known star within the film showing he is the main or one of the main characters. This is also shown by making him the first to speak within the trailer. The audience then create assumptions on the film by basing it on what films this star has been in before.

Voice over's are then used to carry on the conversation from the two before scenes. It helps contrast what is being said with the images portrayed on the screen. The man is justifying why all this is happening. Making the audience have their own opinions on whether this awful violence in the before scene is justifiable. Especially as it is being justified by a what looks like a trustworthy character as in before shots we have seen is in the conventional happy family lifestyle.

By the boy asking a question ‘why don’t you purge then’ sets of many enigma codes to the audience, and also gives the idea that what the man is saying about how the purge, shows that he may not actually believe in what he is saying. Therefore, making the audience also believe that the purge is a bad thing.

By both parents giving each other a non-promising weary look, helps reinforce the idea of a disruption within the movie now. Also that this time they will have to participate within the purge. By making this very clear is obviously makes the audience more interested in the movie as they now know what the main plot of this movie will be; being that this family will have to endure the purge.

The audiences questions are then answered as, by showing a gun -which has obvious connotations of death and war- shows that they will be participating in the purge however this also sets of enigma codes to the audience as they are wondering why, when in the before scene they said they had no reason to participate in the purge. Here of the images are getting darker which is another connotation of horror movies.

We are then shown a series of shots, which also use voice over's from one main scene. These shots give the idea of the family having nothing to worry about and being safe in the purge. In this specific shot green is used on the ‘Arm’ button to emphasise on the safety they should have. However this will only be irony to the audience as they know something bad has to happen.

The next shot uses a voice over stating that the purge is about to start. This contrasts well with the image as it is an establishing shot of an empty street which signifies peacefulness as usually at night time when the streets are empty it is usually due to everyone now sleeping or at least at home. However in this case the audience will know that is may be due to people hiding or the empty street simply signifies how it will not be peaceful for long, especially contrasting with the voiceover.

From seeing that this family is simply watching the purge to the audience it separates them from the rest of the world.

We are then shown from a cctv camera there is a man running for his life. This obviously opens up many questions to the audience, of who is he, who is he running from and is someone going to help him.

A close up shows that it is in fact the boy is watching the CCTV camera on his own. He looks panicked and it makes us wonder what he is going to do next.

We are then shown once again the man running for his life, this time he is screaming for someone to help him this then turns to a voice over.

The voice over is then used whilst going into the next shot. It shows the mum running on the treadmill,, in her own world showing she is not worried about what is going on outside.

A short cut is then used to show the dad who is also in his own world doing his work.

With a quick cut going back to the boy, all four shots emphasise on the fact that the boy is on his own therefore has to make this decision on his own. Binary opposites are used on young and old, which helps reinforce opposites of the two ages groups, young being innocent and worried about the world they live in contrasted with old and not being so innocent and only caring about themselves hence why they are doing things that they will gain from (exercising and working). Therefore the audience see this and how the boy is innocent and has to make the decision on his own; this obviously tells the audience what the boy is going to do. He is going to try and save the man.

We then see a close up of the man and how he is in so much danger and is very scared. This will then give audiences to types of feelings, 1. will be that the boy should help him as he is in clear danger, however by helping the man it will set up the disruption of the movie for the family.

Synchronous music is used to show a climax within the movie Will he help him or will he not? The climax music then ends when the boys disarms their security. We get a over the shoulder view of him pressing the disarm button. By using this shot the disarm button is emphasised, making the audience focus on the red. This then implies that danger is now about to start.

The audience are then shown the urgency as the outsider is now going to meet the insider. Binary opposites of black and white and poor and rich are used to emphasise this shot making the audience question their own morals of what they were to do in this situation.

The innocence of a child is demonstrated in this shot as whilst the boy is crying out for the man to be saved the father is rushing to shut the security again.

Now in the trailer we have seen a equilibrium and recognition of the movie, there is a cut to a blank black screen which then shows some writing. It tells the audience that the producers of this movie also produced Paranormal Activity. This marketing technique helps bring in an existing audience as if they like the movie Paranormal Activity then they should like this movie too.

We are then shown CCTV camera viewing of outside of several individuals. The audience automatically make a connection as the movie poster to this film is of the man with the mask and this is the exact same man. Therefore the audience now make links, and begin to realise this is the disruption of the film. By the purge starting at night time is reinforces many ideologies of horror movies, death happening at night time.

A quick cut goes to the family emphasising on their faces, knowing the danger they are now in. The line they are stood in could connote a team, as they are now up against the people in the before scene.

A long shot is used to show the bad people walking towards the house which emphasises on the idea of knowing the family are now in danger.

A voice over is used of the evil people talking about how if the family do not give up the intruder in the house, then they will break in and not only catch the intruder but harm the family too. Therefore a shot is used to show the intruder so we the audience can gather our own assumptions. Enigma codes are used as the audience now wonder whether the family will give the intruder up to save their family or save him. Therefore the audience see that there are two certain scenarios that could happen in this movie now, making them have their own ideas on the one they want to see or the one they think the family should do.

A lot of quit cuts are used to show the masked people invading their house, waiting for the hour to be up, waiting to either break into their homes or the family to bring out the intruder.

The next shot shows the man walking through his house in the dark. Eerie music is playing which contrasting with the dark house reinforces the ideology of horror movies as something bad always happens when in the dark. The audience learn that the family have decided to go on the search for the intruder.

Camera movements are then used to go from the man to the wall which says ‘Don’t Look For Me’ which is written in blood. This obviously reinforces many horror stereotypes blood writing on the wall etc. This may make the audience feel sorry for the intruder as he is pleading already for his life.

We are then shown to the family talking frantically of their situation. The wife says ‘They can’t get in can they?’ which automatically tells the audience that they can (dramatic irony), this obviously is simply getting the audience more and more interested in what is going to happen in the movie will they save their family or the intruder.

More shots are used to make a climax for the audience. Showing the families frantic situation it gives of many enigma codes, ‘is anyone going to die’ ‘why is she under the bed’ etc.

A simple blank shot is used with the words ‘This Year’ to show the audience that this trailer they are watching is coming out this year, they do not have long to wait. However by not telling the audience much more about when it is coming out other than this year makes them want to know more when it is going to come out, therefore they may take it to them selves to find out more via the internet which also helps create a buzz about the film

We finally see that the intrusion is about to commence and that the family will finally have to participate in the purge themselves even though they never have.

Lots of very quick cuts are used to display all the action that is going on within the film however the cuts are so quick it does not give anything away. This just helps interest the audience even more as they want to know what is happening and better yet it is making them want to go and see the movie even more.

After a lot of quick cuts we are brought to a scene of the dad talking to the daughter telling her that they will make it through the night and everything will be ok. The daughter then says ‘nothing will ever be ok again’ this just helps give the audience more questions as to whether everything will be ok again.

Non-digetic sound is used of a scream which then goes to an American flag with the title of the movie appearing over the top. This in itself has many conventions as by using the American flag it is emphasising on their society and how it is in this movie. The audience now know its the end of the trailer and whatever more they want to find out they will have to watch the movie to see, which simply makes the audience want to see the movie more.

Finally the audience get the last information they are going to want and need and that is the date of when the movie is finally released. A slogan to the movie is also used for simple affect.

As social media is a very big aspect in society today the movie advertises where the audience can find out more about the movie if they wish too. This also can be used as other marketing tools the audience can get involved in. The institutions are also advertised at the bottom of the page too.

All together, everything within the movie trailer is used in order to get the audience interested in the film making them want to find out more about the film and making them want to see it when it comes out. The trailer reinforces many stereotypes of horror movies in order to get the audience interested and engaged. Trailers are the most important aspect of marketing the movie as it allows the audience to see for themselves and make their own assumptions of the movie.