10 Things Facilities Managers Can Do To Rise As Leaders

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LEADERSmust do to rise as



If you are looking to advance into a top facilities leadership position, here are 10 things you should add to your

everyday checklist...

WhiLE A top LEADERS’ nAtuRAL inStinctS ARE much of WhAt hELpED thEm RiSE to thE top, mAny of


No oNe persoN caN build aN orgaNizatioN aloNe - the key is to recogNize this aNd act accordiNgly.

A truly successful leader surrounds themselves with a great team, people who lift each other up, as you all work towards the same common goal.

Once your goals are met, share the rewards with everyone, as this recognition provides everyone with a powerful energy to move on to the next task.

1Connect with your people®

While it is Natural iNstiNct to focus oN the daily griNd,churNiNg through the most urgeNt matters, a truly great fm leader keeps their focus oN loNg-term goals at all times.

While it is important to ensure short-term goals are met, those that come out on top recognize what is most important... channeling as many of their short-term goals as they can to work towards a successful big picture.

2 Keep your eye on the prize


to be a truly great leader, you may Not alWays be able to be likable, but if you are respected, you Will alWays be able to coNviNce those arouNd you to do What they Need to do to get the job doNe.

One of the most powerful things top fm leaders can do to earn respect is leading by example. After all, there is always someone sitting in the background observing.

3 Gain respect leadingby example


What sets a leader apart from the pack is their thirst for kNoWledge. they are oN aN active pursuit - seekiNg to learN.

This self-motivation automatically puts them on the leader podium, and to share what they learn with the rest of their colleagues.

4 Never stop teaching®

actively aNalyziNg, listeNiNg aNd reWardiNg for great Work turNs a simple maNager iNto agreat leader. fear of losiNg their positioN to someoNe else’s success causes maNagers to take top performers for graNted; do that, aNd the eNtire village Will crumble.

“A true leader, on the other hand, takes his or her team members’ accomplishments as a point of pride, and recognizes that the mark of a great leader isn’t creating followers--but instead developing other leaders.”

5 Reward the success of others (rather than being threatened by it)


successful leaders Never fall iNto the “blame game” trap.

One must recognize that, regardless of how or why the team falls short, the true blame falls on them as the leader.

6 Accept responsibility


provide members of your team With a clear uNderstaNdiNg of What is expected. fear that traNspareNcy Will make you lose the upper haNd sets the eNtire team up for failure, makiNg you a mere micro-maNager as opposed to a great leader.

Even more important is to ensure your teammates are comfortable being open and honest with you. Communication is a two-way street, so your success as a leader hinges on your ability to allow others to voice their perspectives and opinions as well.

7 Communication Is KeyCommunication is key7®

you must have the ability to make quick decisioNs if you WaNt to emerge as a successful leader.

Top leaders keep the momentum going at all times, by shifting gears as needs arise. Rather than making your team come to you, arm them with the tools they need to make their own decisions. Remember, their successes are your successes too.

8 Making decisions


those that have fought their Way to the top are Not afraid to ask questioNs aNd seek couNsel, eveN WheN they thiNk they already have all the aNsWers.

Successful workspace leaders have committed to bettering themselves daily through the wisdom of those around them.

9 Never stop asking questions


true pioNeers are Not leaders for the poWer, but for the impact they caN make oN those arouNd them. at the eNd of the day, your positioN is about serviNg the Needs of others- there is No Way to truly do this Without loviNg What you do.

Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.

– Steve Jobs

10 Enjoy your chosen profession

