Thinking About the Future of Technology and Emerging Entrepreneurial Opportunities: Rates of...


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Thinking About the Future of Technology and Emerging Entrepreneurial Opportunities:

Rates of Improvement and Economic Feasibility


Jeffrey L. Funk

Associate Professor

National University of Singapore

Division of Engineering and Technology Management

9 Engineering Drive 1, Singapore 117576: EA-5-34

Christopher L. Magee

Professor of Practice

Engineering Systems Division

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

N52-395, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA


Thinking About the Future of Technology and Emerging Entrepreneurial Opportunities:

Rates of Improvement and Economic Feasibility


This paper uses data on rates of improvement to discuss when new technologies or systems

composed from them might become economically feasible. Technologies must provide some

level of performance and price for specific applications before they will begin to diffuse and

technologies that experience rapid rates of improvement are more likely to become

economically feasible for a growing number of applications than are other technologies.

Drawing from a large data base on rates of improvement, this paper describes a set of

plausible futures that are very different from ones that are presented in public forums.


1. Introduction

Reaching conclusions about when new technologies might become economically feasible

without understanding rates of improvement is all too common in today’s world. Think of the

clean energy debate. In spite of the regular coverage by the mass media of clean energy

technologies such as solar, wind, batteries for electric vehicles, and bio-fuels, there is very

little mention in the press or in technical writing of the relative rates of improvement that

these technologies are experiencing. Thus, even well-educated people have little chance of

understanding their rates of improvement or their probabilities of becoming economically

feasible in the near future.

Instead, the public debate revolves around what Nobel Laureate Daniel Kahneman1 calls

“instinctive and emotional” thought. People tend to assess the relative importance of issues

by the ease with which they are retrieved from memory and this is largely determined by the

extent of coverage in the media. The media talks about solar, wind, battery-powered vehicles,

and bio-fuels and thus many people think these technologies are experiencing rapid rates of

improvement when many are not (e.g., wind, 2% a year; Li-ion batteries, 5%2) in spite of the

large improvements that are needed before they will become economically feasible. Second,

judgments and decisions are guided directly by feelings of liking and disliking, with little

deliberation and reasoning. Kahneman recounts a conversation he had with a high-level

financial executive who had invested in Ford because he “liked” their products without

considering whether Ford stock was undervalued. Similarly, some people believe in demand-

based subsidies for clean energy because they “like” the notion of energy from the sun and

wind; but few of these people consider their rates of improvement and thus their probabilities

of becoming economically feasible.

We believe there is a better way for firms, universities, and governments to participate in

the clean energy debate and discussions of demand-based subsidies and the future of


technology in general. Daniel Kahneman labels this mode of thinking “slower, more

deliberative, and more logical.” We argue that the rates of improvement are a necessary part

of this slow deliberative thinking and it can help firms, universities, and governments better

understand when new technologies might become economically feasible and thus make better

investment, research, policy, and educational decisions. We use the term economic feasibility

in reference to a cost and performance comparison by the marketplace between the new and

old technologies (or other competing technologies). We distinguish this economic feasibility

from organizational, legal, and regulatory challenges that also exist particularly for large

complex systems and ones with strong network effects.

A second variable of importance for understanding economic feasibility is the amount of

improvements that are needed before a technology in the laboratory becomes economically

feasible or before a commercialized technology becomes economically feasible for a growing

number of applications or it leads to changes in the way we design higher level systems.

Combining the amounts of improvements that are necessary with the rates of improvement

defines a 2-by-2 matrix (See Figure 1) in which the x-axis represents rates of improvement

and the y-axis represents amount of improvement needed. Technologies in the upper right

quadrant have recently or will soon become economically feasible. Ones in the bottom left

will probably never be economically feasible and ones in the other two quadrants may or may

not become economically feasible in the near or far future.

This paper first summarizes technologies that are experiencing improvements of greater

than 10% per year and the technical drivers of these improvements. Second, the impacts of

these rapid rates of improvement on economic feasibility and thus plausible futures of

technology are then described. The dramatic differences between these plausible futures and

the ones that are ordinarily discussed in public forums, including the mass media,

government agencies, and universities, suggest there is value in doing this type of analysis


and in collecting additional data on rates of improvements and the degree of improvements

needed. Third, this paper summarizes the implications of these plausible futures and how

governments, firms, and universities can better think about the futures of technology.

2. Technologies Experiencing Rapid Rates of Improvement

Technologies that experience rapid rates of improvement are more likely to become

economically feasible than are technologies that experience slower rates of improvement

(particularly since the data here and elsewhere show that rates of improvement are relatively

constant with time). They are also more likely to quickly diffuse than are other technologies

since rapid rates of improvement in performance and cost lead to increased profitability for

firms that adopt the new technology, which the early diffusion research found to have the

largest effect on rates of diffusion3. They are also probably more likely to induce cognitive

biases in managers than are slower moving technologies because rapid rates are particularly

difficult for most people to comprehend.

Summarizing those technologies that are experiencing rapid rates of improvement is highly

problematic. Ideally, for each technology, we would have rates of improvement data for all

the relevant dimensions of performance and cost, data on customer preferences, and a

comparison with the competing technologies, both existing and new ones, along each

dimension that is important to existing and potential customers. Such a comparison would

also be for all the systems that might be made economically feasible by the improvements in

the various component technologies.

New systems are of particular interest since new technologies often make new systems

possible and many of the technologies discussed in this paper continue to make new forms of

transportation, environmental, energy, health care, and other systems economically feasible.

One goal of this paper is to help firms, government employees, professors and students think

more effectively about these systems including their decades of expected lifetimes and the


need for adapting to new technologies as they become economically feasible. Furthermore,

since these systems involve a large variety of technologies, many of which are new ones, it is

difficult for a single firm, much less a single person, to understand all the technologies that

are impacting or might impact in the future of a specific system.

Nevertheless, it is not possible to present this level of detail in a single paper. This paper

summarizes data and analysis that are presented in much more detail in other publically

available sources4); the summary begins with a list of rapidly improving technologies (See

Table 1). The data in Table 1 was found in Science, Nature, IEEE, and other science and

engineering journals through extensive reading and searches. Improvements in the

performance and cost of these technologies are represented by improvements in specific

technical ratios that engineers and scientists have chosen to measure performance and cost

because these ratios capture the economics of the technology. In these output-to input ratios,

output is typically a dimension of performance and input is cost or some surrogate of cost

such as volume, weight, area, energy, power, or time. Improvements in these ratios often

represent improvements in multiple dimensions of both performance and cost.

Most of the technologies shown in Table 1 have already been commercialized and thus their

biggest effect on the future will be through their impact on existing and new systems.

Technologies that have not yet, or only recently been commercialized include LEDs for

lighting, OLEDs for lighting and displays, organic, quantum dot and Perovskite solar cells,

superconductors for energy transmission and Josephson junctions, quantum computers,

carbon nano-tubes, new forms of non-volatile memory and cellulosic ethanol.

Returning to Table 1, we characterize the improvements as annual rates of improvement

since most of the time series data are straight lines on a logarithmic plot. We define

“currently” as time series data that includes data from the last 10 years. Thus, although some

of the time series shown in Table 1 include data from 30 years ago, the technology is included


in Table 1 because the times series includes data from the last 10 years and the older parts of

the time series data are retained for completeness. The technologies with fewer data points

are ones that are relatively new (and thus potentially very interesting) and thus much less data

is available.

This section’s discussion of the improvements is organized by the drivers of them where

this discussion builds from a previously published paper by one of the authors in California

Management Review and related research5 The recently published paper described two

drivers of improvements: 1) creating new materials (and often their associated processes) to

better exploit their underlying physical phenomena; and 2) geometric scaling. Some

technologies directly experience improvements through these two mechanisms while those

consisting of higher-level “systems” indirectly experience them through improvements in

specific “components.” The most rapid improvements are primarily from a subset of these

two mechanisms. First, creating new materials (and processes for them) can lead to sustained

rapid improvements in performance and cost when new classes of materials are continuously

being created. Second, technologies that benefit from reductions in scale (e.g., integrated

circuits) have experienced much more rapid improvements than have technologies that

benefit from increases in scale (e.g., engines).

2.1 Creating Materials to Exploit Physical Phenomena

Many of the technologies in Table 1 benefit from creating new materials to better exploit

their underlying physical phenomena where there is a tight linkage between creating

materials and the processes for making them. We use the term “create” because these

materials do not occur naturally and thus scientists and engineers must literally create them

and the processes used to manufacture them. Beginning with the top of Table 1, scientists and

engineers increased the performance and reduced the cost of LEDs by creating materials that


better exploit the phenomenon of electroluminescence where many of them can be defined as

new classes of materials. Creating new combinations of semiconducting materials with

gallium, arsenic, phosphorus, indium, and selenium enabled new LED colors and directly

increased efficiencies (measured in luminosities per Watt) while indirectly reducing their

costs. Similar improvements occurred with organic LEDs (OLEDs) as small molecules,

polymers, and phosphorescent materials were created.

Similar arguments can be made for photo-sensors, solar cells, organic transistors, quantum

dot displays, carbon nanotubes for electronic and structural applications, and superconducting

Josephson junctions and cables. New combinations of semiconductors and other materials

were created that convert more photons to electrons than do other materials in both photo-

sensors and solar cells. New organic materials were created that have higher mobility for

transistors than do other materials. New semiconductors and processes for them were also

created that better exploit the phenomenon of quantum dots and have higher efficiencies, i.e.,

they efficiently translate electrons into photons. Improvements in carbon nanotubes and

grapheme mostly came from new processes that enabled lower costs. The new processes also

enabled higher purity and density for carbon nanotube transistors and larger area sheets for


New superconducting materials were created that have higher “critical” temperatures,

current densities, and magnetic fields. As the name implies, superconducting materials have

zero resistance and thus infinite conductance when the temperature falls below a “critical

temperature” and the current and magnetic fields stay below their critical values. Scientists

and engineers have created more than 30 superconducting materials with the highest critical

temperature being above 170o Kelvin or about -100 C o. The increases in critical temperatures,

current densities, and magnetic fields are relevant for MRIs, energy applications, and

electronic devices such as superconducting Josephson Junctions. Superconducting Josephson


Junctions are potentially important because they have several orders of magnitude lower

power consumption and higher speeds than do transistors.

2.2. Increases in Scale

Many technologies benefit from increases in scale; these include engines, transportation

equipment6, and production equipment where the benefits of increases in scale can be

explained using the concept of geometric scaling. Since many of the technologies in Table 1

(and those not in the table) benefit from increases in the scale of equipment used to produce

them, this sub-section focuses on production equipment and how some equipment benefits

more from increases in scale than do other types of equipment.

Chemical plants, other material processing plants, and many kinds of flat material based

technologies such as displays benefit more from increases in physical scale than do assembly

plants7. For example, with chemical plants, the costs of pipes vary as a function of radius

whereas the outputs from pipes vary as a function of radius squared. Similarly, the costs of

reaction vessels vary as a function of surface area (radius cubed) whereas the output of a

reaction vessel varies as a function of radius cubed. These advantages of increases in physical

scale have been confirmed in empirical analysis where capital costs of chemical plants rise

much slower than does output as the physical scale of the pipes and reaction vessels are


More recent technologies that benefit from increases in the physical scale of production

equipment are cellulosic ethanol, carbon nanotubes, superconductors, displays, solar cells,

and other electronic products that can be roll printed. The cost of cellulosic ethanol has

dropped for the same reason that costs have fallen for other chemicals; costs rise slower than

do output as the physical scale of the equipment is increased9. The energy costs of carbon

nanotubes have fallen as the scale of their facilities has been increased. This is because heat

loss is typically a function of surface area and carbon nanottube production is a function of


volume; similar results have been found with aluminum10.

For displays, analyses have found that the capital cost per area output (substrate area per

hour) has fallen as the size of the substrate and production equipment has been increased.

Similar cost reductions have occurred with solar cells, organic transistors and other types of

displays as the scales of the substrate and the production equipment have been increased and

such cost reductions are expected to occur with quantum dot displays as their substrate sizes

are increased. Roll-to roll printing also benefits from increases in scale and costs of roll-to

roll printing are much lower than with traditional manufacturing processes11. Technologies

that can be roll printed include some types of solar cells, displays, and other electronics.

Organic materials including ones for solar cells and displays can often be roll printed.

Similar arguments can be made for the wafer sizes of ICs and LEDs, which are currently

produced on 2 to 4” wafers before they are cut into single LEDs. Since ICs are produced with

12” wafers and soon to be 18” wafers, the cost of LEDs is expected to continue falling as

larger wafers are implemented12 and as new materials are created. However, by itself,

increases in the scale of production equipment do not lead to the rapid rates of improvement

that are found with reductions in scale (see next section) and with creating new materials.

Thus, we cannot expect rapid rates of improvements from technologies that only benefit from

increases in the scale of production equipment.

2.3. Reductions in Scale

Some of the most rapid rates of improvement have been achieved with technologies that

benefit from reductions in scale and the concept of geometric scaling helps us understand

when this will likely occur. As an aside, these benefits are not related to the usual economies

of scale but instead are associated with the physical laws that govern a technology and the

technology’s geometry.

Reducing the scale of transistors, storage regions, and other dimensional features has led to


many orders of magnitude improvements in the cost and performance of ICs, magnetic and

optical discs, and newer types of ICs such as MEMS and bio-electronic ICs. This is because

for these technologies, reductions in scale lead to improvements in both performance and

cost. For example, placing more transistors or memory cells in a certain area of an IC

increases the speed and functionality and reduces both the power consumption and size of the

final product, which are typically considered improvements in performance for most

electronic products. The reductions in scale also lead to lower material, equipment, and

transportation costs. The combination of both increased performance and reduced costs as

size is reduced has led to many orders of magnitude improvements in the performance to cost

ratio of many ICs. For example, three orders of magnitude reductions in transistor length

have led to about nine orders of magnitude improvements in both the cost of an individual

transistor and the number of transistors on a chip13. Similar arguments can be made for

magnetic and optical storage. Reductions in the magnetic storage area enabled increases in

the magnetic recording density of magnetic cores, drums, disks, and tape, which led to

improvements in both speed and cost. For optical discs, reductions in the wavelength of light

emitted by semiconductor lasers are needed to reduce the size of storage cells.

Looking to newer technologies, similar arguments can be made for MEMS, bio-electronic

ICs, and DNA sequencing equipment. MEMS are used in motion sensors for Nintendo’s Wii,

nozzles for ink jet printers, in the sensing for micro-gas analyzers, and in the building blocks

for optical computing (e.g., waveguides, couplers, resonators, and splitters) and they are

fabricated using some of the same equipment and processes that are used to construct ICs.

Reductions in the scale of the relevant dimensions dramatically increase the performance of

some types of MEMS and also the number of transistors available for processing the

information. For example, reductions in feature size lead to higher sensitivity, lower energy

usage, faster response time, and lower costs for a mciro-gas analyzer and many types of


sensors including bio-electronic ones14. Bio-electronic ICs are basically a MEMS with micro-

fluidic channels and they are used to sense and analyze biological material in for example

point-care diagnostics, to provide better forms of drug delivery in for example IC-controlled

smart pills, and to control artificial implants15. Finally, although DNA sequencers use a

variety of different materials and processes, all of them involve reductions in the scale of the

relevant features and these reductions in physical scale are the major reason for the multiple

orders of magnitude reductions in the cost of sequencing and synthesizing DNA16.

One technology field that benefits from both reductions in scale and in creating new

materials is nanotechnology, particularly nanotechnologies with single digit feature sizes.

Improvements from nanotechnology mostly arise by creating materials that benefit from

single nanometer feature sizes and the number of material classes has grown quickly over the

last decade. Such materials include many classes of carbon nano-tubes (CNTs), graphene,

nano-particles, nano-fibers and many other “ultra-thin” materials. For example, the number of

materials that have been constructed with single-, double- or triple atom thicknesses has

already exceeded 10 and is growing quickly17. The creation of new classes of materials and

improvements in their performance has been made in spite of their low rates of production.

Rapid rates of improvements through creating new materials and processes without high

levels of production is common for many of the technologies discussed earlier; these include

OLEDs, organic transistors, and new forms of solar cells.

2.4. Impact on Higher-Level Systems

Many of the technologies in Table 1 experienced improvements in cost and performance

because specific “components” in the “technological system” have experienced rapid

improvements while having a large impact on the overall systems performance and cost.

Rapid improvements in electronic components, in particular ICs, have led to rapid


improvements in computers18 where the improvements in ICs are driven by reductions in

scale. As one computer designer argued, by the late 1940s computer designers had recognized

that “architectural tricks could not lower the cost of a basic computer; low cost computing

had to wait for low cost logic”19, which eventually came in the form of better ICs. For

example, an order of magnitude improvement in the numbers of transistors per chip about

every seven years (See Table 1) led to similar levels of improvements in computations per

second and per kilowatt hour of computers20.

Similar arguments about the role of ICs can be made for other electronic products such as

digital cameras, eBook readers, video games, high density television, set-top boxes, servers,

and routers, and also for even higher level systems such as corporate information systems21.

Not only do the cost of ICs and other electronic components make up more than 95% of the

cost of many electronic products22, the performance of these products is largely determined

by the speed, functionality and power consumption of ICs. Furthermore, improvements in

computers have led to improvements in the performance and cost of medical equipment such

as magnetic resonance imaging (in addition to magnetic materials) and computer assisted


Rapid improvements in electronic components such as vacuum tubes, ICs, lasers, and

photo-sensors (See Table 1) also led to rapid improvements in data speeds and spectral

efficiency of both wireline and wireless telecommunication. Improvements in electronic

components enabled faster data speeds and higher bandwidth for single cable, coaxial cable

and more recently optical cable where improvements in optical fiber also required

improvements in the purity of glass24. For wireless, although the introduction of cellular

systems, smaller cells, and better protocols for these cellular systems were needed to achieve

improvements in the data rates for wireless communication, rapid improvements in ICs

enabled the implementation of these cellular systems, smaller cells, and better protocols and


also improvements in mobile phones. Cellular systems required faster switching speeds,

which were enabled by the improvements in computers and ICs mentioned in the previous


3. Thinking about the Future

Many of the technologies discussed in the previous sections will continue to experience

rapid improvements. Some of these technologies will become economically feasible for their

first applications while many will become economically feasible for a growing number of

applications. More importantly, we live in a “systems”-based world in which improvements

in components impact on systems and the number of ways in which we can combine

components into new higher-level systems is growing exponentially. Very high-level systems

that are being impacted by the improvements include homes, offices, buildings, health care,

communication, and transportation.

Identifying those technologies that are experiencing rapid improvements and the drivers of

their rapid improvements enable us to more effectively think about the future of these

technological systems. Knowing these technologies and their drivers of improvements

enables us to think about the future in a “slower, more deliberative, and more logical” mode

than an “instinctive and emotional” mode as characterized by Kahneman. In turn, this enables

us to better understand when new technologies become economically feasible, devise better

R&D policies, and find better solutions to global problems such as urban congestion and


Technologies that benefit from reductions in scale are experiencing some of the most rapid

rates of improvements over long periods of time. Improvements in ICs and magnetic storage

will likely continue for the next 20 to 40 years as further reductions in scale are made. With

respect to ICs, smaller wavelength light sources (e.g., 13 nm extreme ultraviolet) for

photolithography and three-dimensional (3D) ICs will probably give us another 15 years in


Moore’s Law before newer technologies become economically feasible. The new 13nm

wavelength light is more than 1/10 as small as the previous wavelength light source and is

expected to enable feature sizes that are less than 5 nm. 3D ICs enable increases in the

number of transistors per chip by building up as opposed to reducing feature sizes. New

layers are added with ten or even 100 layers of transistors or memory cells being

contemplated. Optical wave channels will probably be used as one of these layers in the

future, thus enabling faster interconnect speeds between transistors.

Newer technologies such as carbon nanotubes, superconducting Josephson junctions and

quantum computers are also experiencing rapid rates of improvement (See Table 1) and thus

may become economically feasible before the improvements mentioned in the previous

paragraph are completed. Carbon nanotubes have the potential to replace silicon as the

channel material in the next 10 to 20 years if improvements in the purity, density, and

directionality of carbon nano-tubes are continued26. Josephson Junctions, which use

superconductors, are much faster and consume much less power than do conventional ICs

and they can also be used to construct quantum computers. Google’s recent purchase of

quantum computers has caused some to believe that they are already economically feasible

for some applications. Furthermore, since the number of “Qubits is steadily rising and the

economic feasibility of quantum computers is a non-linear function of their number, the

economic potential of quantum computers are probably extremely large. All of this suggests

that improvements in computers will continue to occur and these improvements will continue

to change the way we manage large systems.

3.1 Analysis and Control of Systems with Computers

Continued improvements in ICs and other electronic components will enable continued

improvements in the electronic products mentioned in an earlier section. Just for computers,


continued improvements in them through better ICs and through new types of them such as

quantum computers will enable more extensive control over our world independent of

whether one agrees with this trend. Improvements in computers enable us to better control

and analyze homes, offices, factories, laboratories, buildings, health care, communication,

and transportation. For analysis, improvements in computers enable us to analyze more of the

output from scientific equipment, whose output is growing very rapidly. This equipment

includes particle accelerators, telescopes, DNA sequencing equipment, and other types of

medical equipment, all of which create vast amounts of data.

Perhaps more importantly, improvements in computers and information storage are

facilitating the emergence of so-called “Big-Data” analytic services27, whose hardware and

software sales are expected to reach $23.8 Billion by 201628. These services are basically

large mathematical models that are used to make predictions. Thus, in addition to pursuing

more efficient algorithms, big-data proponents build models that include hundreds of

variables since the cost of computation is very low. For example, data from the Internet are

enabling better translations and better predictions of flu trends, inflation, health problems,

loan defaults, and rising food prices. Similar computation and data combinations also enable

analysis of more complex socio-technical issues such as the chances of riots or terrorism.

Many of these big-data analytics are also being enabled by improvements to the Internet.

In addition to the improvements in glass fiber, lasers, photodiodes, and other components,

improvements in photonics will ensure that the current barrier (conversion between electrons

to photons) will not significantly slow progress. Converting electrons to photons and photons

to electrons is becoming the bottleneck in the Internet and improvements in photonics are

addressing this bottleneck. Rapid improvements in photonics are also causing more of the

data communication between and within computers to be done with optical channels. For the

future, the trend is towards more optical communication between chips on circuit boards and


later for communication within individual chips. For chips, this may well result in the optical

channels becoming another layer in a 3D IC.

Even bigger economic advances are potentially in our future as improvements in sensors

enable a larger variety of data analyses, new types of electronic systems and new forms of

control. The cost and performance of camera chips continues to be improved as feature sizes

are reduced and similar developments are occurring with MEMS-based sensors as their

feature sizes are reduced beyond their current levels to those found in ICs. To put this in

perspective, feature sizes for MEMS are currently about one-half to one micron while ICs

were being fabricated with such feature sizes in 1980. Subsequent reductions in the feature

sizes on ICs after 1980 enabled new types of electronic systems such as personal computers,

mobile phones, video games, and the Internet to emerge. Similar reductions in feature size

over the next 10-20 years for MEMS can enable new forms of electronic systems such as

better gas chromatographs and other sensors, better mobile phone filters and other passive

components, better inkjet printers, and better bio-electronic ICs to become widely used as

they become as cheap as pocket calculators. In combination with conventional ICs and lasers,

improvements in MEMS are also driving improvements in 3D scanners and printers,

holograms, eye-tracking devices, and many other sensors for factories, vehicles, buildings,

dams, bridges, power plants, infrastructure, and other systems. All of these sensors will

enable better maintenance and management of systems and this can lead to lower energy

costs and more sustainable systems.

For example, consider lighting. In addition to the greater efficiencies available with LEDs

than with incandescent and fluorescent lights, their small sizes enables more aesthetic designs

for lighting fixtures, their costs are falling partly because the size of wafers are being

increased, and by using sensors, we can create lighting systems that only illuminate those

areas that are needed when they are needed. Motion, heat and other sensors can track the


movements of humans, animals, and vehicles in order to provide more efficient and effective

illumination. This suggests that smart lighting systems can have a much larger impact on our

energy usage than is ordinarily thought, but will require redesign of our homes, offices, and

public spaces.

3.2 Wireless Communication and Mobile Devices

Improvements in wireless technologies enable a broader variety of sensors to be accessed.

Greater amounts of environmental, physiological, traffic and infrastructure-related data can

be collected for big-data analysis and interpretation when the data can be wirelessly sent to

the Internet without expensive and difficult to maintain wires. Environmental data includes

temperature, pressure, and gas content. Physiological data includes those of heart rate, brain

wave, and blood pressure. These and other data can help us better manage traffic, food

supplies, and infrastructure such as factories, buildings, dams, bridges, and power plants. For

traffic, one goal should be to dramatically reduce public and private vehicle breakdowns and

accidents by monitoring vehicles. The importance of managing traffic will further increase if

automated vehicles begin to diffuse (see below).

Improvements in wireless and other technologies will probably make mobile phones or

other personal mobile devices a major collection and control point for many sensors. With

advanced processors, memory, and displays, mobile phones can be used to control home

appliances and collect data about our environment and bodies (see below) simply by placing

the sensors in or attaching them to phones. Such devices can be used to control and program

the thermostat, lighting, and other appliances in the home and test strips for blood, skin, and

saliva can be attached so that checks can be done for flu, insulin, or other medical conditions.

Similarly, electrodes, microscopes, ultrasound, and portable MRIs can conceivably be

connected to these devices.

Improvements in mobile phones and GPS also improve the economic feasibility of bicycle


rentals. Bicycles are revolutionizing transportation in many U.S. and European cities and

rental facilities can take this one step further. Such rentals facilitate bicycle usage as a single

mode of transportation and as a supporter of bus and light rail transportation. The latter

become possible because mobile phones and GPS can facilitate sharing and thus reduce

bicycle congestion at storage facilities. Mobile phones can be used to find and rent bicycles

while GPS can be used to track the bicycles in the system and thus move them as bicycles

stack up at a single location.

One reason for optimism about mobile personal devices is that improvements in human-

computer interfaces continue to occur from improvements in various components. In addition

to faster speeds and better spectral efficiencies for wireless systems, which are mostly being

driven by Moore’s Law, improvements in human-computer interfaces are also occurring as

displays, ICs, MEMS, and other components are improved. The cost of LCDs have steadily

dropped and newer types of displays such as organic light emitting diode (OLED),

electrophoretic (e-paper), and new forms of touch displays continue to emerge, many of

which can be produced using cheaper methods such as roll-to-roll printing, OLEDs are much

more flexible than are LCDs and thus can conform to our wrists and other portions of our

bodies. As an aside, displays continue to become more widely available in our societies as

information sources and this will likely continue as their costs and performance are improved.

But improvements in displays are just the first step for continued improvements in human-

computer interfaces. For example, gesture displays and augmented reality benefit from

improvements in camera chips, ICs, displays, and MEMS and they enable us to interact with

our mobile phone and other computing devices in new and exciting ways. While Google

Glasses have received a great deal of attention, it is important to realize that other types of

human-computer interfaces will emerge as firms combine the relevant components in new

and exciting ways.


Improvements in MEMS impact on both touch displays and on neural interfaces. For the

former, some types of MEMS enable users to feel texture and perhaps facilitate remote

surgery. Others enable users to find the right place on a display as they feel for the right

buttons or depressions on the display in the dark. For the latter, MEMS-based neural

interfaces are pressed into the skull, they benefit from reductions in scale, and they enable

physically impaired individuals to interact better with computers and thus with the world

around them. As the reductions in scale continue, we can expect better neural interfaces and

thus better lives for physically impaired individuals and possibly the diffusion of neural

interfaces to others who are so inclined. It is important to recognize that improvements in

these interfaces will continue because these MEMS and other components benefit from

reductions in scale and thus improvements similar to those experienced by ICs area probable.

3.3 Health Care

Health care is a unique in that it is experiencing rapid increases in cost even as the cost and

performance of new technologies are being improved. Since the reasons for the rising cost of

health care go far beyond the scope of this paper, we merely focus on the improvements that

are and will likely continue to occur. We have already mentioned how improvements in ICs

and computers have led to dramatic improvements in many kinds of medical equipment.

Here we focus on another impact of Moore’s Law on health care, the combination of

biology and electronics or bio-electronics for short. One form of bio-electronics is bio-

electronic ICs. They are a special type of MEMS that uses bio-compatible materials. They

can be used to analyze blood, urine, sweat, and other biological entities. Like MEMS, most

bio-electronic ICs benefit from reductions in scale and thus dramatic improvements in

performance and cost are probably as their feature sizes are reduced in the future. Smaller

feature sizes enable faster reactions and response time, higher throughput, the analysis of


smaller biological materials, and reductions in sample and reagent volume. The creation of

new materials for analyses should also support rapid improvement.

Such developments should enable dramatic improvements in the cost and performance of

MEMS for smart pills and diagnostic equipment. Smart pills contain ICs, camera chips, and

other miniaturized components and they might be used to target cancerous and other

unhealthy cells and thus minimize the impact of treatments on healthy cells. Treatments could

potentially be transported to the unhealthy cells via embedded cameras, magnets, and other

devices. Similarly, point-of care diagnostic equipment can be revolutionized with bio-

electronic ICs. Like the gas chromatograph example cited above, reductions in the cost of

diagnostic equipment will occur as the cost of bio-electronic ICs are achieved and this can

enable cheaper and faster health care monitoring.

Reductions in the scale of bio-electronic ICs can also enable improvements in medical

implants. For example, pixel data from cameras mounted on glasses can be wirelessly sent to

a MEMS-based electrode that is implanted into a person’s optic nerve. Reductions in the size

of the electrodes, which are enabled by the same types of improvements experienced by ICs,

enable better connections to the optic nerve and thus enable improved eyesight. Further

reductions in scale will likely bring 20-20 vision to many people who suffer from macular

degeneration, a disease inflicting about 0.5% of Americans and likely to rise as more people

live longer.

Finally, better physiological data can be collected through a combination of bio-electronic

sensors, wireless transmitters, receivers, and mobile phones. One kind of bio-electronic

sensor is a skin patch. Improvements in the mobility of organic transistors have enabled

greater use of flexible organic materials in skin patches. Thus, just as displays that use

organic materials such as OLEDs are more flexible than are LCDs, skin patches constructed

from organic materials are also more flexible than are silicon. On the other hand, new forms


of designs enable conventional silicon-based ICs to be used in these skin patches. One such

design is called an island-bridge design for its use of flexible bridges to connect the IC-based

islands. These patches can inexpensively gather physiological data and transmit the data

wirelessly to one’s mobile phone or other Internet-enabled device. Like displays,

improvements in the performance and cost of skin patches are being made with new

materials, new production equipment such as roll-to roll printing, and increases in scale of the


3.4 Transportation

We have already noted that better sensors, ICs, and computers are improving traffic

management. It is probable that these and other improvements will have a much larger impact

on transportation than will improvements in batteries for electric vehicles This is because

batteries have experienced a slow rate of improvement of about 5% a year in energy storage

density29 and if these rates continue, their energy storage densities will not reach the 25 times

higher levels found in gasoline for at least 60 years, so it is very unlikely that battery-

powered cars with the range of existing cars will appear for many decades.

Of course some may argue that hybrid vehicles are sufficient or that these rates of

improvement might increase as scientists and engineers create new materials that have higher

energy and power storage densities; these are certainly a plausible future. We argue, however,

that these are less plausible futures than the ones we describe below. For the former, users

will always prefer a conventional vehicle over a hybrid vehicle since it is much cheaper. For

the latter, other technologies (including capacitors and very different types of batteries) are

experiencing more rapid rates than are batteries and furthermore batteries are not a new

technology; they have been used in vehicles for more than 100 years so acceleration in the

rate of improvement is unlikely.

Instead, we believe that improvements in the sensors and other technologies that were


discussed in previous sub-sections suggest more likely future transportation scenarios. First,

most electrical utilities are combining the Internet with the electrical grid to create smart

grids. One outcome of adding intelligence to our well established electrical grid can be the

capability of vehicles to easily find and purchase electricity from a high density of charging

stations in urban and suburban parts of developed countries. Since the cost of distributing

electricity is much lower than that of gasoline, the cost of the charging stations is probably

not as important as licensing large numbers of firms to sell electricity and thus overcoming

the network effects associated with the number of charging stations and electric vehicles.

Overcoming these network effects would enable electric vehicles to be charged while a

vehicle is parked in a parking garage or along a street30 in the future. This would enable the

vehicle to have far smaller storage capacities than are ordinarily thought and to avoid a

vicious cycle of heavier cars requiring more batteries and more batteries leading to heavier


Second, gradual improvements in the performance and cost of power electronics are

enabling the “electrification” of automobiles, which reduces the weight and thus the

necessary battery capacity of vehicles. This replacement of mechanical controls and drive

trains with electrical ones has already occurred in aircraft and heavy trucks and is now

occurring in automobiles as the cost of power electronics gradually falls. While the rate of

improvement is fairly slow (about 4% per year), announcements by automobile

manufacturers suggest that the extent of necessary improvements are very small. This

suggests that the electrification of vehicles will be largely finished within the next five to ten

years31 and this will reduce the need for large storage capacity in batteries.

Third, the implementation of densely packed systems of rapid charging stations are also

facilitated by the improvements in energy transmission performance that are coming from

improvements in superconductors. Superconductors are widely used in magnetic resonance


imaging and are beginning to be used in transformers, cables, fault current limiters, motors,

generators, and energy storage32. We can envision these superconducting transmission lines

providing extensive charging points throughout urban and suburban areas and even on major

highways through perhaps wireless charging. Wireless charging is also getting cheaper

through improvements in power electronics.

Fourth, improvements in cameras, MEMS, lasers, and wireless communication are making

autonomous vehicles economically feasible. With annual improvements rates of 25% to 40%

for many of the sensors, the cost of the controls for autonomous vehicles will probably drop

by 90% in the next ten years thus making autonomous vehicles not much different from

conventional vehicles. The largest benefits from automated vehicles will probably occur

when roads are dedicated to them and thus tightly packed vehicles can travel at high speeds.

Since fuel efficiencies drop as vehicle speeds drop, the use of dedicated roads for autonomous

vehicles can have a dramatic impact on fuel efficiency and road capacity, two common

problems in most urban and suburban settings. While many wonder whether humans will

give up control over their vehicles, we believe that this is the kind of emotional and intuition-

based argument that Daniel Kahneman warned us against. After all, most people have no

problem with allowing someone else to pilot an airplane, train, or ship as they travel. We

believe that autonomous vehicles will become economically feasible before the energy

storage densities of current batteries are doubled, which will probably take as long at the last

doubling (15 years). The bigger question is possibly the legal and governmental policy issues

associated with such a future.

Fifth, two alternatives to batteries, capacitors and flywheels, experienced faster rates of

improvement in energy storage density than did batteries until 2004 (10% for flywheels and

17% for capacitors33) but more recent data is not available and thus they are not shown in

Table 1. This suggests that one of them will probably eventually have higher energy densities


than do batteries for electric vehicles. Although capacitors have experienced faster rates of

improvement than have flywheels, flywheels are currently ahead of capacitors and they are

widely used in Formula 1 vehicles, partly because they have higher power densities than do

batteries. One of the reasons for the rapid improvements in the densities for flywheels is the

replacement of steel and glass with carbon fibers. Carbon fibers have higher strength to

weight ratios than do steel or glass and thus can rotate faster than can steel or glass-based

ones34. Rotational velocity is important because the energy storage density of flywheels is a

function of rotation velocity squared. Carbon nanotubes (CNT) have even higher strength-to

weight ratios than do carbon fibers and thus CNT-based flywheels can potentially have even

higher energy storage densities than do carbon-fiber based ones. Some estimates place the

strength-to weight ratios of CNTs at ten times higher than those of carbon fiber. This suggests

CNT-based flywheels can have an energy storage density that is ten times higher than that of

carbon fiber based flywheels and thus batteries.

This discussion highlights some of the problems with an “intuitive and emotional” process

of thought in which the importance of a technology is assessed by the ease of retrieving it

from memory. This encourages us to emphasize old technologies that have been around for a

long time and thus are well known to the media and public. In the case of batteries, this

attachment to an old technology (> 100 years old) occurs even when rates of improvement

are very slow. Furthermore, improving our transportation system by merely replacing one

technology with another is a severe limitation on innovation. It appears highly likely that

more innovative designs for our cities and other aspects of our life will be the future. This

paper’s emphasis on rates of improvement facilitates the creation of a much broader set of

ideas for how technologies can be combined into better transportation systems and into

systems that have a large chance of becoming economically feasible in the near future.


3.5 Energy Production

Cellulosic ethanol and solar cells may be the only clean energy technologies that are both

receiving attention from the media and that are experiencing rapid improvements. According

to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the cost of electricity from wind turbines

only fell about 2% a year over the last 30 years, and increases actually occurred in the last

two years35. And this is in spite of the fact that wind turbines are still several times more

expensive than are conventional power plants and thus will probably never become a low-

cost source of electricity. For cellulosic ethanol, prices have almost reached the levels of corn

ethanol in the U.S. and the market growth depends more on the amount of ethanol that can be

blended with gasoline than the actual price.

Solar cells also have a high chance of becoming economically feasible in the next 10 to 20

years. Not only has the cost per peak Watt dropped quite rapidly over the last 50 years and

continues to drop36, rapid improvements have been made in the efficiencies of several types

of solar cells that are not yet cheaper than are crystalline silicon. For example, the efficiencies

of multiple junction ones with concentrators were improved from 32 to 44% between 1999

and 2013, those of organic ones from 3 to 11.1% between 2001 and 2012, those of quantum

dots from 3% to 7% between 2010 and 2012, and those of Perovskite cells from 3.5% to

almost 20% between 2009 and 2014.

Furthermore, organic and Perovskite solar cells (along with other types of thin film solar

cells) have potentially much lower costs per area than do crystalline silicon ones because they

use less materials, lower processing temperatures, and simpler processes (e.g., roll-to roll

printing). This suggests that at least one of these types will become cheaper than are

crystalline silicon cells as their efficiencies are improved and their levels of equipment scale

are subsequently increased. Many also believe that Perovskite solar cells have the potential

for efficiencies as high as single crystalline silicon solar cells due to their single crystalline


structure. The theoretical efficiencies for Quantum dots are even higher, approaching 80%

since a single quantum dot layer can be optimized for various wavelengths of sunlight. This is

because the optimal wavelength of light depends on the size of the Quantum Dot and thus by

placing many different sizes of Quantum Dots on a single layer, one can theoretically absorb

most wavelengths of light. This suggests that one or more of these new types of solar cells

will likely have much lower costs than will crystalline silicon as their efficiencies are further

improved and the scale of their production equipment reaches that of crystalline silicon. More

generally speaking, the large number of material classes that are experiencing improvements

increases the chances that one of them will become cheaper than conventional sources of


Ironically, this long-term view towards solar energy is often ignored by clean energy

advocates and thus is excluded from the clean energy debate in general. Perhaps this is

because the debate is largely an emotional one in which both sides of the climate change

controversy over-state their cases. One side argues we need solar cells now while the other

side argues we don’t ever need them; this prevents a more deliberate and logical discussion

about solar cells and clean energy in general, a debate that requires data on rates of

improvements and knowledge about the details of different clean energy technologies. Many

clean energy advocates promote short-sighted adoption of crystalline silicon through demand-

based subsidies as opposed to long term R&D investments in thin film and other new types of

solar cells even as they criticize fossil fuel promoters for short-term thinking. Demand-based

subsidies encourage firms to produce the current low cost technology in order to get subsidies

and to do so before the subsidies are removed, which they always are. The policy of demand-

based subsidies is one result of ignoring rates of improvement and other aspects of deliberate

and logical arguments.

We are also optimistic about solar cells and possibly nuclear fusion because superconductors


are experiencing rapid rates of improvement. Using superconductors for the transmission of

energy can enable electricity to be generated from solar cells near the equator in for example,

North Africa or Mexico and then transmitted to high usage areas such as Europe and the

United States. Improvements in superconductors may also make fusion economically feasible

in the next 10-20 years, as argued by MIT37, since superconductors are the key component in

the main type of nuclear fusion and they are experiencing rapid improvements. However,

rather than fund expensive fusion projects, we should be funding more research on

superconductors: this will lead to the emergence of better superconductors for many

applications including those for fusion and do so cheaper than will directly funding expensive

fusion projects.

4. Discussion

This paper argues that we need to think more effectively about the future of technology and

that doing so requires us to move from what Nobel Laureate Daniel Kahneman calls an

“instinctive and emotional” to a “slower, more deliberative, and more logical” method of

analysis. The future is too important for us to assess the relative importance of technologies

by the ease with which they are retrieved from memory or by letting our judgments and

decisions about technologies be guided directly by feelings of “liking” and “disliking” as

most of us do, according to Kahneman’s research. It is easy for us to believe that certain

technologies are important because the media regularly discusses them or to like or dislike

certain technologies just based on feelings about them.

This paper argues that an important part of a “slower, more deliberative, and more logical.”

method of analyzing technologies is better data on rates of improvement and a better

understanding of their drivers. Technologies must provide some level of performance and

price for specific applications before they will begin to diffuse. Technologies that experience


faster rates of improvement are more likely to become economically feasible in the near

future than are other technologies. They are also more likely to become economically feasible

for an increasing number of applications and thus diffuse faster than other technologies.

This paper summarizes a number of technologies that are experiencing rapid rates of

improvements and it describes some plausible futures if these rates continue. We believe that

these futures are far more plausible and quite different from ones that are discussed by the

media, particularly with respect to clean energy. The discussion about clean energy is far too

often driven by the biases identified by Daniel Kahneman and others.

However, in describing these futures, we are not arguing that these are the only

technologies that are experiencing rapid improvements or that these “systems” are the only

ones that can be constructed from these technologies. Instead, we admit that our list of

technologies is far from complete and argue for more data collection, analysis, and

interpretation. There are many possible futures and the better data we have on technologies

experiencing rapid rates of improvement, their rates of improvement for multiple dimensions

of performance and cost, and the possible systems that can be constructed from these

technologies, the better our understanding of the possible futures of technology will be.

We also believe that a more informed debate about our technological future can help us

solve global problems such as sustainability and urban congestion and implement better R&D

policies. For the former, we can think of rapidly improving technologies as a kind of tool

chest that can be used to solve global problems. Not only does the current performance and

cost of these technologies provide us with useful tools here and now, their rapid rates of

improvement mean that better tools continue to emerge and we should be thinking about how

these better tools can help us solve global problems. This point was made in the discussion of

transportation where rapid improvements in ICs, sensors, the Internet, and superconductors

will probably have a larger impact on our transportation systems than will improvements in


batteries. This suggests that policy makers, firms, universities, and even students should be

thinking about a wider range of solutions than are currently considered and also thinking

about the policies and strategies needed to implement these solutions. These technologies will

probably require a different set of policies and strategies than will the technology that is most

often focused: electric or hybrid vehicles with the same range as conventional vehicles.

In terms of R&D policy, particularly for long-term research, one goal should be to fund

those technologies with rapid rates of improvement or with the potential for rapid rates of

improvement, since these technologies will have a larger impact on our world than will other

technologies. This paper provides us with both a list of technologies that are experiencing

rapid improvements and a method of identifying those technologies that are or will likely

experience rapid improvements. Since data on rates of improvement are not always available,

particularly for technologies that very new, understanding the reasons for rapid rates of

improvements can help us identify those technologies with the potential for rapid


This paper argues that rapid improvements are driven by a subset of two drivers: 1) creating

new materials (and often their associated processes) to better exploit their underlying physical

phenomena; and 2) geometric scaling. Some technologies directly experience improvements

through these two mechanisms while those consisting of higher-level “systems” indirectly

experience them through improvements in specific “components.” First, creating new

materials (and processes for them) can lead to rapid improvements in performance and cost

when new classes of materials are continuously being created. Second, technologies that

benefit from reductions in scale (e.g., integrated circuits) have experienced much more rapid

improvements than have technologies that benefit from increases in scale (e.g., engines).

Understanding these drivers of rapid improvements can help us understand those

technologies that will likely experience rapid improvements and thus when they might


become economically feasible.

Finally, we believe that universities should play a more active role in collecting,

disseminating, and interpreting data on technological progress. In particular, social scientists

should take the lead in this effort and work closely with engineers and hard scientists to

collect better data on rates of improvement and the extent of improvements that are needed

before technologies become economically feasible. Doing so can enable universities to

propose better solutions to global problems than they are currently proposing. Furthermore,

we also believe that students can greatly benefit from being a participant in this data

collection and interpretation because this participation can help budding entrepreneurs

propose better products and services and more generally speaking help students think more

effectively about the future. This is important because they have the most at stake. We need to

give them the tools to think about and design their future, because the future is really their

future, not ours.


Table 1 Technologies with Recent Rapid Rates of ImprovementTechnologyDomain

Sub-Technology Dimensions of measure Time Period

Improvement Rate Per Year

Energy Trans-formation

Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs)

Luminosity per Watt, red 1965-2005 16.8%Lumens per Dollar, white 2000-2010 40.5%

Organic LEDs Luminosity/Watt, green 1987-2005 29%GaAs Lasers Power density 1987-2007 30%

Cost/Watt 1987-2007 31%Liquid Crystal Displays

Square meters per dollar 2001-2011 11.0%

Quantum DotDisplays

External Efficiency, red 1998-2009 36.0%

Solar Cells Peak Watt Per Dollar 1977-2013 13.7%Efficiency, Organic 2001-2012 11.4%Efficiency, Quantum Dot 2010-2013 42.1%Efficiency, Perovskite 2009-2013 46.5%



Current-length per dollar 2004-2010 115%Current x length - BSSCO 1987-2008 32.5% Current x length - YBCO 2002-2011 53.3%


Microprocessor Integrated Circuits

Number of transistors per chip/die

1971-2011 38%

Power ICs Current Density 1993-2012 16.1%Camera chips Pixels per dollar 1983-2013 48.7%

Light sensitivity 1986-2008 18%MEMS for Artificial Eye

Number of Electrodes 2002-2009 45.6%

MEMS Printing Drops per second 1985-2009 61%Organic Transistors Mobility 1984-2007 94%Single Walled Carbon Nano-tube Transistors

1/Purity 1999-2011 32.1%Density 2006-2011 357%

Super-conducting Josephson Junctions

1/Clock period 1990-2010 20.3%1/Bit energy 1990-2010 19.8%Qubit Lifetimes 1999-2012 142%Number of bits/Qubit lifetime

2005-2013 137%


Table 1 Technologies with Recent Rapid Rates of Improvement (continued)TechnologyDomain

Sub-Technology Dimensions of measure Time Period

Improvement Rate Per Year


Photonics Data Capacity per Chip 1983-2011 39.0%Digital Computers Instructions per unit time 1947-2009 36%

Instructions per kw-hour 1947-2009 52%Quantum Computers Number of Qubits 2002-2012 107%

Information Storage

Magnetic Storage Bits per unit cost, disks 1956-2007 39%Bits per unit area, disks 1956-2007 43%Bits per unit cost, tape 1994-2011 33%Bits per unit area, tape 1994-2011 34%

Flash Memory Storage Capacity 2001-2013 47%Resistive RAM Storage Capacity 2006-2013 272%Ferro-electric RAM Storage Capacity 2001-2009 37%Magneto RAM Storage Capacity 2002-2011 58%Phase Change RAM Storage Capacity 2004-2012 63%

Information Transmission

Last Mile Wireline Bits per second 1982-2010 48.7%Wireless, Cellular Bits per second 1996-2013 79.1%Wireless, WLAN 1995-2010 58.4%

Materials Trans-formation

Carbon Nanotubes 1/Minimum Theoretical Energy for Production

1999-2008 86.3%

Biological Trans-formation

DNA Sequencing per unit cost 2001-2013 146%Synthesizing per unit cost 2002-2010 84.3%

Cellulosic Ethanol Output per cost 2001-2012 13.9%

WLAN: Wireless Local Area Network; RAM: random access memory; MEMS: microelectronic

mechanical systems. Sources: 38





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