From Kalyani To Chillibreeze!

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Hi Chillibreeze! This is in response to your job offer for a Wordpress Solutions Architect. Do take a few minutes to go through the slideshow. Thanks! Kalyani Suresh

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Hello Chillibreeze!

My name is

Kalyani Suresh

• I can be the one you’re looking for to help you add that magic touch to your websites!

You can get in touch with me :


But why would you choose me ?

Well…not maybe because…….I am a Gold medalist in B.A English


Chancellor William Shakespeare

We certify that you did great!”

…and an M.A and MPhil in Mass Media and Communication….

Marshall McLuhan,

the Mass Media expert, said:

‘The Medium is the Message’ I totally


…or because …

…I helped my husband in the creative department of his ad agency…and also got an M.B.A degree to get some insight into the ‘business’ side of advertising…

…and along the way also managed to set up an online professional course in Mass

Communication for disadvantaged students around the world……

Hey! I even won a cool Volunteer of the Year Award (2004) for it from UNDP! Awesome! :P

…or because…

• ….my son came along…. and motherhood saw me working overtime for another award…that of the # 1 mom!

…or that after 5 sleepless years of researching the social aspects of the Internet…

… I got my PhD in Communication !

…or that during this time, I scoured the Internet like

crazy and got hooked to the magic of networking….

or that I am slowly climbing the social networking ladder...

I am a content producer’ …I blog…

…I @sureshkalyani tweet…

…my iGoogle homepage is full of RSS feeds of internet related weblogs and

discussion forums…

I freelance…I am part of the writers’ team @

I “Digg” too!

Ahem! So…you ask politely…why would you consider me for the job?

…well, here’s why….

I might be a rookietoday with no real experience in……

• …web development

• • …or as a


• …or web developer

• …or in online marketing

…but I may be a spearhead tomorrow because…

• I am creative

• I have good communication skills

• I am a self-taught techie

• I have a passion for new Content and understand the dynamics

• of the technology behind It all…

• I am a people’s person… offline and online!

• I am good at multi-tasking!

To finally sum up what I am…

I am a creative, multi-tasking ‘@home freelancer’ who is also a tech savvy social media addict…

…and I am ready to connect the dots to create the words….I can deliver!

I have style (creative!) and substance (bringing value addition!)….the winning combo that you are looking for!!

Thank you!