Finding Your Professional Sweet Spot - Get Clarity!

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Every individual and business wants to hit home runs instead of foul balls. It comes down to gaining clarity about your "sweet spot" - the intersection of DNA, skills, passion, and value. For that, we often need an outside set of eyes...

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Finding Your Professional Sweet

Spotby Steve Woodruff, Clarity Therapist

You want to be a home-run hitter in business,


(please tell me you don’t aspire to hit foul balls all day)

The greatest hitters, in baseball and business, know one very important secret.

Where the “sweet spot” is.

So, what’s your sweet spot?

We’re not talking about the local candy store here…

We’re talking about the intersection of your DNA, your skills, your passion, and your value to others.

The more closely those are aligned, the more extra-base hits you’re going to have.

Your DNA is your unique “wiring” – your makeup and strengths that make you awesome at something.

But you need more than the raw materials of your internal makeup…

Your skills are the acquired abilities you’ve gained through diligent experience.

Skills are great, and can earn a paycheck. But you also want the internal fire that drives you forward…

Your passion is best described as what you hunger to accomplish.

Passion will drive you to move heaven and earth, but somebody has to pay you for your services…

So how do you add value to others such that they are willing to hand over dollars for what you do?

Your professional sweet spot (as an individual or as a business) is where DNA, skills, passion and value

come together.

Are you there?

If not, how do you get there?

You may need an outside view in order to gain clarity and discover your “fit” in the marketplace.

Because “You can’t read the label of the jar you’re in.”

If you need a Clarity Therapist, I can help.

You can find me here:

Because we all need a little clarity to find our sweet spot!

Thank you!