6 steps to evaluate a job description - Part 2 (career advice - tips and tricks - insider...

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Discover 6 steps to evaluate a job description, from Boston tech insider CareerEncore. We’ll help you land your ideal job. More info: http://www.CareerEncore.com . Subscribe to CareerEncore for more Insider presentations, tips and tricks, and exclusive advice. If you are a professional looking to further your career, CareerEncore is happy to help. Specializing in hiring throughout the Technology industry, CareerEncore has positions available for programmers, developers, designers, engineers, and much more, and can help you get the job that's right for you and your unique skills. Check out our website at http://www.CareerEncore.com/ View our open positions at http://www.CareerEncore.com/Jobs/ Email us at Recruiter@CareerEncore.com

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• Thousands of jobs are posted every week • Job seekers must determine:

– which job openings suit them best – which job openings they are qualified for

• Here are the final 3 of the top 6 essential steps to evaluating job descriptions…

Step 4: Down to Brass Tacks

• Are you willing to…– relocate– telecommute– travel extensively– endure a long commute

• If a job requires a commitment you’re unwilling to make, or would put a tremendous strain on your personal life…– you should keep looking

Step 4: Down to Brass Tacks

• Hiring managers often omit salary information from job descriptions– use noncommittal phrases, like “commensurate with experience”

• Get a feel for what the position might pay…– search for similar listings that do post salary info– visit online resources, like Salary.com

• Don’t rule out a position simply because it pays less than your current job– ensure the opening’s positive factors compensate for any cut in wages

Step 4: Down to Brass Tacks

• Listings may ask for a salary history • Translate past wages into annualized numbers for easy comparison• If applying for a sales job, quote previous base salaries & commissions• If your salary history does not justify getting paid what an opening is offering…

– make sure you’re not significantly overreaching– ensure your portfolio can compensate

Step 5: Where Do You Fit in the Timeline

• Many professionals move from one full-time, permanent position to another• Some professionals are used to contract positions with fixed lengths• Don’t exclude a position based solely on its length

– especially in a tight market or when trying to break into an industry

• A contract or temp-to-hire job could be a stepping stone to the perfect job

Step 5: Where Do You Fit in the Timeline

• Keep in mind how soon you’ll be expected to start – If you need 3 weeks to relocate, but you’re expected to start next Monday

• clearly, this is not the job for you. – If the opening sounds great, but the starting date is 3 months out

• consider if you can wait that long• consider taking on temporary work before your full-time role begins

Step 6: There’s No Need for Concessions

• Many candidates who work with CareerEncore because they are dissatisfied with their current job…– only took their current job because they knew it would be easy to get

• If you are rationalizing multiple negatives and overlooking apparent downsides– keep looking ; there is a better job opening out there for you

Step 5: There’s No Need for Concessions

• Don’t waste your time applying to several positions you could “tolerate”– narrow down the listings to a handful of openings you are sincerely interested in

• Especially after a long fruitless search, it’s easy to get overexcited– take a break and look back at the listing later– ensure your initial enthusiasm didn’t cloud your judgment

Conclusion• Evaluating job listings can be a long and tedious process • Most professionals spend decades building their careers

– searching for a job in which you will flourish is worth the initial time investment

• If you, or someone you know, is looking for a job and would like to partner with an industry-insider…– Reach out to CareerEncore:

• Recruiter@CareerEncore.com• (617) 242-4443


• Adapted with help from:– Miriam, http://bit.ly/Me2rW2– Teresa, http://bit.ly/K1UqHI)

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