Econsultancy Adv Email Marketing Roundtable June 2009

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I'm currently editing a new best practice report on Email Marketing for Econsultancy. As part of the research for this report we invited client-side email marketers to discuss the main challenges of email marketing and also to validate a diagnostic tool for assessing email marketing capability.

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  • 1. Email Marketing roundtable 13:00 - 15:004th June 2009 Facilitators:Dave Chaffey, Marketing Insights Ltd Peter Abrahams, Econsultancy

2. The biggest challenge in Email marketing? 3. Todays topic: improving engagement and value 4. How refined is youremail marketing capability? Presented by Grant Baillie of Argos at 2008 Email marketing conference, with permission 5. Agenda - Discussion topics

  • Benchmarking Best Practice What is your current capability?
  • A. Goal setting for email marketing what are your KPIs for recipient engagement and value?
  • B. Customer Insight and email analytics sophistication of customer analysis
  • C. Segmentation, targeting and personalisation layers of segmentation?
  • D. Marketing integration integration with direct mail
  • E. Test and Learn use of structured testing and evaluation
  • Discussion, sharing experiences of current advanced Email marketing techniquesincluding
    • Segmentation
    • Behavioural Targeting through event-triggered emails
    • Dynamic content insertion
    • Testing and Optimisation of creative including new approaches such as social email, video email and pre-headers.
    • Your top "Advanced Email Marketing Tips"
  • Other email marketing challenges / opportunities?
  • Deliverability still a headache? What developments here? Ever more sophistication needed (throttling by ISP, SenderScore, multiple IP ranges etc.)
  • Email challenges with range of email clients e.g. issues with Office 2007?
  • Multi-channel marketing e.g. e-mail / DM any progress / developments here?
  • List building developments in best practice? How to grow list of quality customers most effectively?

6. Whats working well for you?

  • Please give your top
  • "Advanced Email Marketing Tips
  • Obvious or less obvious. Examples:
  • - Triggered email following on-site search
  • - Reviewing conversion rates of different features
  • - Broadcasting according to last opened/clicked

7. Email capability model review 8. Q. Which targeting factors give best response? 9. Example of dynamiccontent insertion Presented by Grant Baillie of Argos at 2008 Email marketing conference,, with permisssion Tip.Change order of offers or features according to segment to increase relevance 10. The Argos approach: Identifying unfulfilled intent Tip.Identify Next best heroproduct for each category 11. Personalised British Airways Trip Guide Personalized with customer name Direct link to My booking area of Search fields pre-populated with customer travel dates and destination Customized destination information including sightseeing and airport info Source: 12. Targeting customers according to value Customer potential Customer quality high low low high One time shoppers with low potential Average customers Good customers Very good customers15 % 15 % 60 % 10 % Indicators for customer quality Indicators for customer potential

  • Order value per received catalogue
  • Order value per season
  • Gross margin in % of net sales
  • Returns in % of order value
  • Last date of purchase
  • Number of active seasons
  • Channel usage score
  • Number of different product categories

Source: Chris Poad, Otto, E-consultancy Masterclass 2006 13. The eBay approach: segmentation layers 14. Behavioural Email development Entry level 5 - 8 triggers Medium level 17 30 triggers Upper level 20 50 triggers Nirvana 50 500 triggers Nursery program Site Activity program Full marketing email program Customer service emails Source: Customers Welcome email Behavioural Cross sell Regular marketing emails Sitesegmented Activity flagging RFM Predictive Lapsed /Churn By product Site down apology Birthday/ Xmas Emails Repeat abandoner Future Release alert Back in stock alert Lapsed Activity Non cross sell Not returned in 14 daysNotre-purchased in 14 daysProcess abandonment X-sell programme By product Newsletter Not transacted By content group visited Content triggers 15. Learn more through time 16. Incentivising multichannel purchase 17. 18. The Argos approach: Identifying unfulfilled intent Tip.Identify Next best heroproduct for each category 19. Q. How can I build in testing Sixteen testing ideas

  • Testingcopyin e-mail headers different subject lines and from addresses.
  • MakingPre-headersmore persuasive
  • Differentoffers does 10% discount or 50 off work best it is usually the latter. Are secondary offers useful in elevating the overall response?
  • Differenttemplate layoutdesigns
  • Timingof broadcast on different days of the week, times of day
  • Text vs HTML , Embedded versus linkedimages
  • Tone of voicein copy / personality of e-mail.
  • Long vs short copy
  • Calls-to-action(number and location of links)
  • Personalisationfortargetingand dynamic messaging
  • Use ofvideoandanimation
  • Incorporatingsocial mediaand customer involvement
  • Integrationwith othermedia(e.g. e-mail teaser before DM or response mechanism after DM).
  • Which newsletter or solus e-mailtemplateis most effective?
  • Whichfrequency intervalfor a newsletter maximises revenue (while avoiding perceptions of SPAM)
  • Touch strategy for event triggered e-mail which sequence of offers and intervals between them work best?

20. Test video 21. 22. Make your emails social!

  • Web 2.0=Participation + Interactivity + dialogue :
  • Creation ofuser generated content users cancomment on blogs or upload videos and areupdated by feeds.
  • Rating of content and online services social bookmarking services such as deli-cious and Traceback comments on some blogs.
  • Mashups Different types of content are merged, for example YouTube videos or Google Maps can be integrated into a web site. Widgets or gadgets can be integrated into users home pages on social networks or personalised home pages like Netvides or iGoogle ( ).

23. 24. 25. 26. Optimise your pre-headers! 27. Make your Emails mobile 28. 29.

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  • Any questions, any time, do e-mail me:
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