The states of matter




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Solids, Liquids and Gases

All matter is made of atoms and molecules, which we will call particles.

All particles vibrate or move because they have energy.

The state of matter they are in depends on how strongly they are attracted to each other, how fast they move and how much energy they have.

Matter that has defined shape and volume is considered to be solid.

Particles in a solid have high attraction for each other. The particles vibrate in place and don’t have enough energy to get away from each other

Two types of solids: Crystalline – particles in a repeating formation

Amorphous – randomly oriented particles

A solid has defined space and volume. It will not take the shape of the container unless energy is expended to make it a different shape. (think, of an ice cube in a cup)

Liquids have defined volume but not defined shape

The particles in a liquid can slide past each other, and are less attracted to each other than in a solid.

Two properties of a liquid: Surface tension – the liquids tend to ball up and stick together

Viscosity – a measure of how well the liquid flows. Water is low viscosity, molasses is high viscosity.

A liquid has defined volume but will take the shape of the container.

(think of water in a glass) They have more energy than a solid

Gasses have no defined shape or volume. They can be compressed by pressure and change their volume and will always fill all of the space they are given.

The particles in a gas are moving fast enough to break away from each other and each particle moves independently.

In a gas, there is empty space between particles. Pressure can effect all gases. High pressure means that you have forced a large amount of gas particles in a small space – like inside a tire or basketball.


Particles in a gas state are not bound to each other and have the most energy. They take up the entire space. (think of a balloon filled with air)

Example of a Gas
