Wallept intro


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Wallept. Loyalty the way it should be.

What is Wallept?

Wallept is a free service that lets you store all your loyalty cards and earn extra rewards at your favorite places

Leveraging tech to connect with customers

• Mass market: Any size business who would like to engage with customer at the point of sale

• Smartphone penetration: Has already passed the social tipping point

Why it matters for users?

Staying organizedNever lose loyalty points again

Exclusive rewards at their favorite places

Fun and interactive

Why it matters for businesses?

• Communication channel to engage with customers

• Increasing loyalty and repetitive customers

• Right Message, Right Location, Right Time

• Easy to use in-store; they just click the button on the back of the transceiver

That’s why merchants love us

You don’t see Wallept branded all over. We don’t have cute mascots. We provide branded solution for merchants

• Wallept company covers transceiver and marketing platform costs

• Participating businesses pay for increasing loyalty and encouraging repeated customers

• Marketers pay for driving traffic to nearby stores



Marketing• Wallept Transceiver as a physical reminder as well as the person in charge in the storeincentive users to engage with Wallept

• We organize events for chains and organize door to door sales for small businesses.Businesses like the concept since we provide them fully branded solution

Barriers to Entry

• Mobile application (First mover advantage)

• Participating businesses cannot quit easily for a competitor product since their existing loyal customer database is only secured within Wallept program


Team / Why us

• Product manufacture and technical background

• Both left Turkey for purpose of London market and working on it more than a year

• Impressive traction without seed funding with a team of two warriors :)

• No boundaries, highly adventurous, won’t stop until capturing the international markets as well

Onur KardeslerCo-founder & Product Manager

Ali Kutay YaraliCo-founder & Project Manager

Next Steps

• Bring Wallept to +1000 stores in central London

• Familiarize users to collect loyalty points with their smartphone every time they check-out

• POS implementation for paying goods/services while collecting loyalty points

Why invest now?

• First mover advantage

• Wallept is the loyalty it should be. Wallept Transceiver (Physical reminder) results high conversion rate providing real value to businesses

• No chicken and egg problem: Every business contribute to Wallept service as they incentivize users to participate

• Great team, excellent work

• Multiple exit opportunities that will result in high ROI

For further information and questions

