Winner Mindset

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   Pham  Phu  Ngoc  Trai  December  2010  

The Winner is always part of the answer,

The Loser is always part of the problem.

The Winner always has a program The Loser always has an excuse

The Winner says, “Let me do it for you” The Loser says, “That is not my job”

The Winner sees an answer for every problem The Loser sees a problem for every answer

The Winner says “It may be difficult but it’s possible” The Loser says “It maybe possible but it’s too difficult”

When a Winner makes mistake, he says, “I was wrong”.

When a Loser make mistake, he says “It wasn’t my fault”.

A Winner makes commitments A Loser makes promises

Winners have dreams Losers have schemes

Winners say “I must do something” Losers say “Something must be done”

Winners are a part with the team Losers are apart of the team

Winners see the gain Losers see the pain

Winners see possibilities Losers see problems

Winners believe on Win/Win Losers believe for them to win someone has to loose

Winners see the potential Losers see the past

Winners are like the Thermostats Losers are like the Thermometers

Winners choose what they say Losers say what they choose

Winners stand firm on values but compromise on petty things

Losers stand firm on petty things but compromise on values

Winners make it happen Losers let it happen
