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Daily Edition I

Q1-Identify Him

Part of the seventh-generation. Its is the Fifth from the company.It focused more on interaction. The Company claims its success to occur to the ideas presented in the

business strategy book Blue Ocean Strategy. Its codename was "Revolution" later changed to E3. It was first marketed outside of its Home Country without the

company name featured in its trademark. The Companies reason for the name is as it doesnt require

any abbrevation & understood in most languages without any confusions. The BBC reported the day after the

name was announced that "a long list of puerile jokes, based on the name," had appeared on the Internet. It

was released on Sep 14 2006. What ?

Q2-Identify Him

Q3-Identify Him

Q4-Which Company Did They Start

Q5-Identify This Young Guy

Q6-Whose He

Q7-Whose Whe

Q8-Identify The Yellow Man


It has has Notable Employees Gautam Bhimani,Somnath Chatterjee,Vishal Bharadwaj,Sonam Kapoor,Ranvir

Shorey,Vinay Pathak,Harsha Bhogle ?

Q10-Identify Him

Q11-Which CEO

Q12-Identify Him

Q13-Whose He


Which is the third longest-running entertainment program in U.S. television

history, after Guiding Light and Hallmark Hall of Fame?
