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A presentation I gave today (30/6/10) at the Futurising Conference in London on using social media for 'self promotion' or more specifically how you can use social tools to further your career. Note, most of the images click through to web pages.

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Promoting yourself via social media

Dirk Singer, Twitter - dirktherabbit

The results?

• $6 in Google Ad Words for five creative directors, resulted in:

• Four job interviews

• Two job offers

• 700k+ YouTube views

• Countless blog and online coverage

My Google search profile

I’ve got an extensive digital footprint, as you’d expect - I’m

also easily found due to an unusual name. But I could do better, over

half the links on here point to things from my previous job 6+

months ago

However, I’ve won at least one piece of business when someone

Googled me (and a colleague from Rabbit) to make sure we really

were active in social media

Where to find me

• Twitter - twitter.com/dirktherabbit

• Blog - liesdamnedliesstatistics.com

• LinkedIn

• Netvibes - netvibes.com/dirkthecow

• Slideshare - dirkthecow

• Flavors.me/dirktherabbit

• (Also Foursquare, Gowalla)

• I am on Facebook...but have enabled all the privacy settings, and encourage anyone using social media professionally to do the same!

From Rabbit - we generally hire via social media

Two people we hired via social media - @louisedoherty (account director and founder Rabbit), @zoewithdots (consultant, starts tomorrow and found when we were looking for a graduate - our starting point was to go through our existing Twitter lists). We took people we already

knew online - and will probably continue to go so going forward

And we’re not alone...

Challenger, Gray and Christmas did a survey on the most effective way of getting a job among HR managers. Bottom came the old school methods of classified ads - classifieds having once been the lifeblood of regional papers - and turning up at a job fair.

And we’re not alone...• A US survey from careerbuilder.com:

• 45% of employers will research a candidate via social media: 29% use Facebook, 26% use LinkedIn and 21% use MySpace, the survey found.  One-in-ten (11% ) search blogs, while 7% follow candidates on Twitter

• 53% of survey respondents rejected candidates because they posted provocative or inappropriate photographs or information.

• 44% passed on a candidate because they saw content related to the person drinking or using drugs.

• 35% rejected candidates because they bad-mouthed their previous employer, co-workers or clients.

• 24% rejected a candidate because that person lied about his/her qualifications.

• 20% did not hire a candidate because social media revealed that person had shared confidential information from a previous employer

Why is a good online footprint important?

• It gives an idea of your personality - much more than a CV (or printed document through the post) ever will

• It shows how you communicate and your interests

• It’s convenient - click through links to find out more

• If a job seeker - it shows you are proactive

• It protects your search engine reputation (which is your reputation)

But it’s important to get what you say absolutely right

(When looking at an online profile or website): “Customers make a decision within 50 milliseconds about whether or not they trust the firm, and want to do business with them...or not.”(Brandflakesforbreakfast)

A look at different tools to use

Using individual social tools

Blogging tools - good for expressing ideas, showcasing expertise...but update at least once a week

Tumblr - Online scrapbook

Posterous - Light, easy to use

blogging platform

Blogger and wordpress -

blogging tools

Using Twitter

Disproportionately used by so-called


Unlike Facebook, acceptable and

normal to connect with strangers

Use of lists - a very powerful

networking tool

• Create a biog and profile that tells people a bit about yourself with link

• Select 50 people you’d like to follow - mix of industry influencers (use lists) and people you know

• Grow your follower / following list organically - don’t (e.g.) follow 500, and only have 50 following you back

• Listen but say something too - people won’t follow back a blank page

• Start by responding to what people are saying (means they will see you), then move onto to posting links / interesting news

Starting a Twitter profile


• Bottom line - make sure you have a profile. It can serve as a substitute CV (send out the link)

• Fill in all the career information, find people from previous jobs / companies

• If a small business, claim it on LinkedIn

• Don’t be shy to ask for recommendations - what people say can be used in future job applications

• Link to blogs, presentations etc on LinkedIn

• Join the special interest groups

And what about Facebook?

In a word - don’t.By all means, like

Facebook fan pages, or create your own. But

when it comes to yourself, think about ticking all the

privacy settings

Go to http://www.reclaimprivacy.org/to check your Facebook


Thank you for your time!

Contact me - email dirk at therabbitagency.com