W9 technology and the ageing society - hazel price




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Hazel Price

Programme Manager

Kent Whole System DemonstratorProgramme

Promoting & Sustaining Independence in a Community Setting

Promoting & Sustaining Independence in a Community Setting

Kent’s pedigreeTelecare

Started in July 2004 with 3 pilot sites.

By the time WSD commenced we had 6 sites with telecare with over 1,100 users.

Just another ‘tool in the bag’:

Part of support package, Personal budgets.

From the original pilot we knew :

93% felt more independent, 93% also felt safer in their own homes reduction in residential placements

Promoting & Sustaining Independence in a Community Setting

Kent Telehealth Evaluative Development PilotObjective:To progress and evaluate the exploitation of emerging Assistive Technology in the field of ‘Telehealth’ to improve the life outcomes of 250 older people with

chronic disease management requirements in Kent.

£1M funding from KCC.

Partnership with PCTs

250 TeleHealth monitors.

Pilot time line March 2005 to December 2007.

Health Ethics Approval.

Eligibility criteria.

Measuring health and quality of life.

Promoting & Sustaining Independence in a Community Setting

Summarising briefly, we found that Telehealth:

Brings piece of mind to patients and carers. Some patients and carers experienced life changing positive outcomes.

Reduced unscheduled hospital appointments and A&E visits.

It is estimated that over a six month period in 2006/7 theTelehealth intervention saved on average £1,878 per patient.

Promoting & Sustaining Independence in a Community Setting

So what savings could potentially be generated for Long Term Conditions management across Kent?

A rough extrapolation of the savings to Kent across the three LTCs of COPD; CHD and Diabetes using the 2006/7 HES data would generate a cost saving of around £7,560,000.

The range is a cost saving of £10,942,000 to £4,180,000

This figure is statistically significant at the 0.05 level which means we are 95% confident that the savings fall between these two figures.

Promoting & Sustaining Independence in a Community Setting

Whole System Demonstrator

Clinical concerns: Reduced contact ‘Too busy’ – more work Threat to role Increase anxiety, increase contact RTC & equality (both TH and TC)

Concerns about participants: Acceptability of the technology compliance

Success criteria: Telecare and telehealth success criteria from our pilots were key to delivery As was the Programme team with their unique mix of skills, knowledge and

experience WSD has seen telecare rolled out county wide.

Promoting & Sustaining Independence in a Community Setting



Pilots status since 2004 TC and TH not core business Staff & culture of continuous change Equitable access to services Demographics

What’s next?

Industrialisation of TC and TH Commissioning a Governing Body in the form of the Kent Technology

Strategy Group Developing a Strategy for AAT.

Changing commissioning practices rather than AAT being an additive!

Promoting & Sustaining Independence in a Community Setting

A vision for Kent?

To have a ‘platform’ that facilitates the use of a whole range of AAT to be used across a wide spectrum of users.


GP Consortia Personal budgets Self funders Personal health budgets Private/ family commissioning AAT market ‘the platform’

Challenges & opportunities?

GP consortia Data, sharing & privacy Private market Plug and play technology Infrastructure and support systems Cloud computing Smart metering

Promoting & Sustaining Independence in a Community Setting

Thank you

Any questions?

Hazel Price, Kent WSD Programme Manager
