How to prepare for a job interview?

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Here we hope to make job seekers aware of what is needed to prepare for a job interview.

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  • 1.How To Knock Them Out In An Interview Get selected for your dream job! 1 Strategies To Surprise Even The Toughest Interview Board

2. Interview: A key to unlock the job door2 Appearing for an interview is a high stake step to get your dream job; you are not alone if you find it stressful Before appearing for an interview, the key to remember is: prepare, prepare and prepare to stand out Interviewing is stressful, but it is like pregnancy to get your life baby Tip: It is totally natural to be nervous and terrified before an interview, but being prepared for any situation can give you loads of confidence. Tip: It is totally natural to be nervous and terrified before an interview, but being prepared for any situation can give you loads of confidence. 3. Behavioral Interviewing Open ended questions: These often begin with Tell Me, Describe,When, when did you last.. Close-ended questions: used to confirm a information provided by you Why questions: Used to find your level of confidence and motivation 3 The following are the examples of likely questions that may be asked during an behavioral interview. Tip: Be straightforward in answering questions and choose your words carefully. Tip: Be straightforward in answering questions and choose your words carefully. 4. Why you should prepare for behavioral interviews? Are better equipped for conventional interviews Describe their skills better when asked by the interviewer It sends a message to the employer that you are different and have execution skills. 4 Job seekers who are well versed with this style of interview : Tip: Go through the probable questions that might be asked and prepare their answers with specific examples to illustrate them Tip: Go through the probable questions that might be asked and prepare their answers with specific examples to illustrate them 5. 5 Every job seeker has a large skillset, but only few know how to reference them If you are able to identify your skills you can choose and get the right job easily Skills categorized into three major categories: Occupational Skills Performance Based Skills Transferable Skills Skills Identification Tip: Polish your skills regularly to better equip yourself for enhanced performance. Tip: Polish your skills regularly to better equip yourself for enhanced performance. 6. All About Interview 6 7. They are looking to see if your technical skills match the job requirements They ask specific questions to see if you will be a good match for a particular team They look for specific qualities or behaviours to ensure that you will be successful on the job They want to know what contributions you can make to their institution 7 What are employers looking for? Tip: Dont try too hard to impress your employers, in any case if they find you worthy they will consider you anyhow. Tip: Dont try too hard to impress your employers, in any case if they find you worthy they will consider you anyhow. 8. Common Interview Questions Tell me about yourself? Why are you interested in this job? What are your strengths and weaknesses? What skills can you bring to the job and to this company? What did you do in your last job? What were your achievements in your previous jobs Why did you leave your last job? 8 Tip: You can direct the interview towards your strengths and focus on the contributions you can make to the company. Tip: You can direct the interview towards your strengths and focus on the contributions you can make to the company. 9. Interview Preparation The key to any success is good preparation; the same applies to interview You must know and remember the mission of the company you are interviewing for Prepare your answers around: why should they hire me Do a few mock interviews For academic interview, get help from a trusted faculty or administrator When asked a question, do not hesitate and maintain an eye contact Prepare some answers to common interview questions Remember first impression is a lasting impression, so start strong 9 Tip: You can seek help from friends, family and the internet, where there are many job portals, who can guide you and help you crack an interview. Tip: You can seek help from friends, family and the internet, where there are many job portals, who can guide you and help you crack an interview. 10. About Finding a dream job or a right candidate is like finding a pearl in an oyster & can help you find that Pearl. is a niche Canadian job board which is specialized in academic and research job posting for colleges, universities, research centres, and institutions looking to hire candidates with advanced education and qualifications. 10
