What You should Never Do with Your SEO Copywriting



SEO Copywriting Mistakes: Anthony Explains What You should Never Do with Your SEO Copywriting Get More Information from Here >>> http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2011-06-28/features/ct-tribu-weigel-anthony-morrison-20110628_1_automotive-parts-dorm-room-internet

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SEO Copywriting Mistakes: Anthony Explains

What You should Never Do with Your SEO Copywriting

SEO copywriting is not some fancy story telling or love songs sung by Google algorithms. It is quite a

complex process involving tricks and techniques if not followed accurately can ruin your entire SEO

copy. Due to this very sensitive nature of SEO, many people often misunderstand its techniques. They

become too obsessed with SEO that they start applying it wherever they find a place in the content, a

practice known as SEO spamming.

According to Anthony Morrison, sometimes even very skillful SEO experts perform some silly mistakes.

These mistakes look quite common; we do not pay heed to them thereby underestimating their

importance. Anthony Morrison is an expert internet marketer. He is a successful entrepreneur and a

millionaire with 20 active companies. He started his career from his room.

At the time, he was studying in college when his father lost their fortune in stocks. He then started his

home based internet marketing business. Soon his clientele increased from Australia to UK. Anthony runs

a number of charities. He is a bestselling author and a very motivating public speaker. He has designed

courses to help aspirants. To give further assistance to the aspirants, he runs infomercial series in which

he teaches novice how to become successful in internet marketing skills.

500 Words:

This is one of the most common mistakes. SEO experts think that in order to get good exposure they must

write at least 500 words articles and blog posts. In reality, Google does not see your word count. Only

thing that matters with Google is how you present factual and authentic information with proper

proportion of keywords.

Keyword Density:

This is one of the very annoying mistakes. Some new arrivals in the world of SEO think that in order to

get good ranking at Google it is very necessary to spread keywords and key phrases in correct proportion.

Google does not like keyword spamming neither your readers will like to read an article of 500 words

with 125 words reserved as so called keywords and key phrases.

Rubbish Updated Frequently:

It is emphasized in most of the articles, tutorials, guides and courses that you must keep updating your

blog and your website. But, this does not mean that you start filling the blog with crap. The content that

you upload on the blog must be original. It must contain valuable knowledge and is fact checked. Content

with too many keywords, grammatical mistakes and plagiarized from other websites is not going to work

anymore. And yes, don't forget Google Panda.

Product Description Vs Benefits:

Babbling and beating about the bush, nothing like this is going to work anymore. Instead of defining

features of a product, SEO writers must define its benefits. Today readers as well as search engines

require information on how your product is going to provide benefits. No one is interested in soft bristles

of your hairbrush until you define how these soft bristles are going to help our hairs.


Your post's title will play the game for you. The first and foremost thing that grabs attention of the reader

is title of your post. Whether it is a product or a blog post, the title must define what you are offering.

Include keyword and key phrase very carefully; they must blend with rest of the content.

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