Why should you work for a start up ?


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Why should you work for a start-up?


Krishni Miglani


• This Presentation is not another promotional post about how glorious is the life of start-ups.

• The approach here simply focuses on traits one should ideally possess to gel in a start-up team , so you can match up with yours and decide for yourselves.

• One can consider this more of a ‘Are you a cultural fit for a start-up?’ piece of information.

Let’s get this STARTED!

#1 Food for Mr. Hungry

Do you always have high expectations about the stuff you see?

It could be a history class, a Christopher Nolan movie, a birthday party or a blueberry

cheese cake you just had!

A part of you always wish , this could be BETTER. You strive for more, ALWAYS. Yes, this is an alternate phrase for passionate.

#2 Finisher

You’re not just a wishful thinker about stuff getting better, you actually make genuine

efforts to change it.

It could be the sad environment after losing a major competition or failing an exam, your

effort could be as minimal as setting the mood.It could be bigger things like coming up with solutions to electronic waste. What

is common, is finding solutions to the problem.

#4 Face to Face with Failure

You face failure with a smile! There’s a saying ‘the only people afraid of failing are

the ones who haven’t faced failure’

Yes! you’ve lost athletic races, scored a zero on some tests, fallen down trees while

climbing them like a ninja monkey(yup that’s a thing)! But your reply has always been , “Scars of a Warrior”. Ok, this is dramatic!

But you get the POINT.

#4 Five steps ahead of Facebook

You are ahead of the social media drama. Yes , Selfies , Party , Touristy photos aren’t YOUR thing. You know you have a life, you just don’t want the world to always know

what you’re upto.

This in no way means your lack of a social life. Just means you appreciate the smell of

surprises more.

#5 Friends with Risk

You like the thrill uncertainty gives you!

You like the fact that life is so unpredictable and that you’re gifted with the opportunity

to explore it.

You hear a funny noise in the night, you jump out of bed to see who is it?

Risk Lover Alert.

#6 Fighter

Not only are you a warrior < insert tree climbing reference here> , you also stand up

for what you believe in.

You’ve been called a passionate debater, a perspective changer, person fit to be a

lawyer…. Yup, same old drill! You fight for what you think is right.

#7 Fun-ny Person

There’s a PUN here. Not only are you fun with people, you also crack some lame

jokes. Haha! Kidding, just another way to say you’re fun and people like having you


#8 Fairly Autonomous

Just another way to say , you like working both in teams and as an autonomous unit.

You like the combination of working on ideas, alone and along with people.

#9 Feedback Seeker

While autonomy is enjoyed by you, you also seek feedback from the people you care


A little complement or two doesn’t harm. You don’t like flattery, but you appreciate an honest feedback . After all , it’s the only way

you get better next time, Right?


So,Here’s what you do :

Take a mental note of the number of YESs. If they’re more, you know where you will be

applying when you graduate.

If the number of NOs, have your resume ready for Mckinsey Already! There’s a lot of internships and achievements you need to

list there.

P.s. the love for alphabet F , just generated while preparing the Presentation.

No secret story attached there already.

Okay then, Thank you !
