20131102 kanjava lt_private

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The Room, Kanjava, and myself

2013.11.02 関ジャバ

@Uemmra3 うえむら たかひろ (自称)フルスタック



This is not a presentation for learning,just only NETA LT :-)

I always speak Japanese, but today I‘ll try to introduce myself in English.


I’m having a dream.

Someday I want to go JavaOne. !





my spec.




my spec.


Java beginner

my spec.

It’s a pity…





Do you want to go to JavaOne?

Do you know Kanjava?

To tell you the truth,This is my second Kanjava impact.






So, let me introduce myselfname なまえ

activity かつどう

motto 座右の銘


@Uemmra3 !

うえむら たかひろ 上村 卓弘 ちょいえむ?

SIer勤務 毎週木曜日に#GeekBearでのんだくれる !

Always NanameUe! 常に斜め上!

I’m working at Umeda.

Oracle office

One more thing.

The most favorite one in XP-value is


Favorite community(1)!


I sometimes went to Android event at Osaka in 2010. And I started to know these friends:

I enjoy SNS :-)

Favorite community(2)After black history in Tokyo,I always go to FirefoxOS event in Osaka 2013.

LT with my son (age of 7) at 8/31(remember NanameUe)

My career is … chaos.ABAP/4

LSI design(VerilogHDL, VHDL), ARM, FPGA

Java (mobile, and server)


system administrator(FreeBSD / Windows Server)

3D CAD(C# / C++ / VBA)…That’s why I call myself as a “full-stack-engineer”.#カオスな鯛 permitted by backpaper0

Let’s focus on Java.ABAP/4

LSI design(VerilogHDL, VHDL), ARM, FPGA

Java (mobile, and server)


system administrator(FreeBSD / Windows Server)

3D CAD(C# / C++ / VBA)…#カオスな鯛 permitted by backpaper0

At late 2008, I started to develope Java-based system.

something like stress-management.

client (feature-phone docomo, au, SoftBank)


( ・ω・)モニュ?Dipendency Injection? Is it tasty?(DI?何それ美味しいの?)

I called a Java specialist, motchy5082 for help.(Javaの得意な後輩を召還)

_人人人人人人人人人人_ > @auther 谷本 心 <


I read the source-cord.

Who is he?

I googled.

I found a blog and like it.

When I started to use Twitter, I followed him.

Time passed by…..

In this July, I joined an event at Kyoto.

I’m not sure if it’s real Kanjava.

Anyway, I enjoyed it.

I was knowing …Kanjava is made by @cero_t…?



_人人人人人人人人人人_ > @auther 谷本 心 <


Time passed by.

Oct 28(this week).




He loves “homuhomu” and “mami-san”.

He loves Java and object-oriented development,especially Seasar2.

He loves trains, cameras, journey, audio, and miku-san.

about: motchy5082

to know more, jump to the website!

Twitter: @Uemmra3

blog: http://d.hatena.ne.jp/Uemmra3/

github: @Uemmra3(real beginner///)

Any Questions?


Thank you for listening.Let’s enjoy Java!
